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Are there any tutorial how to convert and use react/js lib? Like starting from github - - How to compile it using webpack? - Add to deps.cljs - require and use in clojurescript namespace
Can’t figure out how to stitch it together. Don’t know much of webpack/npm/babel things.
Has someone an example were spec instrumentation works? For me it works if I call a function from the cljs repl but not inside my app.
it’s possible it doesn’t work - I only tested at the REPL because that’s the primary use case
@dnolen: About that issue I raised yesterday about ISeqable and NodeList. I cannot reproduce anything within a Node REPL environment. I have only seen it manifest itself on Dom Collections such as NodeList, HTMLCollection. Shall I create an Issue for these specifically.
@keeds needs more information first. @anmonteiro reported differently
Ok, thx. I will explore more when I have time, but I'm not sure how well I can isolate given my knowledge.
@anmonteiro I just tried master and I cannot reproduce
@dnolen yeah works for me too
my snippet yesterday was probably flawed
@keeds you probably weren’t following my conversation with @anmonteiro but the thing to try is (satisfies? ISeqable x)
on instances of these types
@keeds if that works then there’s something wrong with your code and the fact that it was working before might have just been you getting lucky
This may be off topic, but is there a way to force cljs-devtools to print maps such that their key/value pairs are on new lines?
when using bootstrap dropdowns, like in this example, together with React, do you have to call something on did-mount to make the dropdown work?
if so then you should be able to do something like this in reagent:
[:button.dropdown-toggle {:data-toggle "dropdown"}]
[:li [:a "Item 1"]]
[:li [:a "Item 2"]]]]
I am sorry for the silly question, but I don’t understand why I cannot pull :id
from popup
is a (let [popup (<! ( #js {[params]}))])
@thomas.williams that’s a JS object, that’s just how it prints
I already tried (aget popup “id”)
and (.-id popup)
. Also tried with (:id popup)
oh, that would explain things... I should get [popup window-id] as a result of the create method
@dnolen I think you saved my day... I was away from cljs for a month and got rusty
@tomas.casas these days you can more or less trust the tooling - your answer was in that image 🙂
that is what I mean, I was comfortable several weeks ago with explaining/realizing unexpected returned values from console
thanks a lot!
A newbie question on Om/ and other React-based approaches: we are looking at using Om for an upcoming project, but a number of team members are wary of moving away from native react. If we use Om, would the Om generated JS be human-friendly and enable us to have the ability to switch to native react, if needed?
@habanerao not really, reusing the generated JS is non-goal
how would this be notated in cljs navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-nacl'] !== undefined.
nvm found it: (aget (.-mimeTypes js/navigator) "application/x-nacl")
@hlolli aget
is only for arrays
you should use goog.object/get