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@porglezomp: just look this examples, in this example i used production mode, also you can see results on development mode
Hi! My cljsbuild has started hanging (i.e. not exiting) after successful compilation (and after applying optimization levels). Anyone ever stumbled on this?
@tap ofcourse! I'm using lein cljsbuild once min
to build
with the following config:
:cljsbuild {:builds
[{:id "min"
:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:output-to "resources/public/js/compiled/compiled.js"
:main mynamespace.core
:optimizations :simple
:verbose true
:pretty-print false}}]}
(edited out all the nonrelevant stuff)
(I'm doing lein do clean
before building)
I refactored some namespaces and yesterday wasn't working because the source-paths were wrong (so it had nothing to compile and "failed" silently). Now I honestly don't know what to do, because the config looks fine.
@tap I finally hunted it down with git bisect. It was a call to (flake/init!)
in the clj backend namespace that made the cljs compiler hang, even if it was totally another source path (no overlapping). Is this a cljs compiler bug?
@nilrecurring: i think you'r using in development mode, so you should update :optimizations :simple to :none , because :none is the recommended setting for development.
@manishkumarmdb: if you read up we're talking about the production build, which I do with the "min" profile, and optimizations advanced (simple in the snipped I pasted because I was invastigating about where the issue was exactly)
In dev I use figwheel with no optimization of course
But the issue here is that the cljs compiler was looking into the clojure source path and hanging on that direct call to the flake init ^
While this shouldn't happen
How to write this one in cljs
"SivaKumar25689".match(/[A-Z][a-z]+|[0-9]+/g).join(" ")
=> "Siva Kumar 25689"
or how to split a string at Capital letter in clojure script
@borkdude: I haven’t personally, but pebble is quite memory constrained I think, 64kb only? they have a custom javascript engine and I don’t think cljs persistent data structures would play well in such memory constrained environment even with DCE
javascript in 64k. crazy
@sivakumargsk: (clojure.string/join " " (re-seq #"[A-Z][a-z]+|[0-9]+" "SivaKumar25689”))
works for your example
@mfikes: thanks its working
Just getting started with spec and I’m getting the following error. Looks to me like cljs.spec/coll-of
should indeed take a single arg.
Wrong number of args (1) passed to: spec/coll-of
89 (s/def ::orig-pdf-blob-id (s/nilable string?))
91 (s/def ::pages (s/coll-of ::page))
^--- Wrong number of args (1) passed to: spec/coll-of
92 (s/def ::recipients (s/coll-of ::recipient))
93 (s/def ::fields (s/coll-of ::field))
later when we have a release at parity with Clojure we can take feedback about problems
@anmonteiro: very cool, thanks for the blog - I didn't know clojurescript supported use
@martinklepsch: Starts with eval and goes downhill from there.
@anmonteiro: nice work!