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@shaunlebron they have a blending filter (two of them are multiply and one is overlay).
Since cljs modules only work with optimizations turned on, and figwheel only works with them turned off, how do I go about developing a cljs code base with two entry points (two mains, if you will) ?
make the app work ‘normally’ with figwheel, then switch to the optimizations build and do it the hard way
there is no "normally", since there are two very different paths using some common elements
I think if you depend on a module, you should require it in any namespace that uses it
@arohner thanks for the input, I'll give the two figwheel idea a shot in dev, and use modules in prod 🙂
@magnars @arohner since you are talking about it: shadow-build
does modules for :none
as well (shameless plug)
thheller interesting. What I really need is a way to reload code from an :optimizations :whitespace
@arohner: two figwheel builds works nicely, even in the same repl with (start-autobuild ...)
. I end up with 2x of the shared files as well, but that's fine for dev - and I'll just use modules in prod.
It seems
doesn’t exist in cljs 1.8.51.
or in most recent cljs 1.9.x
I feel like I might be doing something wrong at this point because I know other libs depend on
@kingoftheknoll I believe it is
I’m thinking it’s because I’m trying it in the repl and not actually importing the lib into a namespace so it’s not sending it to the browser. Testing that now...
huh that’s interesting, I wouldn’t thought all of goog would be available globally and only pruned under optimization. Thanks!
you'd probably spend 10mins loading "all of goog", there is sooo much stuff in there 😛
I was asked about om/ I use om professionally, and I think it's great for large, long-term applications. But there are quite a few, somewhat complex concepts. So I'm wondering if others have found something more in the sweet spot for people learning the lang.
I really loved Hoplon when I used it for a couple tiny school projects. Granted, I cam in with a bit of knowledge about Lisp and Hoplon's a little different to the other frameworks, but... I found it great for getting how good code-as-data is for the web. And who doesn't understand spreadsheets?
Nice. I'll tell him about Hoplon. That was my impression as well @dnolen. Hadn't looked at it in some time though. Means a bit more coming from you 🙂
I might not be the best person to ask, there’s a lot of cool things going on these days and it’s hard to keep up 🙂
@potetm: My intro to cljs was reagent with re-frame, it was a really easy way to start (this is about a year ago). Gives a bit of a framework for architecture around reagent that took away a lot of the initial questions I had.
Hey @shaun-mahood! Long time no talk!
Ahh, I was trying to figure out why you seemed so familiar. 🙂
@potetm: rum is really good. very simple approach to choosing your react wrapper style (om, reagent, quiescent) with mixins:
@shaunlebron Have you used both rum and reagent? I've used neither, but my impression is that rum might be simpler, but overall has more concepts to learn.
@potetm: I haven’t used reagent, but I started using rum about a month ago
maybe I don’t understand it all, but it seems straightforward
ha, I just realized I haven’t used any of the preset mixins
just a toy project without perf considerations:
i stick with atoms, and just call (rum/mount …)
with add-watch
haha, yeah that was where I was like "this seems well thought out, but not as easy as: Here's your state, here's your views. GO"
but it seems like rum let’s you start simple, which was the big appeal to reagent I think
and it has a pretty good avenue to adding features with a nice mixin model, I wrote some mixins for a canvas component, was just like hooking lifecycle events in Om or plain React. didn’t lose any power there
CLJs go loops ‘yield’, right? I have a long intensive function, and other stuff (webRTC) appears to be breaking because I’m not giving control back. If I converted to a go loop, would that solve the problem?
that really depends, you still have to park a go-loop so it doesn’t block the JS event loop
as long as the go-loop periodically comes up for air by reading from a channel with (<! …)
, yeah that’ll work
the dispatch mechanisms hooks into the browser event loop, we defer to goog.async.nextTick
recur does not yield
@arohner what @shaunlebron said