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I’ve seen David Nolan’s webinar on using core.async for UI, anyone know of any further material specifically for architecting UI components with core.async?
Tonsky implements a flux-like architecture with core.aysnc here:
There’s also Goya
If you look at the code, he uses core.async for a “command channel”…I’m guessing similar to an actions channel
He also uses it for queuing UI events
Is there a documentation for cljs reader? Either a reference or a diff from Clojure.
Hmm, found #js
here, but it's quite obscure:
@dottedmag AFAIK, ClojureScript uses tools.reader:
and #js
tagged literal is implemented here by ClojureScript:
@darwin Thanks. I have already found it, so it was mostly a grumbling about the docs status. Built-in tagged literals ought to be prominently specified in docs. I suppose I should go and add it there.
Also, I'm having a hard time getting cljs.spec
to work:
cljs.user=> (require '[cljs.spec :as s])
cljs.user=> (s/conform object? {})
#object[Error Error: No protocol method Spec.conform* defined for type function: function cljs$core$object_QMARK_(x){
if(!((x == null))){
return (x.constructor === Object);
} else {
return false;
cljs$core$missing_protocol (jar:file:/Users/dottedmag/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.9.293/clojurescript-1.9.293.jar!/cljs/core.cljs:282:7)
cljs.user=> (s/conform even? 1)
#object[Error Error: No protocol method Spec.conform* defined for type function: function cljs$core$even_QMARK_(n){
return ((n & (1)) === (0));
} else {
throw (new Error([cljs.core.str("Argument must be an integer: "),cljs.core.str(n)].join('')));
cljs$core$missing_protocol (jar:file:/Users/dottedmag/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.9.293/clojurescript-1.9.293.jar!/cljs/core.cljs:282:7)
I have tried to create a spec via (s/def ::even? (s/and number? even?))
, but passing it to s/conform
gives me No protocol method Spec.conform* defined for type cljs.core/Keyword: :cljs.user/even?
. Looks like something is broken at my side, as it's a copy-paste from cljs test suite.
@dottedmag I have just tested it in my cljs repl and the code works for me, I’m not seeing the error you are getting
Is there a way to tell REPL not to print function bodies? function cljs$core$object_QMARK_(x)
would be more than enough to read the error messages.
@dottedmag You can (set! js/Function.prototype.toString ...
but no way back from it unless you save it somewhere
hihi. can I ask, how do I do CSRF protection with ring in case of ajax single page application?
@leov when you generate the initial page, put the CSRF token inside <meta> tag in the html <head>. then before you ajax POST, grab that CSRF token from <meta> tag and put that in your POST data.
is there a good way to figure how much each dependency is contributing to the js output size (after advanced optimizations)
@isak how much size are we talking about?
I've worked on applications that were 30MB of JS that after adv compilation + gzip ended up at 200KB or so.
@tbaldridge : it was about 2-3 mb raw, then ~500 KB gzipped
@isak at times I've resorted to reading through the JS output and looking for anything that seems out-of-place. Like large string constants that someone has included for some reason, HTML that's been pasted into the source, etc.
I've also read through my deps list and tried to reason about what would possibly be creating large registries of references to functions that could otherwise be removed, but that also takes a lot of staring at a screen and thinking.
500KB seems pretty high though,
@tbaldridge : interesting, thanks
@isak module splitting is potentially even less reliable since the code split happens at fn level
@dnolen: yeah i have a lot of foreign deps (cljsjs stuff with externs). Just trying to get an idea of the sizes, so I can evaluate whether it is worth it to remove the dependency
Why is react-toolbox/tab not being called in this piece of React code:
That’s the definition of tab. I added a print statement there and it’s not being called.
using the contents directly is a child of react-toolbox/tabs works though.
Any ideas why?