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@seancorfield splendid! Thanks a lot 🙂


@rextruong Let me know if version 1.0.206 addresses your needs.


Will do once I'm back at my station 🙂


@seancorfield Can confirm that it's working great now! Thanks again 🙂

👍 3

@seancorfield Thanks a lot for the tools.cli updates :)

👍 3

Any of you have experiences with Gorilla REPL, do you still use it? And in what situations.


I used it a bit for some calculations where I wanted interactive visualizations. I mostly make due without it but when doing more mathy things I'd use it again. Probably with nrepl tho.


Is there a link to download the latest Linux install script for CLI tools? For example in a update-everything script I'm able to Curl*latest*/download/ but for CLI tools I have to modify the script every time new version is available.


If you use Homebrew, you could do brew upgrade clojure/tools/clojure to get the latest released version.


That should work for macOS and LInux


No, not yet, still not convinced to use homebrew on LInux 🙂 Maybe it's time to give it a try.


If you want an unchanging URL for curl, that is up to Clojure maintainers whether they plan to provide such a thing (or perhaps already do). @U064X3EF3 would know.


This URL exists right now, and appears to be an alias to the latest version of the install script, but I don't know if that is promised to continue to exist:


Nice! Thank you:)


I use brew on Ubuntu - so much nicer than dealing with shell script installation every time.

👀 3

@U8279M970 You could also scrape the brew recipe and then use that to get the newest linux script ;)

🔥 3

It's important to know which distribution you're using, as each distro (family) has it's own package managers

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:02:19

that download link above is NOT something we officially publish or guarantee will work

👌 3
Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:02:12

it is possible for it to be out of sync with the numbered versions

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:02:24

if it would be helpful to publish a file in a known place with the current stable version (or link), I'd be happy to think about what to do there

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:02:00

this file is basically that but it's branch-specific so probably not stable enough

👍 3

Silly question, probably one of those cases where the answer is obvious 😅 Say I have a keyword (def kw :example) and I want a function or macro that takes the keyword as an argument and returns a quoted list with the value of that argument in the second position, something like '[?a :example ?b] what would be the best way to do so?


Here is a way to write a function that returns what you describe:

user=> (defn template1 [kw] ['?a kw '?b])
user=> (def kw :example)
user=> (template1 kw)
[?a :example ?b]


That returns the same value you describe that would be read if you typed '[?a :example ?b] at a REPL


yeah that seems to work, thanks! I was a little bit confused about the '[?a ?b ?c] vs ['?a b '?c]


thanks 🙂 somehow my mind was tricked into thinking the position of the quotes mattered in this case


If you put quote before the [ of a vector, the entire thing is quoted, and will not be evaluated.


If you want some of the vector elements evaluated, and some not, then don't put a ' before the [, but do put it before any elements that you do not want to be evaluated


The position of the quotes DO matter


yes of course, the problem is that the thing I want to put that in is itself quoted


You mean, you want the return value of the function to be included in part of a larger collection, which is currently quoted in your code?


To do that, you must make that larger collection no longer quoted as a whole. Or use a function like vec or vector to build that collection instead of a literal [ ... ] expression, if it is a vector. Similarly hash-map or set if it is a map or set.


Quoting an entire collection with ' does not let you pick and choose pieces of it to be evaluated.


I think I got it now 😄 thanks!


(conj '[:find (count ?x) .
        :in $ ?table
        :with ?v
        [?table :example ?record]]
      ['?record attr '?v])
is an order of magnitude faster than
'[:find (count ?x) .
  :in $ ?table ?attr
  :with ?v
  [?table :example ?record]
  [?record ?attr ?v]]
so this silly workaround will do for now


@U0508P8EK There is also this, hidden in the dark corners of the clojure std libs:

$ bb -e "(require '[clojure.template :as t]) (t/apply-template '[?x] '[:foo ?x :bar] [:baz])"
[:foo :baz :bar]

👍 3

wow, TIL 😄