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Hi All, what is the interop for a js function denoted with “#”, like Long#add() (
im familiar with invoking functions with a form like (.add long foo), but I am not sure what to do with the hash
I’ve seen that used before in Ruby contexts to describe an instance method, it looks like that’s how it’s being used here, although I haven’t seen it used in JS like that before. I think you’d just do (.high some-Long-value)
Anyone know the google closure equivalent to jQuery slide up/down? Not looking to use jQuery.
@flyboarder: is that for hoplon? 😛
@levitanong: maybe 😁 I have all the attributes converted except for :slide-toggle
@flyboarder: Have you seen this? Based on the wording though, it doesn’t seem like the slide
here works the same as in jQuery.
might be what you’re looking for though
@levitanong: I think the problem is that goog.fx
slides all use coordinates not directions, so im going to have to figure out how to get the coordinates and calculate the bottom edge position from the current position??
@flyboarder: As I read further, it does seem that slide
isn’t what you want. I think the right way to go is resize
. With it, you can choose the direction of resizing, and then all you’d have to do is calculate the final dimensions of the element.
The one in jQuery assumes a vertical axis, so it gets easier with
@levitanong: I’m still not quite following you, could you provide an example of what you are thinking?
perhaps swipe
is what I am looking for?
@flyboarder: oh! actually that seems to be exactly what you’re looking for!
If you were to use resize, you would have had to render the element on dom while invisible, store the final dimensions, then resize it from a height of 0 to its final height.
@levitanong: thanks! finished 😉
@flyboarder: hurrah! happy to help 😀
How to get plain value from transit tagged value?
@doglooksgood: I think re-frame + reagent, rum, or om-next all are ok
@novakboskov, you should be able to access it normally.
@doglooksgood: agree with @tiensonqin, react-native should work with all cljs react wrappers
you may get more responses in #C0E1SN0NM btw
@pesterhazy: I think the work arround for react-native in cljs is a little bit complex?
is anyone aware of an issue with transitive cljsjs dependencies interfering with regular lein tasks?
i have a project where i’m using Garden via lein-garden
and have a couple of cljsjs deps
some of those have cljsjs deps of their own (e.g. cljsjs/react-burger-menu
depends on cljsjs/snapsvg
the dependencies get pulled down fine & lein deps
shows the dep tree OK
but lein garden
breaks trying to find the transitive cljsjs deps in Maven central (they’re legitimately not there, they’re only in clojars)
cljsjs libs with no transitive deps don’t break anything
writing it out like this make me think it’s a lein-garden
(or Garden) issue, just wondered if anyone else had experienced this?
or a problem with the cljsjs artifacts POM’s I guess
aah that’s it
thinking out loud FTW
add clojars repo to cljsjs generated POMs fixes it
is this a good place for discussing hoplon? seems to link here...
In case so, Hoplon docs have this in them:
How will templating and HTML processing work in HLisp?
Solution: None, yet.
So no templating in hoplon?@matan: the #hoplon channel is pretty active and helpful, probably worth trying there too