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@bhauman: I see you've updated the read-me on how to get running with cursive. Got it running! Thanks!
@bhauman: I checked; there weren’t any errors
any common reasons why figwheel might not be picking up less compiled css artifacts for reload?
@tel: do you have :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]
in config? like here
@jaen that’s just not enough information me to understand the goal here (mentioning boot here just muddies the water too)
@dnolen: so, basically - boot creates temporary directories for each step in it's pipeline, which results in build
being called with an absolute path for output-dir
and since current module conversion code outputs intermediate files to output-dir
and puts those files in :libs
you end up with absolute paths in that option and lib-rel-path
doesn't take kindly to absolute paths -
throws this error - If I understand correctly the string/replace
in lib-rel-path
is meant to realtivise the path, yes? But it fails with paths that don't share ancestors with the dir you called Clojurescript from (as is the case with boot).
Wouldn't then using
as in the changed example be a better solution or are absolute paths not meant to be supported?
It probably won't end up being an issue with modules since we probably will end up not writing temporary files, but I think the issue stands on it's own if :libs
was meant to support absolute paths as well.
@jaen I think :libs
was written to support paths relative to project directory. Extending it to support absolute paths would be enhancement, but also a perfectly fine one.
Gotcha, I'll put that in a separate patch somewhen this week and get it a jira ticket if that's a welcome enhancement then.
@dnolen: do you think it's a good idea to open an issue for this: map-indexed should support multiple colls, like map?
so if you’re serious about it, then probably best to open an enhancement in both projects, w/ patch etc.
@borkdude: I would definitely ask Alex Miller before expending any energy first though
and given transducers there’s no perf claim you can offer for map-indexed
with multiple collections
Hi there ^ Strange require behaviour on node: once req'd with a wrong name, it keeps looking for the wrong name. Thoughts?
f-air:xforms fdeserres$ lein clean
f-air:xforms fdeserres$ rlwrap lein node-repl
Reading analysis cache for jar:file:/Users/fdeserres/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.7.48/clojurescript-1.7.48-aot.jar!/cljs/core.cljs
Compiling src/net/cgrand/xforms/awkward.cljs
ClojureScript Node.js REPL server listening on 50080
Watch compilation log available at: target/dev/watch.log
To quit, type: :cljs/quit
cljs.user=> (require '[net.cgrand.xforms.awkd :as a] :reload)
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.lang.String cannot be cast to {:tag :cljs/analysis-error}
at clojure.core$ex_info.invoke(core.clj:4593)
cljs.user=> (require '[net.cgrand.xforms.awkward :as a] :reload)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Namespace net.cgrand.xforms.awkd does not exist
at cljs.closure$source_for_namespace.invoke(closure.clj:597)
Same with rhino indeed. Must be the build/repl/test scripts I use (from gardener). Back to Mies then... thankies @dnolen
@fdserr: pretty sure you’ve found a real bug
Hmm has anyone else run into issues with unicode constants in ClojureScript tripping up the Closure compiler with advanced compilation?
(require ‘[])
actually becomes (ns current-ns (:require … existing stuff ... []))
so I suspect we’re corrupting the ns somehow, I thought we had covered some cases but no doubt there are things we’ve missed
I have symbols representing musical notes using unicode sharps and flats (e.g. :C♯
and :D♭
), getting ERROR: JSC_PARSE_ERROR. Parse error. Character '♯' (U+266F) is not a valid identifier start char
but only with advanced compilation
@dnolen sorry to hear that =[ Indeed:
ljs.user=> (require '[cljs.core :as c] :reload)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Namespace cljs.cor does not exist
It seems like maybe ClojureScript compiler needs to ensure the names in the constants table are compatible with Closure... what do you think?
Closure has a much more conservative opinion on valid identifier names than the JS spec or browsers...
@fdserr: could probably be fixed here
imagine that i want to replace some protocol implementation on reified thing with specify!
. but i want to call old implementation from new one
So I guess my question comes down to.... a) is that a bug? b) if so, is it known and c) do I have any option other than not using advanced optimization or refactoring this code base to use ascii keywords instead (which would be a PITA)
@bo no simple answer for that question. But I would start by asking questions on the Google Closure Compiler mailing list first and reporting back what they say.
@dnolen: I can see in the Closure code that it is definitely super conservative about identifier names. Basically /[$_a-z][a-z0-9]/i
That could maybe be improved on their end, but my gut tells me that this is a cljs compiler bug until they do, if its outputting code that it can't handle
@dnolen: relevant tiny part of code in Closure FWIW
@dnolen: hmm actually, Chrome blows up even with var D♯ = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"D\u266F","D\u266F",-1836342684);
in the console
@ul I think you can always close over the original thing in method overrides and use protocol methods to invoke old functionality on the original
I don't know enough about the cljs compiler but the fact that Chrome isn't accepting a var var D♯ = 42
is throwing me a bit now
the app otherwise works with out compilation. Is the code generated by the cljs compiler different depending on the closure optimization level @dnolen ?
@bo the cljs compiler doesn’t do much here, it largely passes strings through with exceptions for JS keywords
@dnolen: ah comparing the .js generated with different opt levels and I see what you mean. Keywords are otherwise inlined as new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"C\u266F","C\u266F",-97295497)
without :advanced
@ul another idea: specify calls reify, reify calls deftype, things on deftype can be overriden via extend-type or extend-protocol
@bo this is not a particularly challenging one, actually this is the only thing you need to change
note we already do a bit of munging, so we just need to further munge any unicode chars
@dnolen: Thanks. I'll give it a crack. It's already 11pm here and I've never worked with the compiler before so we'll see.
@dnolen: mightn't it be useful to fix (munge)
itself? It replaces a lot of other chars already. I'm perhaps over-estimating the significance of munge
, but this feels surprising:
user> (munge "a.b/x->♯")
user=> (require 'cljs.analyzer)
user=> (cljs.analyzer/gen-constant-id :C♯)
I’m OK with this not being the the perfect robust solution - this is the first time anyone’s even brought it up - which is a bit surprising.
I just did a quick test with newly created deftype and reify, you could do a dirty lookup of original function on underlying js object
this is dirty, maybe there exists some function which could give you this protocol fn name
@dnolen Untested easy fix to 'require et al:
can you have a namespace divided over a .cljs + cljc file or must everything of that namespace be in one file?
@ul: I agree, another idea would be to reify your OpaqueComponent and in your implementation try to invoke render directly on prototype, not sure if this could possibly work, but it looks like reify sets original thing as prototype of a new anonymous js object and overrides some methods on this new object, if this worked you would get around looking up protocol fn member manually
@fdserr: your idea is correct, but instead of capture and restoring symbol - you need to capture and restore the compiler environment
@dnolen thing is, I need to be able to build/test clj+cljs, not my cup of tea so far. would you consider a gist and take care of the fix when you see fit?
@fdserr: building and testing ClojureScript is very straightforward, no I won’t look at a gist or take care of the fix
I haven't submitted a patch in sometime so if I'm formatted the patch wrong feel free to prod the ticket (i'm watching it) and I'll fix it right up
maybe select-keys should throw when not called with a map? (both in clojure and clojurescript) now: (select-keys [:a :b] [:a]) ;;=> {}
@ul yeah, I've tried setting :css-dirs to all kinds of things, absolute paths, relative paths with various slash conventions. I assume it's just somehow reading it out of resources, but for whatever reason figwheel doesn't find them
Hello, could anyone please point to some good tutorial for wrapping a js library (which is aimed to browserify/webpack i guess) with foreign-libs and externs? I'm trying to wrap react-dropzone but it seems i miss some points. Thanks in advance
@nidu this is specifically for packaging things as CLJSJS package but it might help nontheless:
@martinklepsch: thanks, guess i tried this one but maybe i just need one more attempt
@nidu: what’s not working for you?
@martinklepsch: first of all - i'm not sure what to put in externs. If i wrap js file with module.exports
- should i just declare a function with some name? And how do i use it then - via require
or just with js/foo
@nidu: I see what you mean and unfortunately don’t have a good answer ready. This is certainly something to be discussed though. If you could open an issue that would be great.
@nidu: you'd have to preprocess it with webpack or something to remove the requires and expose a global variable of some name, no other way around that currently.
@martinklepsch: don't sure it's an issue, guys on cljsjs seem are doing fine it seems)
@jaen: is there a chance that this will be handled by the compiler in the future or is that something we should consider adding to cljsjs package-tooling?
@nidu: most packages expose a global variable and therefore don’t have this problem
@martinklepsch: this thing me and Maria are working on will probably handle this to some extent.
But I don't think this will ever be 100% automatic and some wrapper namespaces will probably still be required.
@jaen: perhaps this wrapping could be done as part of the cljsjs build step?
Some of the wrapping that's for sure - the plan is to specify something like here - - that is libraries you want to use, their dependencies, names, main files and so on
But specifying those libraries properly (from package.json
for example) would make sense for a boot task or something.
@jaen: I haven’t had the time to pay close attention to all the awesome work being done with regards to better integrating the different JS module types. I assume there are some consequences for CLJSJS or things CLJSJS could help with and would very much appreciate the input of someone who’s familiar with these things.
And another is that I'm not 100% sure how we would want to refer to things; for example when you do var React = require('react');
you'd have access to`React.createElement`, but you could do var ReactElement = require ('react/lib/ReactElement')
and do ReactElement.createElement
and there will might be difference in how will they work (I think the former automatically wraps it with validation in development as well as perf code, while using it directly doesn't) and I would have to consider how we want that to map to Clojurescript namespaces exactly.
And yes, no problem with providing guidance on how to make use of that, it's just that we need to figure out how we want that to work exactly with Maria and dnolen (to support as many use cases as possible without it being overly complex), what I have in my repos is certainly not the final shape of it.
I have this line: (aset js/global "XMLHttpRequest" (.-XMLHttpRequest xmlhttprequest)), which apparently, when compiling with advanced optimizations, is being removed. I understand about ^:export, but how do I make sure Closure leaves global[“XMLHttpRequest”] alone?
Is it possible to get hot code reloading with Figwheel using .cljc files in the same way that it supports .cljs files?
@pupeno: instead of aset
, use goog.object/set
@pupeno: provide an extern, there are several pinned pages in this room to Closure docs
@pupeno: if you’re trying to export something to be consumed by JavaScrip this is also covered in Closure docs
@dnolen: thanks.
Figured it out, fwiw. I'm a few versions behind:
Hi all - If I have a cljsbuild in my project.clj and a cljsbuild in my uberjar profile and the hook then it seems the top-level cljsbuild config (e.g. the non-optimised one) is used and the one in the uberjar profile is ignored - is this expected?
Is there a way of saying ‘use the cljsbuild with id X when building an uberjar’?
@michaeldrogalis: it’s been a few days but I don’t seem to recall any problem with figwheel reloading cljc files
@colin.yates: Yep, my fault. I was on 0.2.5. Thanks.
never mind my question about cljsbuild and uberjar - it helps if :uberjar is inside a :profiles and not top-level. #numpty
(I really shouldn’t have bothered getting out of bed today…)
Looking at the generated JS, I think the problem is order of execution, but I’m not sure.
is 443K a reasonable size for :advanced
-compiled app.js
? Not very complex, includes reagent. just want a sanity check.
@colin.yates: I see your problem turned out to be a different one, but did you figure out how to select a specific profile in :uberjar
for me I simply needed to add a cljsbuild inside the uberjar profile:
(defproject pj-health "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.122"] [org.immutant/web "2.1.0"] [reagent "0.5.1"] [re-frame "0.4.1"] [hiccup "1.0.5"] [compojure "1.4.0"]] :source-paths ["src/clj"] :main pj-health.core :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.0"] [lein-figwheel "0.4.0" :exclusions [cider/cider-nrepl]] [lein-ancient "0.6.7"] [lein-immutant "2.0.0"]] ;; Hook so uberjar (called by immutant war) compiles clojurescript :hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild] :clean-targets ^{:protect false} [:target-path :compile-path "resources/public/compiled"] :cljsbuild {:builds [{:id "dev" :source-paths ["src/cljs"] :figwheel {:on-jsload "pj-health.core/mount-root"} :compiler {:main pj-health.core :output-to "resources/public/compiled/js/app.js" :output-dir "resources/public/compiled/js/out" :asset-path "compiled/js/out" :source-map-timestamp true}}]} :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all :cljsbuild {:source-paths ["src/cljs"] :compiler {:main pj-health.core :output-to "resources/public/compiled/js/app.js" :optimizations :advanced :pretty-print false}}}})
but it is all very sensitive - if you get the cljsbuild wrong in the uberjar profile then it will silently use the first one of the top level cljsbuilds
back in 20 - hope that helps
As it turns out, I'm doing something a bit more advanced. I'm using cljs.repl/source
to obtain the source map for a function defined in a .cljc
file. Now that Figwheel properly reloads the .cljc
file on changes, the corresponding ClojureScript file that looks into the source map doesn't see the update until its own .cljs
file has been updated. Can someone explain to me why that is? I'm not familiar with how source maps works.
@michaeldrogalis: I don’t really understand what you mean when you say “using cljs.repl/source
to find the source map"
@curtosis 443K doesn’t sound crazy, the only thing worth measuring is the gzipped size
@dnolen: Sorry, yeah that's what I meant. I'm using that function to get the source for a cljc function. Reloading the cljc compiled file makes the behavior change appropriately in Cljs, but using cljs.repl/source
continues to return an older version of the function - that is, until that Cljs file itself is updated. Did that make more sense?
@curtosis looks about right to me. If you’re using cljsbuild make sure that you set :pretty-print false
, if you skipped that that could save quite a few more K.
@michaeldrogalis: yes because cljs.repl/source
is necessarily a macro not a fn.
@dnolen: Ahh, that's the critical information. Thanks, makes perfect sense.
Some ideas for figwheel: while we were working with dojo (which is twin of goog), we've made boost for initial page load in development, by just building deps tree in memory on server and serving them in one request (not synchronous goog.require) - 10~100X faster
@colin.yates: AFAICT, there's no way to specify a specific :cljsbuild
config id for :uberjar
, since cljsbuild is called from :hooks
and won't take args.
@curtosis: hiya, yeah, I was looking for some way but couldn’t find any either. Moving the entire fragment into the uberjar profile isn’t too troublesome - and might actually be nicer depending on whether you normalise by subject (cljsbuild) or context (uberjar’ing)
yeah... the only real use case I can think of would be if I needed to run the dev version in a jar/war environment, which I'm not currently doing (and seems suboptimal anyway).
now, what I do need to figure out is how to make it output to a different directory (easy) and get :uberjar
to pull from that directory instead (unclear).
@bhauman: despite having figwheel running with devcards now and being able to run cards.html I am not sure the path issue is entirely resolved. I am still figuring things out but as I understand it the index.html in the template project is the "main app" file and the devcards can be written in the same namespace as the "main app" which would be the core.cjls. The .getElementById "main-app-area" seems to imply so. But when I have a look in the running cards.html app the main app area is actually called "com-rigsomelight-devcards-main". Is that expected?
I have this ClojureScript code (.createServer http app) where http is a NodeJS module, as in: (def http (nodejs/require "http”)). Closure compiled that to: Jz.Zg(p), so createServer got converted into Zg for calling it, but the nodejs module remains intact. What’s the appropriate way to deal with this? externing the http module?
@pupeno if you’re using Node.js there’s really no reason to bother with advanced optimizations
dnolen: I just wanted my library to not explode in people’s faces if they have enabled optimizations for some reason, but, oh well, I’ll just document it.
@bbss I think you may be confused by that fact that cards are meant to only be rendered in the cards.html and the application itself is intended to be rendered in the index.html
@bbss devcards creates the devcards application and adds the "com-rigsomelight-devcards-main" node to your page
@pupeno if your library depends on Node.js modules there’s not a good way to define that dependency in a reliable to users anyway
so it’s not clear to me why you care about advanced optimizations when that’s a much bigger issue
@bbss the main app area is just a pattern that I added so that folks can conditionally render their application in the index.html
@bhauman: okay I see, thank you. I am trying to find a way to include paren-soup inside cards and thought I could include the pre-built version in the index.html, as putting it in the cards.html itself doesn't work. Then wanted to grab the node with dom-node and manipulate from there. But seems not to work that way.
Okay, still seems the way to go if I'd want to include paren soup I think. But I'll figure it out while playing some more with it. Was just a bit confused by the difference in names as that was also the case yesterday, thought it was maybe related
@bbss: eveeryone want so to be able to edit code in the browser But I created devcards to provide the optimal experience of editing code in your editor and seeing the results in your browser
@bbss what you would want to do is to create a React Component with lifecycle hooks for initialization to contain paren soup
@bbss: I just did that here:
@bhauman is there any way to debug why figwheel might not be picking up css changes? I think it’s all configured properly
@tel: you can look at the figwheel server log, the messsages in the dev console, and you can add :debug true
to the :figwheel client config
@darwin: I had seen plastic before, what are you going to use graphs for? I gave a short presentation on redux+d3 for making a brainstorming app using a force directed graph at a JS meetup last week. I actually planned to learn reagent/re-frame while expanding it.
@nicola: that is interesting, is the added complexity worth the trade off when the idea is to not reload the browser that often? And the incremental compilation of seperate files is what enables fast reloads in the first place.
@bbss: I posted some screenshots to #C09GR9UJC today, I want to use it to display tree data structures, I for example parse-tree output from tools.reader, etc.
@tel: my guess is that its probably a naming and path issue. There has to be a style element in the document that matches the name of your css file.
I want devcards to be example and visualization of tree state before I run batteries of tests on it
@curtosis: I thought you could provide extra paths for the resources in uberjar….let me see if I can find where I read that
for example it will be ideal to show tree state and then run bunch of zip operations on it
<link href="/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css”>
exists, and I’m compiling site.main.less -> site.css
@curtosis: alternatively you could do the hack I sometimes do and have a dev.js and prod.js with /dev.html loading dev.js and / loading prod.js if you see what I mean
@tel: what do you guys use for transforming less to css to be then consumed by figwheel? I will need it soon
@curtosis: no, I can’t find where I read about uberjar pulling in different resources - my hack works for me but it is a hack
@darwin That is what I would like be able to be proficient in too. Programming tools to help visualize the problem better than my mind ever could.
@tel: if the message is making it through this is the CSS reloading code
@colin.yates: that makes sense. I might give that a try if/when it matters. right now I'm beating my head against the lein-resource
wall. I cannot get a repeatable build out of it, no matter what I try.
though I’m going to need to trick the server into serving css assets at every url prefix if that’s the case, huh
@mfikes: I'm going to try to port to clojurescript on node the namespaces from tools.namespaces that are only JVM. Is there any convention on what to replace
@tel that is your problem. Your config should at the server level not the build level
@bensu: I've submitted a few things (some protocols and dynamic vars) as proposals for ClojureScript itself so that they can be used in the cljs.core
@bensu it needs quite a bit of thought before pursuing anything specific, tickets are kind of a bad place to do this.
good idea, if we start porting clojure JVM libraries to clojurescript on node/plank it'd be good to port the fundamental clojure namespaces to avoid wrapping node libraries each time.
more important than specific proposals is just enumerating the design
I've submitted a handful of simple things like
there’s a bunch of assumptions around that should be questioned and weighed before doing anything.
Java I/O is oriented around streams and JavaScript doesn’t have anything like that at all.
1) state what the problem is (portability of I/O) and the scope of problem (different value proposition for browsers)
2) state one possible solution (replicate Java I/O), enumerate all the downsides to this approach (there are many)
i.e. should it happen in core? should it just be a contrib (probably), should it have the same namespace as
(maybe) etc., etc.
Does anyone know what this error means? ERROR: JSC_INVALID_DEFINE_INIT_ERROR. illegal initialization of @define variable goog.DEBUG at /.boot/cache/tmp/app/1/huasbf/foo.out/debug.js line 84 : 13
@pandeiro: you can’t change defines/constants during runtime
@pandeiro: @martinklepsch just means if you do that you’ll won’t be able to advanced compile
if that matters to you, you effectively cannot change them at runtime as you are doing now
Maybe I shouldn't be using goog.DEBUG
at all, but just some other global that I invent...
that sounds more appropriate if you want to modify things at runtime
Hmm. The code that toggles goog.DEBUG
is in an event handler that will never get run but I guess that doesn't matter.
@colin.yates: check out cljs-time's project.clj. They use with-profile to specify cljsbuild keys.
@dnolen: is this closer to what you had in mind?
@bensu yes that’s heading the right direction - it’s beginning to show how non-obvious the actual end path might be
@dnolen: agreed. I'll start by putting together whatever I need to use all of tools.namespace from cljs and get a better feel for the problem
as usual, the problem is amplified by JavaScript target diversity. we should make a term for it
Anyone know if I could use om-bootstrap with input form validation with schema?