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I have code inside eval that works in my REPL, but fails inside cognitect test.runner. It says it can't find symbol var-scope, which is a macro I've got required in the test namespace. Is there something about eval not getting the context of the namespace it's called in?


it's possible that *ns* is different when run in the repl vs in the test


Oh, actually I'm wrong about it being eval, it's Compiler/analyze that fails in the test runner, but succeeds in the REPL

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:01:31

test-runner requires test namespaces but does not change ns


It tries to resolve a symbol in the form it's analyzing, and can't find it. I guess that's a more esoteric use case for someone to use Compiler/analyze


As mentioned it is because in the repl the compile time and runtime value of *ns* is the same, but in arbitrary execution contexts there is no guarantee of any relationship between the compile time and runtime values of *ns*


Use syntax quote so your symbols are namespace qualified at read time


Ya, looks like you're right, it's because Compiler/analyze is using the ns of where I have the function that calls it, not where I'm calling my function that ends up calling it


*ns* is compile time state, you shouldn't expect it to be any particular value at runtime unless you set it


Well, now I get a Var$Unbound, but it's progress


Any prior art for having clojure.test.check take “5 seconds” instead of “1000 iterations”?

Sam Ritchie04:01:38

this library did it back in the day…

til 2

For generative tests, you can dynamically bind clojure.spec.alpha/*fspec-iterations* to a low number like 5.


is the question about how to bind the cardinality of test cases by time rather than number?

Sam Ritchie04:01:34

Yeah, I think they’re asking to “run for 5 seconds” vs run for n iterations


Maybe if you create a clock in your application, 5 seconds could be 5000 ticks depending on the granularity. Manifold repo has an example of such a clock.


you could create a lazy sequence of generative tests with fmap and consume from it until a timer indicates 5 seconds have elapsed


set an atom to true and have it expire in 5 seconds with (future (swap! *stopped?* (fn [_] (Thread/sleep 5000) false) and use take-while, or just use loop


I like that approach @UFTRLDZEW thanks.


Anyone know if there is a better way than using Compiler/analyze to infer the primitive type of an expression? Can I use tools.analyzer for that instead?


What's the most straightforward way to create a comparator that will work like compare in all situations, except that it compares strings case insensitively ?


Make both strings lower case?

(sort compare ["Hello" "hello" "ahoj"])
("Hello" "ahoj" "hello")

(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(sort #(compare (str/lower-case %1) (str/lower-case %2)) 
            ["Hello" "hello" "ahoj"])
("ahoj" "Hello" "hello")


(defn my-compare [a b]
  (if (and (string? a) (string? b))
    (.compareToIgnoreCase a b)
    (compare a b)))

👍 4

I've worked out more or less the same functions.. but these breakdown when combined with juxt for multi-field sorting. Hence the "in all situations".. For example:

(sort-by (juxt :name :phone)
         [{:name "aaron" :phone 0} {:name "Alice" :phone 1} {:name "Betty" :phone 2}])
;; => ({:name "Alice", :phone 1} {:name "Betty", :phone 2} {:name "aaron", :phone 0})
I'd expect the order to be the same as the input

Martin Půda12:01:45

In this example, my-compare receives two vectors of values, so you have to change them somehow. A wild guess:

(defn lc [o]
  (if (string? o)
    (str/lower-case o)

(defn my-compare [a b]
  (cond (and (string? a) (string? b))
        (.compareToIgnoreCase a b)
        (and (vector? a) (vector? b))
        (compare (mapv lc a)
                 (mapv lc b))
        :else (compare a b)))


@UK0810AQ2 That's exactly what I used in my first post in the thread. But it won't cut it because you can't make Clojure compare vectors of strings in a different manner without making your comparator vector-aware. Same goes for every other collection type that ends up comparing its elements pairwise.

👆 2
👍 2
Ben Sless12:01:31

ack, I see now

Ben Sless12:01:11

Seems like if you want a comprehensive solution you'll need to implement the entire tower with a protocol or multi method


What about something cruel like this?

(defn my-compare [a b]
  (.compareToIgnoreCase (pr-str a) (pr-str b)))

😱 10

I've resorted to preprocessing the list of maps, by lowercasing strings

Túlio Abner de Lima21:01:13

Hello, can someone help me understand why this works:

(new org.json.JSONArray "[{\"foo\":1}]")
; #object[org.json.JSONArray 0x116d3d6a "[{\"foo\":1}]"]
but this doesn't works:
(new org.json.JSONArray (identity "[{\"foo\":1}]"))
; Execution error (JSONException) at org.json.JSONArray/<init> (
; JSONArray initial value should be a string or collection or array.
? p.s.: this works too:
(new org.json.JSONArray (str "[{\"foo\":1}]"))
; #object[org.json.JSONArray 0x6121d769 "[{\"foo\":1}]"]


turn on reflection warnings

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
and you should see a difference in the calls


in the first and third examples, the compiler knows which overload method signature to target

Túlio Abner de Lima21:01:27

Thanks! I think I understand the problem now. The compiler doesn't know that the result of (identity ...) is a string. I fixed it with:

(new org.json.JSONArray ^String (identity "[{\"foo\":1}]"))

Túlio Abner de Lima21:01:30

But I couldn't see the difference with (set! *warn-on-reflection* true), the output was the same.


the middle call should print a warning

Túlio Abner de Lima21:01:01

I'm using Calva in VSCode. Should it appear in output.calva-repl?


I'm not familiar with where calva shows stuff, but yes it sounds like the REPL window should show that warning


unless maybe the compiler selected the "Object" signature


and didn't reflect at all

Túlio Abner de Lima21:01:00

I tried it in repl and nothing:

Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user=> (new org.json.JSONArray (identity "[{\"foo\":1}]"))
Execution error (JSONException) at org.json.JSONArray/<init> (
JSONArray initial value should be a string or collection or array.


then it must be that the compiler matched the Object signature

💡 2

and thus no warning

Túlio Abner de Lima00:02:26

Ow, ok, I understand now. Makes sense, thanks!