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Marcel Krcah20:01:55

A bit tangential, but I've been inspired by the incremental approach to building things that you have been discussing lately in the episodes. I was working on a process automation, and realized that I can do things much much more simpler: 1. write down all the process steps (an interesting exercise by itself) 2. choose which step to automate 3. automate the chosen step in a clojure fiddle file With this, I had two immediate deliverables: documented process steps that I can follow, and one annoying step automated. Now I can choose if to automate another step, or if to make the fiddle file more reliable.

🙌 1

@U0609QE83SS Nice! Great point about it being non-linear too. Out of curiosity, what did you use to write down the steps? @U0510902N and I have had whole process descriptions in a single fiddle file.

Marcel Krcah10:02:03

Hi @U5FV4MJHG, thanks for replying and asking this question. The approach has been evolving for me. For personal things, I use daily for putting down thoughts, and so it felt natural to document the process there as well. Things like urls and nesting work good in those markdown files. I actually tried to put the process steps into a fiddle file, but then discovered that I have a tendency to try to solve it all! Having the process in a different place seems to be giving me this sense of focus and attention to get sth small done quickly and feel progress. For processes that spans multiple people, and where shared understanding of a process is beneficial, I've found remote format in a to work well. In its most basic form, each process step is an orange sticky, and stickies are organized from left to right by time. I've found that even trivial steps sometimes produce surprising conversations when different people are involved. Choosing the tracer bullet (as you mentioned in one of the podcasts) or the most painful step in that eventstormed process, is sth that seems quite challenging though, especially in a collaborative setting.

👍 1

@U0609QE83SS Thanks for replying back. I also brainstorm out processes in my notetaking app (Notion) when I'm working at a higher level--especially when there are human steps involved. I haven't heard of EventStorming before. It looks quite interesting. Thanks again for sharing!


@U0609QE83SS I just watched the talk. It seems like a great way to bring people from different parts of the business together to get a clear, unified understanding of cross cutting processes and create a way for those people to work together to improve them. Very cool! I love qualitative methods. Thanks for sharing!

❤️ 1
Marcel Krcah16:02:15

@U5FV4MJHG I'm happy that you find it inspiring. Yes, that's right, especially for those cross cutting processes, I have found it great. I attended a remote EventStorming workshop by Alberto, I can wholeheartedly recommend it, if you are interested in looking more into it. His is also a good short read.