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I'm struggling with writing a little macro that would make symbols within a map available as let bindings. Let's call it expand-locals First naive attempt doesn't work at all:

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let ~(vec (mapcat identity bindings-map))
     (do ~@body)))

(expand-locals {'project-id 100})
   Call to clojure.core/let did not conform to spec.
                        ({:path [:bindings :form :local-symbol],
                          :pred clojure.core/simple-symbol?,
                          :val 'project-id,
When extracting the body of macro and trying manually, it seems to work:
(let [bindings-map {'project-id 100}]
  `(let ~(vec (mapcat identity bindings-map))
     (do ~'project-id)))
;; => (clojure.core/let [project-id 100] (do project-id))
I tried a few different approaches but it only got worse. How should I approach this problem?

Martin Půda11:08:07

Don't quote symbols in the hash-map (and don't use do in let):

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let ~(vec (mapcat identity bindings-map))

(expand-locals {a 1 b 2} a)
=> 1
(expand-locals {a 1 b 2} b)
=> 2
(expand-locals {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
=> 3


Quoting was the problem in this case. however, it doesn't help beyond a very simplistic case, like when passing the input literally.

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let [~@(mapcat identity bindings-map)]

;; this works
(expand-locals {project-id 100}
;; => 100

;; but this doesn't:
(def mylocals {'project-id 100})
(expand-locals my-locals
;;=> throws:    Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol


Obviously, I need to quote the symbol here because it's normally not available.

Martin Půda11:08:12

My only idea is this one, but eval is evil and there has to be something better:

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let ~(vec (mapcat identity (eval bindings-map)))

(def my-locals {'project-id 100})

(expand-locals my-locals
=> 100

(expand-locals {'project-id 100}
=> 100


Thanks. Yeah, I don't want to do that but better than nothing 🙂.


@U06BE1L6T I don't think that is possible, because to produce a let you will need all the information at compiletime. So things like this will not work :

(defn foo [my-locals]
  (expand-locals my-locals project-id))


so for macros to produce code all the info should be available at compile time


Supporting a var isn't too hard:

(def my-bindings '{project-id 100})

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let ~(if (symbol? bindings-map)
           (deref (ns-resolve *ns* bindings-map))
           (vec (mapcat identity bindings-map)))


  (macroexpand-1 '(expand-locals {project-id 100} project-id)) ;; => (clojure.core/let [project-id 100] project-id)
  (macroexpand-1 '(expand-locals my-bindings project-id))      ;; => (clojure.core/let {project-id 100} project-id)

but looking up symbols in local scope is harder

👍 1

maybe wrap each value in the map in a function call?


@U01AKQSDJUX your example doesn't work for me:

(def my-bindings '{project-id 100})

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let ~(if (symbol? bindings-map)
           (deref (ns-resolve *ns* bindings-map))
           (vec (mapcat identity bindings-map)))

(expand-locals my-bindings project-id)
1. Caused by clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   Call to clojure.core/let did not conform to spec.
                        [{:path [:bindings],
                          :pred clojure.core/vector?,
                          :val {project-id 100},
                          [:clojure.core.specs.alpha/bindings :clojure.core.specs.alpha/bindings],
                          :in [0]}],
                        #object[clojure.spec.alpha$regex_spec_impl$reify__2503 0x1852c88 "clojure.spec.alpha$regex_spec_impl$reify__2503@1852c88"],
                        :value ({project-id 100} project-id),
                        :args ({project-id 100} project-id)}
                 alpha.clj:  712  clojure.spec.alpha/macroexpand-check


And trying the eval approach with more complicated example; it doesn't work when trying to capture a ring request where there's a reference to a connection pool:

1. Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException
   Can't embed object in code, maybe print-dup not defined: HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1)


Ed, I think you forgot to make a binding vector for the var case - this works:

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  `(let [~@(if (symbol? bindings-map)
             (mapcat identity (deref (ns-resolve *ns* bindings-map)))
             (mapcat identity bindings-map))]

(expand-locals my-locals project-id)
;; => 100
(expand-locals {project-id 100}
;; => 100


I guess I really have to lookup those values dynamically instead of placing the values inside let bindings. And I'm actually fine with requiring that bindings-map is a symbol denoting a var. I made something like this

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-var-sym & body]
  (let [bindings (deref (ns-resolve *ns* bindings-var-sym))]
    (->> body
          (fn [form] (if (and (simple-symbol? form)
                              (contains? bindings form))
                       `(get ~bindings-var-sym '~form)
         (mapcat identity))))
(expand-locals my-locals
               (let [a 1]
                 (str "b/" project-id "/" a)))
;; => "b/100/1"


apologies ... I got distracted from chatting on slack 😉


yes ... you're right, the code I pasted above didn't work - sorry about that


No problem, thanks for the idea and the code! I actually ended up mixing these two approaches:

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-var-sym & body]
  (let [bindings (deref (ns-resolve *ns* bindings-var-sym))]
    `(let [~@(mapcat (fn [[sym _]]
                       [sym `(get ~bindings-var-sym '~sym)])


something like this

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  (let [bindings (-> bindings-map
                     (cond-> (symbol? bindings-map) (some->> (ns-resolve *ns*) deref))
                     (->> (into [] (mapcat identity))))]
    `(let ~bindings
will look up the var

👍 1

ah .. cool .. you got something sorted then?


I don't think it's possible to look up arbitrary locals


(let [local-bindings '{project-id 100}]
    (expand-locals local-bindings project-id))
like that ... because the locals are more often only known at runtime


Yeah, this is the key piece to make it work in my setting:

`(get ~bindings-var-sym '~sym)
I realized I really care mostly about the case when the bindings are stored in a global var.


fair enough ... remember that the var is only going to be derefed at macroexpansion time


Without that, the values are "printed" into the let bindings and it doesn't work with arbitrary objects.


so if you update the contents of the var, you'll have to reexpand all the macros


you could also delay evaluation of the vals in the bindings map by wrapping them in a function

(defmacro expand-locals [bindings-map & body]
  (let [bindings (-> bindings-map
                     (cond-> (symbol? bindings-map) (some->> (ns-resolve *ns*) deref))
                     (->> (into [] (mapcat (fn [[n v]] [n (list (list 'fn [] v))])))))]
    `(let ~bindings


This is mostly for debugging, so I'm basically calling calling this expand-locals manually anyway.