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Noah Bogart13:03:22

I have a function that takes an object and returns a keyword of its "simple type", where (1 2 3) is :list and true is :boolean and both 1 and 1/2 are :number . I've implemented it using cond and the built in functions because I couldn't get case to work (`type` returns the class object, not a symbol). is there a better way than this? function impl in thread

Noah Bogart13:03:27

(defn simple-type
    ; literals
    (nil? elem) :nil
    (boolean? elem) :boolean
    (char? elem) :char
    (number? elem) :number
    (keyword? elem) :keyword
    (string? elem) :string
    (symbol? elem) :symbol
    ; reader macros
    (map? elem) :map
    (set? elem) :set
    (vector? elem) :vector
    (seq? elem) :list
    :else (type elem)))


condp could be used to avoid repeating elem everywhere.

Noah Bogart13:03:25

I don't think so cuz condp puts the predicate in the first position: (condp elem nil? :nil) becomes (if (elem nil?) :nil)


(condp #(%2 %1) ...)

👍 2

@UEENNMX0T I have a similar function in clj-kondo

Noah Bogart13:03:05

ha of course you do. i wonder how close ours are to each other


pretty similar I think

Andrew Ni14:03:44

I was trying to embed PyTorch into a clojure project using libpython-clj, but I keep getting segmentation errors when I try to train models. This is my code:

(ns test
  (:require [libpython-clj2.require :refer [require-python]]
            [libpython-clj2.python :as py :refer [py. py.. py.-]]))

(require-python '[torch.nn :as nn]

(let [batch 32
      dim-in 10
      dim-h 50
      dim-out 10
      input-X (torch/randn batch, dim-in)
      output-Y (torch/randn batch, dim-out)
      model (nn/Sequential (nn/Linear dim-in, dim-h)
                           (nn/Linear dim-h, dim-out))
      loss-fn (nn/MSELoss)]
  (let [pred-y (model input-X)
        loss (loss-fn pred-y output-Y)]
    (py. loss backward)))
Does anyone know what's going on?

Andrew Ni14:03:08

This is the error message:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007ff804117589, pid=28256, tid=37891
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Homebrew (19.0.2) (build 19.0.2)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Homebrew (19.0.2, mixed mode, emulated-client, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, bsd-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
C  [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x1589]  pthread_mutex_lock+0x4
I have also had error logs where the problematic frame was # C [libpython3.9.dylib+0x1692de] take_gil+0x3e, but since take_gil appears in the stacktrace of mutex_lock it seems like it's the same error. I've found that it's the (py. loss backward) expression that causes the error. I'm using a conda venv for the python side with pytorch 1.12.1, and I have libpython-clj 2.024. Since it seems like this is an issue with the global interpreter lock and thread safety, I tried wrapping my code in each of the four variations of py/with-gil, but none of those worked. Finally, translating the code to python and running it in the same venv works fine.


Hmm, you probably should post this in #CLR5FD4ET too @U05021LUYL8


Given the fact you included a very precise repro case, I tried it, and it's working correctly on my end (it produces nil because that's the result of backward


Maybe tell us more on how you are building your environment, in #CLR5FD4ET

Ítallo Rian18:03:57

how can i set enviroment variable using lein to execute my project? without docker or any machine...

Ítallo Rian18:03:13

i have this code: (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL"), but i need know how set DATABASE_URL in enviroment

Ítallo Rian18:03:20

i tried add .ENV file, but it did not work :((((

Ítallo Rian18:03:47

lein ring server-headless 5000 DATABASE_URL=something doesn't work either


Try export DATABASE_URL=something before running lein


This env var will be valid only for the current terminal session, so you might want to use some other tool to manage env vars, like


DATABASE_URL=something lein ring server-headless 5000


you set the env stuff at the beginning. as posted there that is an argument to lein ring server

Ítallo Rian19:03:27

I tried the suggestion and got this: The term 'DATABASE_URL=something' is not recognized as a cmdlet name

Ítallo Rian19:03:38

i'm using windows OS


oh. i have no idea how to set stuff on windows

Ítallo Rian19:03:15

export DATABASE_URL=something had the same problem


set DATABASE_URL=something should do the trick then


But it is only valid for the current session, using a separate tool to manage those env vars or putting on the lein command would be better... Not sure how to do any of those on windows tho

Ítallo Rian19:03:28

makes sense, I'll try

Ítallo Rian19:03:42

it's okay to be only in the session in my case...


Maybe creating a .bat that sets everything and starts the server is an option too

Ítallo Rian19:03:52

set DATABASE_URL=something it didn't work correctly, it's not picking up the application's System/getenv


What's the output of echo %DATABASE_URL%?

Ítallo Rian19:03:39

to add variables in .bat it's like SET VAR=something?

Ítallo Rian19:03:41

when i use echo, the variable appears correctly, weird


Sanity check, but you are running lein from the same terminal you ran set , right?


Try (System/getenv "PATH")

Ítallo Rian19:03:49

I think it worked here

Ítallo Rian19:03:10

It worked!

🙌 2
Ítallo Rian19:03:33

Thank you so much guys! You are very good.

Ítallo Rian19:03:14

what works is set DATABASE_URL=something but in regular command prompt not powershell


ohh... good to know. windows is weird sometimes 😕


you should give WSL a shot if you have not yet, windows always gave me headaches like this, no matter the language

Ítallo Rian19:03:41

really, i'm getting these headaches now while studying, for c# it's really good

Ítallo Rian19:03:05

I need to learn more about it before I switch entirely, thanks for the tip


yeah, C# being from microsoft works ok on windows, but I feel like windows is a 2nd class citizen for most(all?) other languages