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if you were using a library whose primary utility was to extend some protocols to an existing type, would you prefer that it did that automatically on require or only after calling a function like install!
or something?
@U4YGF4NGM on require would be fine with me (I've done the same with protocols and specs)
Why not both?
A .core
ns with the install function (which I would name start
and plug it into Component/etc client-side) and a .auto
ns that calls (start)
at compile-time
So consumers can choose their prefered approach
From my side I don't like to be one tooling-config mistake away from a prod issue, has happened to me, never again
Hey all - what's the deps.edn approach to simulate the lein option for initial ns? it has something such as this:
:dev {:repl-options {:init-ns app.core}}
The scenario is, when I load up with my -A:dev alias in deps.edn, I would like to end up in my app's main file (or at the very least, have it pre-loaded into my top level "user" ns, or automagically load a dev/user.clj file which can do that busy work)(Note that having user.clj
load your app’s entry point namespace might impact your REPL startup time pretty significantly, though:

@U96DD8U80 Would this satisfy you?
seanc@Sean-win-11-laptop:~/clojure$ cat deps.edn
{:dev {:extra-paths ["dev"]
:main-opts ["-e" "(do (require 'startup) (in-ns 'startup))" "-r"]}}}
seanc@Sean-win-11-laptop:~/clojure$ cat dev/startup.clj
(ns startup)
(println "Starting up dev...")
seanc@Sean-win-11-laptop:~/clojure$ clj -M:dev
Starting up dev...
#object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x1827a871 "startup"]

Obvs the :dev
alias could require any ns and jump into it.
I want to update a map at some given paths. Created this function:
(defn update-in-paths
"Returns `m` where all `paths` are updated with `(f value-at-path)`"
[m paths f]
(reduce (fn [acc path]
(update-in acc path f))
Which is fine so far.
(def m {:a 3 :b {:x true :y [:z "z"]} :c 4})
(-> m
(update-in-paths [[:b :y] [:c]] str)) => {:a 3, :b {:x true, :y "[:z \"z\"]"}, :c "4"}
Now the problem is that I want to also be able to specify that all entries in some vector at the path should be updated. Something like
(def m {:a 3 :b {:x true :y [:z "z"]} :c 4})
(-> m
(update-in-paths [[:b :y :*] [:c]] str)) => {:a 3, :b {:x true, :y [\":z\" \"z\"]"}, :c "4"}
My brain seems to implode when trying to figure out how I should do this. And I also suspect that there might be a library that could help.
I need this for Calva, so helping me here is helping a poor open source dev with a tired brain. 😃supdate looks pretty spot on. I think I like it's syntax for updating all values in a vector better than the idea I had for it.
it's syntax is similar to pattern matching, you may be interested in core.match
I still like Specter's solution here and I think it's worth learning for performance as well as power.
(multi-transform (multi-path [:b :y ALL]
I haven’t checked in a few years, is there a more systematic way to learn specter yet besides constantly pestering Nathan with questions?
@U02KYBC5WJY Spectre looks pretty rad. I think it could be great material for your audience. Just sayn'. Seems like you could recruit someone to record with in this thread. 😃
Medley has considered adding a fn that lets you use update
as a sort of mini-language for nested updates, I think it’s rather elegant
It probably shouldn't surprise me that we have this abundance of options, but anyway, it amazes me. 😃 This is the example from that medley PR solved with supdate:
(def m {:users [{:id 1 :orders #{{:items [{:price 1} {:price 4} {:price 2}]}}}
{:id 2 :orders #{}}]})
(-> m
(supdate {:users [{:orders [{:items [{:price #(str "$" %)}]}]}]})
(supdate {:users [{:orders set}]}))
{:users [{:id 1 :orders #{{:items [{:price "$1"} {:price "$4"} {:price "$2"}]}}}
{:id 2 :orders #{}}]}
A bit boring with the restoring of the set type, but anyway.the syntax looks a bit like dataomic pull/ednQL. i think you probably identified a bug, though. i don't like it when high level DSLs change my types, and clojure has an ok way of preserving types via (->> my-obj transform-fn (into (empty my-obj))
clojure.walk is a good example of transformation code that doesn't change types. seems like a good bug to report this is a really cool idea i came across when searching around for declarative data transformations. this lib does have some common edge cases where it breaks (seems to fail on nil cases). i think the self documenting syntax is pretty elegant.
> seems like a good bug to report
Thanks all for bringing supdate
to my attention! I think it's a more comfortable alternative to threading macros (e.g. in event handlers for shadow-grove or re-frame). I do need assoc
though, so I'll probably just fork the supdate*
fn and keep it simple for now.
Here's what I ended up with:
{:a 1
:b {:c 3 :d #{4}}
:e :replace-with-num
:f :replace-with-vec
:g :replace-with-set
:h :replace-with-map}
{:a dissoc
:b {:c inc :d [inc]}
:e 6
:f (constantly [3 4])
:g #{1 2}
:h (constantly {"a" "b"})
:new {:foo :bar}})
:= {:b {:c 4, :d #{5}}
:e 6
:f [3 4]
:g #{1 2}
:h {"a" "b"}
:new {:foo :bar}}