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@dspiteself: sorry, I don’t really understand your question. Could you try to rephrase?
@dspiteself: the only issue would be that some transformed commonjs modules may need externs because of reliance on strings for JavaScript properties.
sorry @maria I was curious if we had to add options to the clojurescript compiler options if the library did not support google's advanced compile. @dnolen answered my question.
Ah, I see. Thanks @dnolen for answering One of my tasks for this and the coming weeks will be to test if we run into any problem when converting bigger and more commonly used modules instead of just simple example modules.
@dnolen: will we create an extern file or use goog.export?
@dspiteself: If I understand correctly, we will continue to use externs because the code that we are including is external. From my understanding, you should use export when writing your own Google Closure library and want to expose some functions. Also, I think if we would want to use export, we would need to modify the code of the module before converting it.
@dspiteself: Externs instead are written to a separate file, so there is no need to go in and directly change the code of the module.
@dspiteself: The second part of my project will actually focus on generating those externs automatically, to make it easier to include existing JavaScript libs 😉
@maria: Nice. One of the reasons we adopted clojurescript early is we had a large google Closure codebase and cljsbuild was as a decent build tool on compared to the other gclosure alternative. It will be great to have an easier migration path for other codebases.
so glad to see proprietary languages going open-source like this!
@robert-stuttaford: Yeah, although I don’t care much about Swift
me neither. but it’s a nice trend. vindicates our belief in OSS even the biggest companies in the world are doing it
yeah. i look forward to that day myself
patiently watching the great work that @mfikes and the react native crew (as well as many others like your august self) are doing and will take a dip in a couple months
-grin- you don’t have a 700bn market cap. i think you’re well within your rights to ask for a little money for your efforts
Yeah, I think it’s going to be exciting, I’m amped for RN - I think it has the potential to be CLJS’s killer app
solid plan -grin-
@cfleming: You don’t have to pay to put apps on your iOS device? Did I miss the memo?
they announced at wwdc yesterday @cmdrdats
Not sure, generally they release things more or less when they announce them, so I assume now-ish
So they are open sourcing Swift and opening up your device to let you upload stuff without that dev cert ($99 per year)?
the swift thing is "later this year", xcode 7 beta (which supposedly supports cert-less uploading) is out now
sorry, I can find the open source swift part online, but not the part where you don’t need that annoying license
@maria: is that externs generation stuff only for a certain subset of JS libs/module types or is the idea to completely remove the need for (human-maintained) externs? :)
@cmdrdats: They’ve also merged the OSX and iOS programs, so if you do pay your $99 you can now make apps for both.
@dnolen: Wow, the CLJS resolution in Cursive is indeed seriously borked - sorry about that. I’ll fix that now and check why tests didn’t catch it.
I had a reference to reagent-forms 0.5.1. I'm not using it, so I replace it with a direct reference to reagent 0.5.0 (the same version reagent-forms requires).
That's the only change in the project. I now get WARNING: Use of undeclared Var clojure.walk/prewalk
on a cljs
There we go. reagent-forms specifies clojurescript as a :dev dependency explicitly, which wasn't on my main project where the :scope was "provided".
What do people use for client-side CLJS error tracking? Considering Sentry (
Curious about other options
I just encountered a really weird one that I thought was gone:
Weirdly it was only reproducable on some computers and not on mine. Deploying with :pseudo-names true fixed
made by @shaunlebron I think
I was wondering from what version on pprint is supported and in which namespace it is
can anyone confirm that lein figwheel is working with then newest clojurescript 3308?
you need to make sure you are using latest instaparse, think compojure updated if it uses it
@martinklepsch: we ended up with a short list of two: and and choose raygun. I no longer remember the reasons, but I do remember it was a coin toss between the two.
Both could read sourcemaps to give cljs stacktraces, etc.
upgraded all deps and seems to work now. finally passed the 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0-RC1 barrier!
@mikethompson: Sentry also seems to be capable of doing that — did you evaluate it as well?
I don't remember it.
Ok, thanks!
Without looking at the technical side of it, Sentry has the advantage of allowing for unlimited projects on the small plan.
And there is a free plan for when your code is almost bug free 😉 😆
@mikethompson: @martinklepsch : BUY MY PRODUCT 😉
@tcrayford: Is Yeller supporting client-side error tracking? I checked but didn’t find any indication of it
@martinklepsch: yep! Guess I gotta work on my marketing site a bunch
well then. TAKE MY MONEY
should have scrolled to the bottom of the page haha 😄
@martinklepsch: re: externs, it should be easy to do generation for ClojureScript where we can observe foreign library usage (via leading js/
). For foreign JS libraries you will still need hand written externs.
@dnolen: to me these to sentences seem conflicting? When does one use foreign libs without js/
? (I haven’t)
also could work in that direction be reused to generate (somewhat) complete extern files?
@martinklepsch: transformed foreign libraries become Google Closure namespaces. They can be part of the build. For libraries like React you won’t need js/
for foreign libraries which cannot be part of the build externs inference via js/
becomes useful.
ah, ok. Think I got it now
only time will tell if the foreign library module conversion is superior most of the time.
@martinklepsch: tenzing is awesome! So glad you did it. Was just what I was looking for.
@meow: very happy to hear. Please ping back if you encounter any issues or would like to see something added
Anyone interested in bootstrapping cljs apps using boot should definitely check out tenzing:
@martinklepsch: Well ... since you asked. Here is my goal du jour. I want to create a single page app that uses hiccup syntax and garden, but have the css all be dynamic. It looks to me like the use of garden in tenzing is to generate a .css file. But I'm very new to all of this so I might be completely wrong. 😉
dynamic as in “generated on the client”?
I'm still trying to grok all the dom manipulation options out there. Google closure has one, om has one, dommy, domina, js/getElementById, etc.
@meow: getting familiar with using Closure is time well spent
@meow: Om doesn’t really have one. It’s just React. And agreed with @martinklepsch get familiar with using Closure for this stuff before going to the wrappers.
@martinklepsch: yes, but "injected" into the elements from garden code without using an actual css file - I don't have all the lingo down yet...
pkobrien: you generally want to avoid the browser stuff unless you don’t care about browser differences.
@meow: boot-garden
(which is used in Tenzing) is primarily made for the “compile Garden to file” scenario.
@meow: are you using some React wrapper? if so it might be easiest to just supply styles to those components as maps without the intermediate step of garden
@meow: Have you looked at any of the stuff Priyatam Mudivarti has built or presented on? I haven't gone in to the Garden stuff past generating a .css file, but he mentioned it at his Cloure West talk about Garden
I have long-term goals but am focusing on simple, intermediate steps at this point. One inspiration is this:
@meow: didn’t watch the full video but maybe you mean dynamic as in “it’s reloaded automatically”?
@shaun-mahood: Priyatam Mudivarti's work with garden and "grids" (as defined by graphic designers) is my other big inspiration right now, yes.
@martinklepsch: According to the video there are no html or css source files.
yeah, in that video it might work differently — question is “what effect do you want to achieve?"
@meow: Well I hope you come up with something cool! Using figwheel, reagent and 'lein garden auto' is working well for me now, but defining the CSS dynamically is one of my goals too.
@martinklepsch: He's got code here:
for this kind of live coding it’s fine to load the css from a file, reloading mechanisms like boot-reload
or figwheel will pick it up and send the changed file to the client
just try it out: 1) start app with boot dev
2) go to site 3) modify styles.clj
4) save file & watch browser styling change
The effect I want to achieve is this: have all html and css in cljs, not in source files (beyond a bootstrap index.html file). Enable live coding with the simplest mechanism possible before moving to om or reagent or re-frame.
then it’s probably best to just follow the setup that @danielsz has in his example
I haven't looked into boot at all, is there something as nice as figwheel for cljs development?
@shaun-mahood: definitely check out tenzing
Will do, thonks
wow that's an ugly typo
boring people say thanks, real monks say thonks, real monkey say thonkeys, and clojurians used to be caught in thankfullnessless closures 😉 sorry
Ok, that made me laugh
@borkdude: i am working with angular at work. recently, i read an article with tips about avoiding some side effects. It looked complex and overkill. But it’s actually the kinds of things you will do a lot. So a 600+ pages isn’t surprising to me.
that is the best most terse explanation of what i don't like about angular i have seen
kudos, @borkdude
first class side effects
@borkdude: so yeah, one concrete example would be this : recently, i made a directive (i guess you would call that a component) that render a graph with data that is on the scope of the controller. But the data is provided by an angular service, which retrieve the data from the server via ajax. the data lives in this service but is passed to the controller. The controller pass the data on the scope, the directive has access to the scope. You have 2 way binding, but the way the directive detect the change on the scope doesn’t work with any way of changing the data. So you need to know the proper way to update data that will make the directive understanding that there’s new data to read from.
@quentin: Just reading that makes my head hurt
so the directive/component does not get notified when its data is changed? or it's watching data that gets overriden so it's not subscribed anymore, something like that?
well, in this case it was already on a wrapper object. this object contained multiple attributes, one of them contained a list. this list was the data to be rendered. The directive only watched the list, not the whole object. When i received the data, my first approach was to process the data into a new list and replace the previous list. This doesn’t work. You need to empty the previous list and add each list element with a loop. This way it works. Or you could nest another wrapper into the wrapper and watch this instead.
In both methods, you have some kind of additional complexity that makes the code harder to change/read.
what happened in my case was: I didn't realize that every time the component was mounted, a new channel was created. so I had a go loop that was still listening to an old channel
to me the main issue of angular 1.x is that there’s just too much different kinds of components, filters, services, scopes options, weird methods...
@markstang: that's not always a good solution
@markmandel: you just need to know what's going on and handle that
@markstang: for example close the channel on willUnmount etc.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1' of undefined
caused by the (apply every-pred @filters)
(let [filters (reaction (map filter-mechanisms (get-in @db [:products/filtering] #{})))
products (reaction (filter (apply every-pred @filters) (get-in @db [:products])))]
wrangling this for some 30min now without a clue — anyone spotting something?
if I replace the @filter
with what it’s returning when derefíng in a log statement it works just fine.
@denik: if I have a collection of filters it’s needed I think
@martinklepsch: you should have a stack trace for that error.
@martinklepsch: are you sure that filters alway derefed in a list?
What’s confusing me is that it seems that the deref
implicitly evaluates the fn it contains or so
@dnolen: trace is lost in ioc_helpers, probably upgrading chrome could fix that though
New blog post on Reader Conditionals -
@martinklepsch: seems weird, still even inside a go loop if you break on exceptions you will be in the exact place where something went wrong
(filter (apply every-pred [nil]) [1 2 3])
ExceptionInfo #<TypeError: Cannot read property 'cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1' of null> clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4591)
(filter (apply every-pred [qw]) [1 2 3])
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var cljs.user/qw at line 1 <cljs repl>
ExceptionInfo #<TypeError: Cannot read property 'cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1' of undefined> clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4591)
@danielcompton: typo "agin"
@rauh: thanks, fixed!
@danielcompton: I don't have any experience with reader cond. but I though you can pre-processes them with
@rauh: sure, that sounds right
@ul: that seems like a promising lead. Does that also happen for you when you have (filter (apply every-pred []) [1 2 3])
that it is!
makes sense now that I think about it but well...
that’d be sweet
haha, I was just going to post that exact same link :))
thanks again @ul
is it up to date? last time i've checked it was too outdated comparing with current cljs compiler
I thought @mfikes did a bunch of work updating it and the commits seem to confirm that:
I suspect there's only been relatively minor bug fixes in the core language support between the released Himera and current ClojureScript release. Most changes these days are around REPLs, tooling support, etc. right?
@mfikes: there’s a handful of stuff around transducers that probably needs to make its way into ClojureScript
@dnolen: It seems pretty nice - I’m not sure whether it would be more useful than a traditional debugger.
@mfikes: there’s @maria’s in progress GSoC stuff, and I’m also poking around at bootstrapping support
@cfleming: I should try it, just haven’t got around to it, the debugging stuff works great.
@dnolen: Yeah. It seems exceedingly rare that a low-level fix occurs in ClojureScript these days (related to proper evaluation semantics, for example).
@mfikes: right we haven’t messed with essence of the compiler or analyzer in some time.
@dnolen: how are you doing debugging with ClojureScript and Cursive?
@danielcompton: nearly everything from Clojure is supported
@dnolen: sorry, I was meaning integrated debugging with Cursive, using IntelliJ’s features
@danielcompton: there isn’t any integrated debugging yet
That’s what I thought, I misread your earlier message
feedback on this welcome thanks @mfikes
@dnolen thanks for promoting that one. Also, good if more in our community become comfortable rolling up sleeves to delve in at times. :) :)