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Joshua Suskalo15:10:25

Is there a workaround for making fn* class names shorter? I'm getting exceptions around class names being too long from relatively small code size just because the macros it's working with expand to quite a few nested function literals.


Others can answer more authoritatively, but I know there is a JIRA issue asking about this. I believe the original motivation was for macro-heavy libraries like core.logic


I suspect the only workarounds are to use a file system that supports arbitrarily long file names, or to modify the Clojure compiler in how it constructs class names.


Some of the comments in that discussion might include other workarounds.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:10:03

I don't think there is any easy workaround. ultimately, this is going to need to be an alternative naming strategy in the compiler

Joshua Suskalo16:10:41

Thanks, that's good to know

Joshua Suskalo16:10:01

Unfortunately I'm in the same boat with a couple features of farolero, most notably the debugger assertions.


I'd recommend voting on the issue, and adding a comment about other Clojure library names that lead to a similar issue, for others searching for the issue in future.

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Noah Bogart16:10:49

I have a function that relies on java.lang.Runtime, and I want to extract that to make the function pure. I've type hinted the arg, but now I'm unsure of how to pass in a fake object that works the same. Any ideas or should I not worry about it?

(defn mem-stats
  "Returns a map of current total, free, and used memory in megabytes."
  [^java.lang.Runtime rt]
  (let [fm (.freeMemory rt)
        tm (.totalMemory rt)]
    {:total (->MB tm) :free (->MB fm) :used (->MB (- tm fm))}))

Noah Bogart16:10:02

But also, in other more complicated situations, how do you create a proxy for a concrete class? I can't seem to get proxy to work correctly in this instance


You could use definterface

(definterface MyInter
  (freeMemory []))

  (proxy [MyInter] []
    (freeMemory [] 123)))

=> 123


(defprotocol RuntimeStats
  (free-memory [_])
  (total-memory [_]))

(extend-protocol RuntimeStats
  (free-memory [rt] (.freeMemory rt))
  (total-memory [rt] (.totalMemory rt)))

(let [real (java.lang.Runtime/getRuntime)
      oom (reify RuntimeStats
            (free-memory [_] 0)
            (total-memory [_] (total-memory real)))]
  {:real {:free (free-memory real)
          :total (total-memory real)}
   :oom {:free (free-memory oom)
         :total (total-memory oom)}})


{:real {:free 211626544, :total 645922816},
 :oom {:free 0, :total 645922816}}


The idea is donโ€™t fake a java.lang.Runtime, just make that know how to satisfy your needs

Noah Bogart16:10:22

Both of these are great, thank you


perhaps worth noting, if java.lang.Runtime was implemented today probably it would implement an interface - it's sort of a modern-day OOP best practice


which Clojure already nudges us to :) by making inheritance difficult (if you wanted to squeeze performance you could subclass Runtime... I'd do it with a plain .java file)

Noah Bogart17:10:31

heh This doesn't need any sort of performance tuning, the function is only used in a single spot. Just decided to use it as an opportunity to learn.


yeah I could imagine one wouldn't be invoking this code 1000 times / second ๐Ÿ˜‡ I was simply nerd-sniped into it

Noah Bogart17:10:47

it's nerd-sniping all the way down

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Jared Langson21:10:30

Is there a variant of time that does not return the value of expr?


(time (do (expr...) nil)) should work

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