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This looks pretty amazing:
I want to animate an expanding or collapsing component with reagent. I have tried googling for "clojurescript reagent animation" and I haven't found anything definitive. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Not looking for a one-size fits all solution, just a hack to get this working. Can I just use CSS classes to ease height?
use transition with transform
transform: scaleY(0); transform-origin: top; transition: transform 4s ease;
My understanding is that animations are not that easy with react. CSSTransitionGroup should be a good starting point for google.
Has anyone implemented an expand/collapse animation using reagent and React? I'm trying to get the CSS3 working, but dealing with height
and max-height
is tricky.
Found this cookbook recipe, but it pegs the height at 2em: How to deal with dynamic content height?
@petrus: afaik most collapse animations rely on some arbitrary max-height trick … that should be doable with something like Reagent+CSSTransitionGroup, see for example
if you wanna do it without the max-height I guess you’d have to be slightly more clever about the animation and do it fully in ClojureScript/JS, without the CSS.
like getting the height of the element off of the DOM and pushing it through an easing function, such as jQuery easing
Has anyone had to explicitly include a CSRF token with POST requests to a Clojure backend? ring-defaults includes ring-anti-forgery, which seems to require a token. I get "Invalid anti-forgery token" when I try a POST request.
@coyotespike: did you read Usage?
@edbond: btw, I've read your previous post about this on Stackoverflow - thanks for going above and beyond by creating a repo just to answer the question! I did read Usage, but I can't figure out where to put the (anti-forgery-field)
call in my handler.clj (and of course can't use it in ClojureScript).
@coyotespike: this function returns string that you need to add to form on html page
@coyotespike: how do you render templates?
@edbond: hmm. I'm using Reagent, so I suppose that does my rendering.
I understand that my ClojureScript should get the anti-forgery token, and include it in the header of any request. I'm just unclear on how to do that, though I've pushed my google-fu to the max.
@coyotespike: I am using: and using the low level ajax request I can do things like this: which works for me. If you don't use cljs-ajax I guess you can look at the source and find out how the library does it
@coyotespike: You need to get the value of #’ring.middleware.anti-forgery/*anti-forgery-token*
to your frontend. You then need to POST/PUT that value back via js/cljs as the param __anti-forgery-token
is there a way i can access the state of a subcomponent from inside another om component
you can pass in a callback to the subcomponent, or a shared atom
@sveri: (ajax/POST)
gives me a '403 Forbidden'. I liked your example but haven't been able to adapt it yet.
@andrewmcveigh: I have
(defroutes routes (GET "/token" [] *anti-forgery-token*))
in handler.clj
, and (defn save-stuff []
(let [token (ajax/GET "/token")]
(ajax/POST "/submit" {:__anti-forgery-token token})))
on the ClojureScript side. Am I getting closer?
@coyotespike: You need to get csrf token from server. There are several ways, you can add it as meta tag inside head tag and read it in clojurescript, or do GET request to server as in my example.
@petrus: i decided to have my subcomponent share state with the parent by using the :state argument in om/build
@coyotespike: yes, you get the idea. I would GET token only once and use it inside reagent forms
I don't think you should request a CSRF token over an AJAX request. That makes the entire CSRF token useless
@coyotespike: Rails include csrf token in head tag, I'm reading it in clojurescript as
;; <meta content="authenticity_token" name="csrf-param" />
;; <meta content="ica0hvG//Tt24UAAAn3cq0n2ixSzcYDwESXrgqvabr8=" name="csrf-token" />
;; "X-CSRF-Token:rs/t8QgCC+Q3B8gSCKSGZb0G3ek5HK1ZJloRRd7Ltnw="
(def csrf-token (dommy/attr (sel1 "meta[name='csrf-token']")
@coyotespike: and then just add it to POST/PUT requests
{:name name
"value[]" (map :text msgs)}
:headers {"X-CSRF-Token"
@coyotespike: in Reagent you can just add it as hidden field to form:
[:input {:type "hidden" :name "__anti-forgery-token" :value csrf-token}]
and submit forms@edbond: For the GET approach, my handler.clj
now looks like
(defroutes routes
(POST "/submit" [] home-page)
(GET "/token" [] (generate-string {:csrf-token
And my POST as before:
(defn save-stuff []
(let [token (ajax/GET "/token")]
(ajax/POST "/submit" {:__anti-forgery-token token})))
This gives me TypeError: el is null
, so maybe it worked but I failed to actually pass any data along (?)
@rauh: would you suggest reading the csrf token from the head tag instead?
@coyotespike: That's fine. What matters is that your token is somewhere in the response of the HTML page that your user will generate. If you want easy and straight forward: Just generate a global JS variable. That's what most people do
bootstrapped ClojureScript can now finally compile functions and function invocations macros handling is more or less sorted out
@rauh: after a bit of research, I see what you mean about the global JS variable. What's the best way to do this in ClojureScript? Luminus seems to do something similar:
@jballanc: unlikely, been playing around with idea that ClojureScript just adopts Clojure’s version numbers as this really has been the case for a long time that ClojureScript is pinned to Clojure.
@coyotespike: Sorry, I missed the half part, not sure if you got it working inbetween, to get the AF token to the frontend I include it in the data map using selmer:, which is then rendered by selmer in the template itself: Then you can follow the other links I posted before. So, it's like the others said, somehow render it in the html page for the frontend, then grab it and add it to your ajax request.
@dnolen: as much as I generally oppose the idea, I wonder if there’s a need to separate the “library” version from the runtime version
i.e. even after ClojureScript reaches Clojure 1.7.0 parity, there might be need to release updates independent of Clojure
nothing about the release approach is going to change, the cycles will just get longer
the only that would change is the versioning mechanism, and the appearance of ClojureScript releases when Clojure has releases
the ClojureScript release cycle will likely slow down to one every couple of months now that the REPL stuff is behind us
(FWIW, I know Ruby tried the “library version” vs “runtime version” thing with the 1.9 series, where Ruby 1.9.3 was still using the 1.9.0 library version, and it confused the hell out of everyone)
Using Om, I’m getting a "Each child in an array should have a unique "key" prop.” I’m aware of (om/build-all .. {:key :foo}), and I thought I was using it everywhere. What’s the best way to find out which code is causing that?
I’ve gotten rid of all my react warnings, and I’m still seeing weird behavior. I have an html table, with rows. The rows are rendered using om/build-all. When I (om/set-state! owner :rows [..]) with one less row than it used to have (delete), the table doesn’t re-render, as demonstrated with println. The deleted row does re-render, but no other row does
@arohner: ah, ok. sometimes those messages come up with code that must be handled by sablono.interpreter/interpret
. encountered a situation like that today.
@arohner: it can be tedious but use html
inside areas like if
, let
, when
, etc. those are places where the sablono compiler cannot intelligently make a decision about what to do and must defer to the intepreter at runtime.
[:p "I get compiled"]
(if 42
[:p "I get interpreted"])]))
(js/React.createElement "div" nil (js/React.createElement "p" nil "I get compiled") (if 42 (js/React.createElement "p" nil "I get interpreted")))
[:p "I get compiled"]
(let [p [:p "I get interpreted"]]
;; =>
(js/React.createElement "div" nil
(js/React.createElement "p" nil "I get compiled")
(let* [p [:p "I get interpreted"]]
(sablono.interpreter/interpret p)))