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Jacob Rosenzweig06:05:10

@seancorfield What do you usually use with honeysql to make generic CRUD apps? I see one tutorial reference using the next-jdbc but are there alternatives? I guess that's your library too.


For the last decade I've been using Clojure in production to power around forty online dating sites. We have about 113k lines of Clojure at work.

Adam Helins09:05:48

I know I've seen a couple of new-ish file watching libs during the past few months. Would you recommend any over good ol' hawk?


@adam678 This one is used in krell and has been extracted into a lib:

Adam Helins09:05:13

Looks neat and simple 👍

Adam Helins10:05:18

(but it is for directories only, not plain files)


With clj, how am I supposed to pass --report stderr when I have -M:alias? The doc says:

  Run main       clojure [clj-opt*] -M[aliases] [init-opt*] [main-opt] [arg*]

  --report target     Report uncaught exception to "file" (default), "stderr", or "none"
But when I use something like clojure -M:prod:build:build/once --report stderr, the --report stderr part gets fed into my -main.