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Hey guys. I'm having a problem with my clojurescript cljsbuild setup. I'm trying to have a <button>'s onclick attribute set to a Clojurescript function in my core.cljs file defined with an ^:export meta tag. I included the outputted file from my js folder in resources/public which is clojurescript.js. I set the onclick attribute of the button to cljs.core.greet(), but when I click the button, I get that cljs is not defined. What's going on here ?


I have advanced optimizations for my Clojurescript build in case it helps


@jmb do you have a function greet in a file cljs/core, given that you have source-path "src" (maybe among other source-paths) then it would be "ROOT/src/cljs/core.cljs" in which file you have

(ns cljs.core)
(defn :^export greet [] (println "Hello World"))
if so, does it work with other optimizations than :advanced?


@hlolli Yes I have that exact same function except it has (js/alert "It worked") inside. I'm experimenting right now in another branch if it works with other optimizations like :none


it shouldn't matter, Im right now running exported function in an advanced compiled browser code. Actually on shadow-cljs, it has some extern stuff prepacked so it may differ.


I suppose. I just wanted to simply setup Clojurescript so I can provide basic functionality to the site without having to write Javascript


yes, I tested this and it works, I can send you a zip file if you want?


That'd be great

koala punch13:02:33

hi, i’ve been trying to get code completion working with either lein figwheel or boot cljs with no success

koala punch13:02:44

this is using vim

koala punch13:02:50

anyone managed to get this working?

koala punch13:02:21

seems to be fine for standard clojure, but clojurescript seems to fail. i think it’s something to do with integration between fireplace and the clojurescript repl

koala punch13:02:02

i can evaluate the code, but just can’t seem to get the inline docs or code completion to work

koala punch13:02:10

sorry i didn’t realise there is a vim-fireplace channel, i’ll ask in there


I too had issues and I think the solution is in properly setting up piggieback, the middleware for interfacing clojurescript on an nREPL. I ended up using Cursive with a vim extension instead, but I hope you work it out. It should work out of the box.

koala punch23:02:38

hi, just read this

koala punch23:02:46

i got it all working today with vim

koala punch23:02:51

so let me know if you need any help

koala punch23:02:09

i had a lot of problems with the boot-cljs repl, but once i started using figwheel things got a lot easier

koala punch23:02:25

i now have automatic code complete working in neovim, using piggieback 🙂

koala punch23:02:56

using it to learn reagent, which seems to be a super nice library


I’m trying to use transit to send and receive messages between a JS and CLJS app. I’m using transit-js for JS and transit-cljs for CLJS. Do I need to write custom deserializers for receiving EDN in JS as JSON?


Reading on the JS side is returning a TransitArrayMap. I was expecting JSON 😕


transit represents a lot of things json can't, I think you'll need to make your own translator


if everything needs to be a subset of json, you don't need transit and you can just use a json formatter directly


@noisesmith What would you suggest?


I’m communicating with a JS app that expects JSON, CLJS app is sending EDN with keywords, otherwise nothing fancy. I thought clj->js was slow, so introduced transit to avoid that


clj->js is slow, but if you know the overall shape of the data you need to make, you can do something much more performant


the other option is for the js to use the actual cljs data types


haven't done any benchmarks but I doubt that clj->js is slower than transit.


thats comparing reading JSON and then transforming via js->clj not clj->js


if you are crossing the network then yes transit will probably be faster. if not clj->js should win.


To clarify I’m doing that operation as well. Just trying to have a JS and CLJS communicate with data as performantly as possible, each with their native data formats (EDN for CLJS, JSON for JS)


Hm ok. It’s across a webworker with postMessage/onmessage


ah ok. then yes transit will be better.


Ok. Phew 🙂. So only problem I think I’m having is that JS side transit-js/read returns some transit-js object, not JSON. Trying to get to JSON


the string is json before you call transit-js/read, if you use :json or :json-verbose as the format


it might not be easy to use json, but it will definitely be json


Ah. Ok. So that gets somewhere. If the CLJS side encodes in :json-verbose I get vanilla JSON that I can parse on the JS side


I thought :json was faster, so I was using that. The raw message I receive with it is transit encoded. Reading it with transit-js produces a transit Javascript object, which I’d then need to turn into JSON…


Should I call it good enough with using :json-verbose?


the raw message the :json encoding creates is valid json, but constructed in such a way as to optimize message size and memory usage


rather than being an inutitive mapping of the input


it really depends on what your performance and space needs are, but I'd suspect using :json-verbose would be ideal


Thanks for your help


@goldsmith.tee It would be interesting to know whether the patch in resolves your Java 9 issue. Details on trying a patch are here


Hi, I’m trying to use the npm-deps feature per this post ( I’m using the aws-amplify library. The build seems to be fine, a package.json was created, I see the lib in node-modules, etc. I’m running into an issue when I try to require the module. In both requires’s in the repl and :require in namespace declarations, I’m getting the assertion failure regarding “aws-amplify” not being a symbol. I’ve seen similar issues discussed in the archives, but it’s not clear what the solution is. I’m on 1.9.946, most of the stuff I saw discussed the issue in the context of earlier versions


@U380J7PAQ I’ve not had good luck with that feature. It’s very hard to figure out what is wrong when it doesn’t work. I’d suggest either using foreign-libs or, if you are importing a lot of stuff via npm use shadow-cljs as that allows you to just use npm or yarn directly. I’ve had a really good experience with shadow


ok thanks, that’s great to know. I saw something about shadow-cljs, will check it out I know this is a knotty problem and lots of ‘clogenuises’ are working it, but it’s kinda hard to get a clear read on what’s best like ‘now’ lol Thanks again


ClojureScript master should also have much improved support for Node packages (though might also have regressions)