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Colin (fosskers)08:05:43

Am I right that there is no analog to first and last in the stdlib Transducer reducing functions? Like:

(defn rfirst
  "Grab the first item that makes it through the transduction."
  ([] nil)
  ([acc] acc)
  ([_ input] (reduced input)))


You are right, but you can do (halt-when any?) to make a first transducer.


I'm not sure a last transducer is particularly meaningful in the context of transducers :thinking_face:

Colin (fosskers)08:05:52

Ah I see that that produces a transducer whereas the function I wrote above is a reducing function (called reducers elsewhere, but in Clojure that name seems to mean something else)

👍 2
Colin (fosskers)08:05:34

My intent was (transduce (filter pred) rfirst items)

Colin (fosskers)08:05:17

For instance. And of course with comp there can be many steps before or after that filtering.


Yeah that works. See the example I did for any? on clojuredocs

Colin (fosskers)08:05:53

Ah does any? function like a reducer?


No. It's just the same as (constantly true) which is what halt-when needs to become produce a first transducer

Colin (fosskers)08:05:13

ahhh I see, I had assumed it behaved like any seen elsewhere


Tbh if you're writing the reducing function anyway, you may not need transducers. They just manipulate the reducing function after all.


It's more about readability at this point I suppose

Colin (fosskers)08:05:08

For more complex transduction chains, first can be handy, but there are other ways to achieve it depending on the scenario, as you've pointed out

👍 2
Colin (fosskers)08:05:45

Thanks! And if I need such an rfirst I can always hand-write it quickly enough anyway

🙂 2

(defn regex-file-seq
  "Lazily filter a directory based on a regex."
  [re dir]
  (filter #(re-find re (.getPath %)) (file-seq dir)))

  (fn [file] {:name (.getName file), :content (slurp file)})
    (fn [file] (not (.isDirectory file)))
    (regex-file-seq #".*\.clj" ( "/Users/bariscanates/prj/electric"))))
Hello! I have a question 🙂 The problem is this file seq brings all of json, js, map, md, clj, cljc and other types of files. I just need to filter them with absolute clj, cljc and edn. I tried to solve it with the "regex-file-seq" method but it still returns some other files types like ---> "/Users/bariscanates/prj/electric/.shadow-cljs/builds/dev/dev/ana/hyperfiddle/rcf/queue.cljs.cache.transit.json"] some other files. Where am I doing a mistake?


The $ will anchor the match at the end of the string.


ah awesome! Thanks for the explanation.


is there any chance that without using extra codes or fors to filter clj and cljc at the same time?


#".*\.(cljc?|edn)$" .clj, .cljc, and .edn


thank you so much, have a good day/evening 🙂


You might find helpful if you are just learning about regex.

👀 1

Probably good to accept cljs files too, right?



He said "I just need to filter them with absolute clj, cljc and edn." in his original post so I assumed he wasn't interested in cljs flies...


Of course. I was just thinking forward. Use of cljc instead of just clj implies intent to use ClojureScript at some point.


Or maybe Babashka?



Oh thanks for the more information, I didn't see the messages sorry for late answer.


There’s also str/ends-with? BTW since regex maybe isn’t totally necessary here.

👍 2