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I'm looking for feedback on this new version of the Web Development Ecosystem page. Errors and omissions, primarily. It's not intended to explain how to write web apps -- it's meant to be an overview of the modern options in that space. Follow-up in #C02M6N5C137 or in a 🧵 here. Thank you! is somewhere between a templating and a framework, but sort of neither and both.
I would also say Electric Clojure deserves a mention
Small typo - sunng87
isn't a project name
Perhaps Luminus could be mentioned in a less prominent way - I sense that it would be a favor to the Kit authors, given that they intend Kit to be the next-gen Luminus?
From my experience with Kit, it "just works" and does use misc Luminus tech under the hood, so it's not unproven at all - it might be even considered very related tech, but renamed (which is better than a breaking v2).
And lastly:
> (currently an older 9.4.18, which is not the latest 9.4.x release)
This seems something that could be fixed at any point, while this doc would remain pointing it out indefinitely. It would seem fair to consider the possible 'damage' that one can inadvertently do.
(The general pattern IMO is that documentation shouldn't be too coupled to intricacies)
@U8LB00QMD Given that Fulcro is full-stack and is a collection of libraries, do you think it belongs in the frontend section or under frameworks, or perhaps somewhere else?
@U11SJ6Q0K I hadn't heard of Ripley -- it looks interesting... Not quite sure where to put it so I've renamed Frameworks -> Frameworks and Integrated Libraries and added an Other Options section with Ripley in. I'll add Electric there too, at least for now.
@U45T93RA6 Updated to say sunng87 ring adapter
(the actual project name has jetty9 in it which is very confusing since it's for Jetty 12 now, with a Jetty 11 version still being maintained).
Luminus is the only "framework" leftover from the previous iteration of the content and it's the subject of a book (multiple editions) and still widely used so... @U050CBXUZ Do you have input on this page and how you'd like Luminus and Kit described? I did not say "unproven" anywhere @U45T93RA6 and consider Kit preferable to Luminus (for many reasons) -- do you think the text on that page implies otherwise?
Re: 9.4.18 -- I call it out because it's important from a security / CVE standpoint, and I'll be happy to update this page when (if) that gets fixed. The intent is that will continue to get maintained and updated frequently -- and I encourage the community, including you, to help with keeping it up-to-date 🙂
@U3JH98J4R It's what a lot of tutorials still feature and it's still the easier intro to web dev in Clojure -- Compojure's deps tree has just a handful of deps, including Ring; reitit's deps tree has nearly 100 lines of output. Reitit is powerful but it's a lot to learn, even on its own.
I'd add a note regarding Kit on the Luminus page saying that Kit builds on lessons learned from Luminus and embraces the modern Clojure ecosystem. It's recommended as a modern alternative to Luminus
@U050CBXUZ Thanks. I've added a similar note to the web dev page: > It builds on the lessons learned from Luminus and should be considered a modern alternative to it.
Remind me if I don't get back to this soon - I am going to try to write out what I think the "full story" is maybe with diagrams and articulate thinks
Although fulcro (which is the successor to David Nolen's Om Next) is broader in scope than re-frame and the other frontend solutions, since it involves coordination with the backend, it's still essentially relevant to the React ecosystem so I think it would fit best with the frontend options.
Maybe I should split that into frontend and full-stack as a subset of the overall frontend development section... :thinking_face:
Htmx and hiccup (or selmer, I'd assume) seems a really interesting way for primarily back-end devs to quickly get a decent UX experience running. I'm not quite sure where it would fit, tho...
Hiccup and Selmer are listed under backend / templating. HTMX is mentioned via Biff under frameworks / integrated libraries.
Fair enough. I'm excited about htmx, so I wanted to see it as a second level item, instead of third under Biff, but I don't have a good suggestion.
Are there other HTMX offerings in Clojure-land, other than Biff? Does it need more than Hiccup? (Biff uses Rum, I believe)
As far as I can tell, htmx is just an added script tag, and then it's just some special html attributes, so I think it fits nice with the "just add a library" stuff. But I've not used it in anger yet.
Babashka example I found.
yeah, htmx is backend agnostic, it's basically a small js lib that allows you to patch parts of the dom
you just return an html fragment and a hint of whether you want to append, replace, etc
there's also a ctmx library that's a light wrapper for Ring, might be worth mentioning
Oh, nice. I didn't realize it'd been added as a kit module. (docs don't seem to have it, but it's in the repo).
I guess what I am thinking about is that there is a whole "stack" of choices, and you can get away without including any "horizontal" of that stack if a web application doesn't need it
which is why it felt odd to pair ring and compojure - since those are generally two distinct boxes in my brain and i'm always itching to give ^ this sort of explanation
I guess because almost no one uses that first stack?
And R+C is the second stack...?
Haha... Ok, fair enough...
error on aero link: <a href="
@UM1PCCLNN Good catch! Thank you. Fixed.
Has anyone here had luck using lein-cloverage’s :test-ns-regex
or :ns-exclude-regex
? The documentation states that both keys should be associated to a vector of Pattern instances, yet my regex never match. In particular
:cloverage {:ns-exclude-regex [#"dev"]
:test-ns-regex [#"-test$"]}
neither excludes any namespaces with dev
in them nor includes any namespaces ending in -test
. Removing the :test-ns-regex
key (and its value) results in cloverage finding all of the test namespaces, however.I suspect they need to match full namespaces not just part of it. Add .*
to the patterns to see if I'm right.
Is there a way to see how long namespaces loading is taking? Today I'm working on a project where, after years of growth, running a single test takes 18s. That's an eternity. There are a number of factors but my strong suspicion is most of that time is spend compiling and loading code. When I send SIGQUIT (`Ctrl+\`) during startup I see
featured prominently.
So my plan is to instrument require
or one of the internal Java functions to see which namespace loads are taking a long time. Has anyone done this before? Any other ideas for debugging slow startup? Solutions not involving a debugger preferred but I'll work with debuggers if necessary.I recommend using and invoking clojure via java
Is it the same if you run the test once you already have a REPL? If so, you can use clj-async-profiler to profile the manual invocation of the test.
This should give you at least a flamegraph of most java methods that are running while your tests start up
If you absolutely must profile from the launch of the process, then yes, injecting async-profiler agent to jvm-opts will give you the profile that you can then examine.
The person who perhaps has spent the most time looking at clojure startup time wrote this about improving startup time in development
@U0NCTKEV8 not using core.async in our project, although sadly it does appear in our -X:tree
via -> com.cognitect/http-client
> invoking clojure via java Already doing that but that's a great pointer because it highlights that the classpath is very big
> async-profiler That looks really interesting. From the docs: > -e java.util.Properties.getProperty will profile all places where getProperty method is called from.
I wonder if this would give me the namespace names
Just do a regular cpu profiling, you will see the namespace names on the stacks anyway
Is it the same if you run the test once you already have a REPL?I can probably get the tests to run from a bare repl, but it would be great to have a generic way to profile requires that works from startup
Perhaps this is too simplistic, but I usually start by adding the :verbose
flag to the require
form and visually check what namespaces are being loaded. But of course this only helps when you want to analyze a particular (test) namespace and its dependencies.
No test fixtures. Some of our tests are slow, but this question is specifically about the startup time (only a tiny fraction of those 18s is spent on the actual tests)
What are your thoughts on running the tests from a repl-connected editor? Although certainly there are always optimizations to roll out in a given project, it is IME a more fruitful approach to simply accept that most large projects have some startup time. It's very tempting to bring the mentality from other languages that tests are best run from the CLI, but Clojure, being a repl-driven language, has a different story.
Running tests from a REPL is useful. However, 18s startup time for a trivial test on an M1 laptop is not acceptable – it's means we're doing too much in the project. My focus is on figuring out (measuring!) what we're doing wrong here
Probably you'll be able to shave some seconds, and it will be great, but practically every large project will have similar load times. I'd call it "business as usual" around the 8 second mark. A fact of life (which I know very well as a tooling author) is that the Clojure compiler is slow. A project with 500 namespaces, many 3rd-party deps and dense ns graph (e.g. running your test requires 70% of all your namespaces) will be slow to load. ...a less obvious alternative is to make your project more modular, Polylith style, so that running a test implies requiring few transitive namespaces (yours or third-party). Either way, have a great one with the profiling 🙂 hopefully there will be some low-hanging fruit
I'm not subscribing to the "fact of life" theory 😃 Modularity of course is a good approach (but of course quite expensive as far as changes go)
In any case, as @U0NCTKEV8 has pointed out I can use AOT to reduce the compile time, though I'd love to measure before I make changes, to know how much time is actually spent compiling (vs loading namespaces)
Sounds like it's time to instrument / profile some things. You can record the execution using JFR then analyze the results using jmc, you'll see exactly what's doing what
Caveat, AOT + tests (or dev, for that matter) is often a problematic combo. For local development, it's best done for 3rd party deps only. Expect opaque issues otherwise.
What kind of issues for tests?
...personally I feel that a traditional profiler approach is too low-level here. One wants a require
that tells you the time
for each loaded namespace - that's 90% of the info you really need. A profiler doesn't give you such insights directly.
With a bit of luck one would be able to either monkey-patch require
, or roll your own (which might be easier than it sounds)
(I was surprised to find no github projects in this direction?)
> What kind of issues for tests? You could seach for "AOT" in #C03S1KBA2, probably there will be enough signals for the motivated searcher
> One wants a require that tells you the time for each loaded namespace - that's 90% of the info you really need. A profiler doesn't give you such insights directly. I agree. Trying to see if I can come up with something
I just tried, on Clojure master, replace in :
public static Object load(Reader rdr, String sourcePath, String sourceName) {
long timeStart = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Loaded " + sourcePath + " in " + (System.nanoTime() - timeStart)/1_000_000_000.0 + " secs ");
return ret;
Then did a mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package install
and run my project with org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0-master-SNAPSHOT"}
which now shows :
Loaded cider/nrepl/middleware/util.clj in 0.021725426 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/util/io.clj in 0.024584895 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/misc.clj in 0.062955573 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/middleware/util/meta.clj in 0.070580294 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/cljs/analysis.cljc in 0.049641564 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/javaclasspath/v1v0v0/clojure/java/classpath.clj in 0.030271051 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/toolsnamespace/v1v3v0/clojure/tools/namespace/parse.cljc in 0.096393728 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/toolsnamespace/v1v3v0/clojure/tools/namespace/dependency.cljc in 0.083953341 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/toolsnamespace/v1v3v0/clojure/tools/namespace/track.cljc in 0.108834121 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/toolsnamespace/v1v3v0/clojure/tools/namespace/file.clj in 0.229194348 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/toolsnamespace/v1v3v0/clojure/tools/namespace/find.clj in 0.296201815 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/java/classpath.clj in 0.022146213 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/middleware/track_state.clj in 1.0210087 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/inspect.clj in 0.158414203 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/middleware/inspect.clj in 0.188368304 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/util/os.clj in 0.014530388 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/clojuredocs.clj in 0.037726076 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/namespace.clj in 0.024732191 secs
Loaded clojure/test/check/random.clj in 0.064458672 secs
Loaded clojure/test/check/rose_tree.cljc in 0.041836996 secs
Loaded clojure/test/check/generators.cljc in 0.368722733 secs
Loaded cider/nrepl/inlined/deps/orchard/v0v11v0/orchard/spec.clj in 0.420228791 secs
those kinds of metrics could be a nice thing to have on the compiler, that you could activate with some jvm property
> Loaded clojure/test/check/generators.cljc in 0.368722733 secs Btw, this is what I meant with "the Clojure compiler is slow". 0.3s is an eternity. Say that executing your project involves loading 2000 namespaces (your own + transitive), that's a fixed cost that cannot be tackled directly
@US3FQ5069 that's funny, that's close to what I came up with
diff --git a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/ b/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
index 5d20ef49..eb38968d 100644
--- a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
+++ b/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
@@ -418,20 +418,21 @@ static void compile(String cljfile) throws IOException{
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not locate Clojure resource on classpath: " + cljfile);
static public void load(String scriptbase) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
load(scriptbase, true);
static public void load(String scriptbase, boolean failIfNotFound) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
+ System.err.printf("load_start,%s,%d\n",scriptbase,System.currentTimeMillis());
String classfile = scriptbase + LOADER_SUFFIX + ".class";
String cljfile = scriptbase + ".clj";
String cljcfile = scriptbase + ".cljc";
String scriptfile = cljfile;
URL classURL = getResource(baseLoader(),classfile);
URL cljURL = getResource(baseLoader(), scriptfile);
if(cljURL == null) {
scriptfile = cljcfile;
cljURL = getResource(baseLoader(), scriptfile);
@@ -454,20 +455,22 @@ static public void load(String scriptbase, boolean failIfNotFound) throws IOExce
if(!loaded && cljURL != null) {
loadResourceScript(RT.class, scriptfile);
else if(!loaded && failIfNotFound)
throw new FileNotFoundException(String.format("Could not locate %s, %s or %s on classpath.%s", classfile, cljfile, cljcfile,
scriptbase.contains("_") ? " Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name." : ""));
+ System.err.printf("load_end,%s,%d\n",scriptbase,System.currentTimeMillis());
static public void init() {
private static boolean INIT = false; // init guard
private synchronized static void doInit() {
if(INIT) {return;} else {INIT=true;}
Out of curiosity, how do you configure your project to use the alternate clojure jar?
but if you want to have your "compiler with metrics" on Clojars, so other people can use it, you can do it like I do for ClojureStorm :
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {...}
:aliases {:metrics-compiler
{:classpath-overrides {org.clojure/clojure nil} ;; for disabling the official compiler
:extra-deps {com.github.pasterhazy/clojure {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}}}
that is an easy way of swapping compilers with aliases, even when you have the compiler under a different group name
wow that's great - thanks!
This seems to work great too:
clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:local/root "/Users/user/prg/clojure/target/clojure-1.11.1.jar"}}}' -M:test:test-main ...
great! were you able to figure out the source of your slow tests?
Now I've got a csv file that should contain the data needed. Additionally it would be great to know how much of that time is spent compiling (vs loading) The next question is how to turn this into a useful graph or report ("10 slowest namespaces")
I'm not sure the compiling vs loading is possible, since they are kind of interleaved
You'll get all of that if you use a profiler. JFR or VisualVM or async-profiler, any will do.
@U06PNK4HG do you have any pointers to that? like ways of configuring any of those so you can quickly get ns load times when you need it?
It won't give you structured per-ns times because it won't know what a Clojure ns is. But you'll be able to see on the graph what ns is being loaded by the names of certain frames.
Besides, per-ns times aren't that helpful anyway, because the time to load a namespace also sometimes includes the loading time of namespaces it requires (since it's all a graph), but sometimes it doesn't (if the namespace has been already loaded by someone else).
It is as easy to try out as adding -agentpath:/path/to/,event=cpu,file=profile.html
to :jvm-opts
The .so file has to be downloaded for the correct platform from here
yeah, I just tried like this clj -J-agentpath:/home/jmonetta/non-rep-software/async-profiler-2.7-linux-x64/build/,event=cpu,file=profile.html -A:dev -e "(require ['dev]) (System/exit 0)"
I looks like I can follow the loading graph by following the flamegraph
I always use clj-asynprofiler, never tried it for this ns loading times thing
The graph is pretty messy indeed, but on the other hand all the fine details are right there.
so thanks, one more idea for the toolbox!
One way to make the output slightly nicer is to use async-profiler at startup to generate a collapsed.txt file, and then use clj-async-profiler to make a flamegraph out of it, like
(clj-async-profiler.core/generate-flamegraph "/path/to/collapsed.txt" {})
yeah I was thinking about it, since you can then filter or highlight stuff with the clj-async-profiler
Yep, and also the frames will be demunged and Clojure frames will look more Clojurish
the main sources of slow startup time are:
1. loading more stuff than you need initially (common when using user.clj)
2. compiling the world every time you start (AOT 3rd party deps and getting them on the classpath per the guide above. there is FUD about "problems" above but it is mostly FUD. there are reloading complexities when working at the REPL, but I don't think those apply here.
3. top-level def's that do expensive work like reading config or talking to 3rd party services (use delay
or other such techniques)
in addition to all the good info above, I would also mention -verbose:class
as a useful jvm tool to show loaded classes which can help show or understand #1. the timings I don't generally find very useful except to track down outliers per #3.
yeah, +1 on -verbose:class
I wrote a script to calculate load timings for namespaces from the csv output of my compiler patch. Here are the top results for our codebase (time in millis)
["clojure/core/matrix" 89]
["clojure/java/jdbc" 93]
["clojure/core/specs/alpha" 98]
["amazonica/aws/simpleemail" 102]
["clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_macros" 150]
["clojure/core" 181]
["clojure/core/matrix/impl/defaults" 184]
["malli/core" 192]
["taoensso/encore" 327]
["clojure/core/async" 343]
["clojure/core/matrix/protocols" 352]
Note that these include compile times. I'm going to try AOT'ing next Is there a clever way to AOT only 3rd party deps?
the clever way is to not be clever
if this is for tests, compile your test namespaces
by definition, anything needed for those tests will be compiled transitively
trying to aot "libs" is the wrong way to think about it - you're trying to aot the code you are loading. if you want to delete a subset of those classes afterwards (from your project), you can, but there really is no need to - if a .clj file exists that is newer timestamp, it will be loaded instead
OK, I tried AOT. Some things I observed:
• (compile 'my-test-namespace)
wasn't sufficient to compile all necessary dependencies (not sure why).
• Instead I used this as a wrapper for my test runner (binding [*compile-files* true] (apply (requiring-resolve 'kaocha.runner/-main) args))
• hugsql doesn't seem to work with AOT (related In my case I got "Execution error (ClassNotFoundException) at jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader/loadClass (". I had to rm -f classes/hugsql
to make it run
• With that done, AOT brings down startup time from 18s to 11s
(Leaving these here as breadcrumbs for the next person to embark on the startup-speed quest)
in some cases, things that dynamically load namespaces may need to be added to the compile list
Here's the Clojure patch and analyzer script. Worked pretty well for me
Well - anther question is if you or anyone else would pay for a faster clojure compiler. How much is the clojure community effectively paying for those compile times and is there will and money there to make it faster?
I agree but there is a counter argument - devs and dev time are expensive. The artifact is running on a machine that costs far less an hour. Also as I mentioned in my last talk there is a class of java devs coming to clojure who use it like java - type some stuff in and the IDE auto-runs a unit test suite. Overall I think I agree though - the runtime matters a lot more than startup.
People interested in startup profiling may want to check this:
Great. Will check it out
I never run an individual test from cold start, always from the REPL so I never cared about that. In stuff like CI, getting a runner usually takes longer than running the tests so my priorities are just in not doing stupid things in CI, making sure I cache deps, AOT compile artifacts, etc The same in clojure:
(defn two-sum
"Two sum problem solution, using a map. O(n) time complexity, assuming nth is a O(1) operation (=vector index)."
[target coll]
(loop [acc {}
i 0]
(if (>= i (count coll))
(let [current (nth coll i)
needed (- target current)
needed-index (get acc needed)]
(if needed-index
[i needed-index]
(recur (assoc acc current i) (+ 1 i)))))))
Also, in the video he first builds the map and then iterates through the collection again, any reason why that's necessary?ah, he said it later in the video. Oops, got too impatient to do a solution)
Is it possible to write a macro that returns a function definition with meta data, that will work in Clojure and Clojurescript? Basically what I want to achieve is this:
(defmacro example [label args & body]
`(defn ^{:some :thing} ~label ~args ~@body))
accepts metadata as a separate argument as well:
But you can use with-meta
on the label
symbol in a macro just fine.
Note, however, that that metadata is attached to the var, and var support in CLJS is very limited.
Thanks. I am using Clojure for a couple of years, but I never noticed the map form :D
The docstring of eduction
as well as both mention that its result is "reducible/iterable". However, I couldn't find any place in the docs which clearly explains what that means. Is anyone aware of one?
Of note: I know what it means via tribal knowledge. But I'd like to have a place to point to when somebody doesn't 🙂 > reducible collection (a collection that knows how to reduce itself)
it can be reduce
d (in this case, implements IReduceInit) and is java.lang.Iterable
reducibility is really governed by the internal CollReduce
protocol and IReduce/IReduceInit is an interface-based path into that for Java implemented classes
I don't know that dark corners of reducibility are actually documented anywhere on the clojure site atm. Iterable of course has public javadoc
@U060FHA3K28 right, that's the most explicit I could find but since it's only mentioned in passing in a different (but related) context didn't quite make it fit the bill for me 🙂
@U064X3EF3 Ah, CollReduce
is a good hint!
it is something I would like to illuminate more :)
having spent much time in these dark spaces :)
That would be awesome!
A reference article similar to
would be great!
I made an issue for it
May I post simple ChatGPT generated initial contents in the issue?)
Well. This is all very well to giggle about. But it seems that we have dodged quite a bullet. Consider what might have become of the world if ChatGPT had been trained on Clojure docstrings? You'd ask it any question and the answer would be, like, "See Huet."
I don't get what "See Huet." means
Well, not having "seen Huet", I don't either. But here, for completeness, is the reference:
Is there a way to make an existing defn dynamic?
(defn foo [] 1)
(defn indirect-foo [] (foo))
(binding [foo (fn [] 2)]
[(foo) (indirect-foo)])
;; => Can't dynamically bind non-dynamic var: dynamic-redef.core/foo
;; This is what I need
(make-dynamic! #'foo)
(binding [foo (fn [] 2)]
[(foo) (indirect-foo)])
;; => [2 2]
.setDynamic will let binding
run, but will still use the old, non-dynamic foo
(.setDynamic #'foo)
(binding [foo (fn [] 2)]
[(foo) (indirect-foo)])
;; => [2 1]
.bindRoot will update dynamic-foo
to use the new fn, but won't pick up that it's dynamic now
(.bindRoot ^clojure.lang.Var #'foo
(fn [] 3))
(binding [foo (fn [] 2)]
[(foo) (indirect-foo)])
;; => [2 3]
@U08JKUHA9 that's the thing, I'm trying to make an existing code base's test suite parallel, but that test suite uses with-redefs
. I'd like to make a variation of with-redefs
that uses the same syntax, but underneath uses bindinds:
(defn with-binding-redefs [...]
;; make all the vars dynamic
(binding [...]))
it sorta looks like it's possible since both .setDynamic and .bindRoot seem to do parts of it, but I don't know how to do both of those things together
This describes an existing library, which sounds a bit like what you’re looking for. Haven't used it myself though.
> Is there a way to make an existing defn dynamic? No! The clojure compiler emits different JVM bytecode depending if a var is dynamic or not not only the var itself, but every code that references that var. so it should know about being dynamic or not at "compile" time, and it is hard to change it at runtime
@U0178V2SLAY I tried that one a couple of days ago but since it relies on altering the bound fn with a wrapper it ends up having problems around metadata. I've worked around those problems with a proxy for now but wanted to know if the "just mark it as dynamic after the fact" approach could work since it'd be much simpler.
@U2J4FRT2T so far it doesn't just seem hard, it seems downright impossible :D
hi everybody, is this expected ?
user=> (= (sorted-set-by compare ^:a []) #{[]})
user=> (= (sorted-set-by compare ^:a ()) #{()})
user=> (= (sorted-set-by compare ()) #{()})
it comes down to
user=> (compare ^:a () ())
Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/eval44 (REPL:1).
class clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList cannot be cast to class java.lang.Comparable (clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.lang.Comparable is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
when equality isn't commutative
() isn't comparable, so you cannot use compare as the comparator for a set that contains it
yeah, so I ended up there by making this test fail
when adding meta to the empty list
Hey, don't know if someone have got this, but as I'm using the
I'm getting a random set of errors Remote host terminated the handshake
and Socket is closed
for a different combination of user/password/directory
in the same server, with multiple instances in multiple threads connecting to the server concurrently, but it's not heavy concurrent, I'm just spinning 20 threads, one for each combination. I'd like to know if anyone have seen this sort of error before. I'm using a retrying approach but I'm still getting failures.
Question about deps...
Is there a guide that explains how keys are merged for the ~/.clojure/deps.edn
vs my project one? I wanted to do something like add extra dependencies/extra paths to existing aliases in my project by adding them to my user deps and was wondering if I could do that/how it works....
> The merge is essentially merge-with merge, except for the :paths key, where only the last :paths found is used (they replace, not combine).
i don’t think you can modify existing “aliases”. You combine aliases to modify the resulting classpath and invocation args
aliases are merged across the different dep sources
ah. i missed that it was a question about how :dev
in the user dir merges with a :dev
alias in a project directory. Wasn’t aware that there was a strategy for that. TIL
Thanks! This makes sense specifically
@U05NZDGDYG3 If you use non-overlapping names then clojure -A:project-alias:user-alias
will be "additive" in terms of what gets run.
The official guide mentioned by Alex covers this really well. I also wrote an explanation with some other examples and a bit of graphics