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It seems awesome, but there's too few info to really comment on it


we are working on it, we’ll make a tweet ~1 a week to keep you update


Cool 🙂 This seems next in the line of joker-lang. But please give a cool name 😎


Unless forbidden to, we’ll go for a boring name like ClojureDart.

👍 3

As I understand, this is compiled to Dart correct? Not an interpreter?


yea, I think I read a tweet that it produces Dart source code


Oh cool, so it compiles to Dart source code, interesting


Wonder how that will play with REPLs and other dynamic use like "eval" and support for Vars


It depends. When you run in dev mode, you are in the dart vm and you can redef and eval. The compiler can only run in this mode. When you run your cljd code as a native executable you can’t eval or redef.

👍 4

That seems good then, similar to native Clojure with GraalVM it would seem.


Is there a way to pretty print transients in the repl, so I see the actual content and not just the type name?


@rob703 I'm realizing that the reason I don't have an answer to this is that I've always taken transients as a hack (14% or so speed increase), so as soon as I need to debug something I stop using them


someone else might have a better answer


that's exactly my problem now. I have an infinite loop i need to debug


might be easiest to call persistent! while debugging - that makes the next transient op blow up, but it prints clearly


(of course you can create a new transient to use in the place of the old one too)


That's what I did for a while but I find it highly annoying when everything blows up while debugging I'd be ok with "copy-transient-and-print-it"


(unless you are bashing in place, which means you are using transients wrong and that's the likely cause of your bug)


(defn debug-transient [t message] (let [p (persistent! t)] {prn message p) (transient p)) - something like that should be safe, it gives you a new transient back to use with the same contents


the only reason you couldn't use that is if you are using the transient but not using the return value of conj! / assoc! etc., which, in this case, is the probably source of your bug


Hm fair enough, if the sort order remains the same that'll be good enough for now. I made sure to use the return value, so that's fine. The real problem is that I needed to translate a really hardcore imperative algorithm into clojure/fp and it's gotten real ugly (who would have thought)


but more generally, I'd be suspicious of using transients for anything complex enough to need debugging - use normal collections then rewrite with transients when the tests pass

👍 3

Yes that's what I'll probably do now


if you think transients will help you do an imperative algorithm, you're already on the wrong track


I've chosen them only for speed reasons, instead of an atom... I should have chosen the atom though it seems


the idea that a transient could replace an atom is already an error


they have the same api as normal collections, just different function names


they accidentally let you update in place, but that's not a defined behavior, it's just incidental - they are allowed to do so, and never promise to do so


Yes I found out afterwards and rewritten my code accordingly. But that's the thing. When I want to speed up code that is using an atom right now, I have to rewrite it anyway in order to use transients properly. So I figured I might as well go all in and write my algorithm only with transients. So yah, now I'm here, trying to debug things 🙂


but thank you, I'll try your debug snippet


@rob703 the thing that's meant to be an atom but faster is volatile! - but that only works in single threaded code


which means the effective way to use both is to use normal collections and container types first, get your code working, and if it's still too slow swap in a volatile! or transient if it's apropriate


I see, thank you. I'll keep that in mind as a hard earned lesson. I think my main problem was half-assing the translation from the oop/imperative to the clojure version. So I gotta clean that up now


Edit: moved to #ring


@kwladyka I'm not sure if this question belongs in #clojure - also please don't flood the channel with JSON


I mean, you can make this into a gist perhaps.


ok I will ask on #ring then


Hi! I want to build specs from a sequence of maps. Of course, spec/def being a macro, I cannot just map over the sequence. I could achieve it by using a macro myself, but I was wondering if it can be done with functions only. There is spec/def-impl, which is a function, but its docstring discourages its use… any ideas? (I'll totally take no for an answer.)

John Conti23:01:23

(defmacro functionize [macro]
  `(fn [& args#] (eval (cons '~macro args#))))

(let [a [true]] (apply (functionize and) a))
=> true has always struck me as the least tortured way to deal with macros, by simply turning them into functions.

🙏 3

Hi! Sorry, I only just noticed your message (I'm not that used to navigating slack). thats actually a great little piece of code, thank you that I will definitely add to my vault! (I'll not be able to use it for my immediate use case since eval is not available in ClojureScript afaik) Cheers!

John Conti21:01:02

Glad I could offer something. I had forgotten about eval in Clojurescript, and I haven’t used it since the self-hosted compiler project started. So I had to ask duck duck go the state of play, and came across I know nothing about the viability of this implementation of eval. But it is a very exciting step in that compiler’s development that it can provide it. But other than enthusiasm I have no direct experience with it. Though functionalizing a macro seems like a good fit for it.


Try malli instead


Thanks, taking a look at it right now…


@services yeah, there is no way doing that without a macro, or using the discouraged impl


technically it is possible, the most straightforward way being using eval


yeah, macro or eval, kind of the same thing


in theory spec2 is supposed to make that sort of thing easier

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:58

s/register can be used for this in spec 2


but what I would do (and do all the time), is just write some code to generate the s/def forms, run that code in the repl, and then copy and paste those forms back in to your code


(assuming the maps are fairly static)


It's a data-oriented Spec replacement, basically, made by metosin who also made spec-tools:

Grant Isom21:01:27

Got a weird question: I am trying to format a request with Cheshire to have a key "\$oid" , but it only seems possible to get \\$oid. Is there a way to escape $ solely?


you are likely being confused by printing at the repl

Grant Isom21:01:53

When I actually send the request it still is \\$oid


how do you know?


there is no clojure syntax to escape $ in a string, because it's not special


\ prints as \\ unless you are printing for display


user=> "\\$oid"
user=> (println "\\$oid")


user=> (seq "\\$oid")
(\\ \$ \o \i \d)

Grant Isom21:01:53

When I actually made the request, the key for the JSON object was still \\$oid


do you mean the it was serialized in the json that way?


because the same escaping happens in json


the string that prints normally (with println) as "\\$oid" would print for reading (with prn) as "\\\\$oid"

Grant Isom21:01:34

I guess I am not trying to escape the dollar as I am trying to escape the slash. I need it to be received \$ because in another env I need to escape the dollar.


@grant.isom no clojure string will ever prn as "\" undoubled, and the repl uses prn


@hiredman, @borkdude Thanks to both of you! 1. I'm on ClojureScript, so no eval for me 😔 2. The Sequence is not static, since it is supposed to be edited by my customer who wants to compile the app on his own and generate different versions (we'll see how that works out). Altogether this is not super important, since I already have implmented a working macro-solution… just thought I might simplify it and gain a better understanding of spec @simongray Malli sure does look like an interesting choice fo my use case. One of my goals is to match an existing Swagger2 Schema… which apparently Malli schemas can be transformed into…


@services swagger-like JSON API things is really where Malli probably shines


as malli also supports coercions out of the box, and spec doesn't


and for other reasons maybe too

Grant Isom21:01:04

Okay found out cheshire was escaping my escapes haha


@simongray, @borkdude Looks like the Malli Readme will be my bed-time reading for tonight…thanks! For the record: what I'm trying to do is to declare the constraints on my data in one place and then impose them on my API-request as well as on the input fields in my form (e.g. max-length attributes and field validation)


I haven't used Malli myself, only spec, but it seems like it would fit your use case.

Danny Almeida22:01:22

Hi everyone! Is there a guide or some sort best practises when it comes to deploying clojure apps to the cloud ? I'm looking at AWS and was wondering if there is some sort of step by step guide to the setup including jar/war creation, deployment and monitoring it... maybe even a CI/CD setup. I've a local docker based setup for experimentation, but I've not tried a production build/setup as yet. Any pointers in this direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance 🙂


my best results always come from following instructions for java, but using lein or clj to build the fat jar instead of maven


this generalizes to google cloud, or desktop apps, etc.

Danny Almeida23:01:56

how do you deploy ? Do you use containers or something else ?

Danny Almeida23:01:49

this is not for work...just experimenting as I'm doing a cloud certification course and wanted to do a clojure deployment as part of the learning process


that varies based on how devops should work


the simplest thing IMHO is to wrap the java service in a daemon


at a certain point of complexity, using docker or whatever plus a container mainagement infrastructure becomes simpler


I've never seen that happen for a personal project

Danny Almeida23:01:28

that's true. I'm loathe to setting up a EC2 instance and then install jdk etc and setting it up as that's a lot maintenance further down


you never need a jdk

Danny Almeida23:01:50

i meant jre to run the app


right - but a good clojure app never needs more than the jar itself and a jre


anything else means I'm probably doing it wrong

Danny Almeida23:01:40

so what's the lightest setup you would recommend ?


(eg. depending on local resources in a fs when I should be using a service for storage)


the lightest setup is a fat jar, a jre, and a systemd script that starts java


if you want "easy" you can maybe try Heroku. If you want complex (load balancers, Terraform, etc) look at the article I posted in the main channel.


yeah - I really don't like the heroku approach, they use git and lein on the server

Danny Almeida23:01:11

@borkdude thank you, will check it out


I'm trying to suggest simple rather than easy or complex

Danny Almeida23:01:40

i am looking at simple setup which can be scaled in and out based on workload


I've been deploying personal projects as java -jar uberjar.jar and init scripts (now systemd, I guess)

💯 6
Danny Almeida23:01:02

and have databases etc as managed services separately


yeah, sounds like you want some real infrastructure then - I haven't used terraform in anger but it's definitely meant to do what you want


it's a complex pile of brittle crap also (or else someone set it up badly...)


you could also try datomic cloud. your app will live inside the db (as a managed service) ;)

Danny Almeida23:01:36

ah i see .. that's interesting. But for experimentation, i would rather stay out of datomic cloud, as I've heard it's quite expensive and the setup is difficult as well

Danny Almeida23:01:01

but thanks for all the tips guys 👍:skin-tone-3:


I haven't seen any mass scale app orchestration that isn't hard to set up and expensive - I think it kind of comes with the domain

Danny Almeida23:01:22

@borkdude yeah that's what I want to do as well .. If you could share notes of your setup, that would be nice


sorry, I removed the msg. I said: we are migrating from bare metal Docker swarm to AWS docker swarm

Danny Almeida23:01:18

yeah i read that before you deleted it 😉 . thanks for the link you posted. Will go through it


I haven't personally done this migration, so I don't have any notes right now. The reason we are moving away from bare metal has to do with someone leaving our team, so we have no choice


but the bills will probably be a lot steeper


there are options with terraform to have config driven cluster spinup

Danny Almeida23:01:33

i guess there is always a price for convenience 🙂

Danny Almeida23:01:21

@noisesmith thanks .. will research terraform and docker options for deployment


another concern is that docker was not designed for security, newer kubernetes addresses this by using an alternative container format with a compatible config

Danny Almeida23:01:53

@noisesmith i see. thanks for the tip


also, even with a container, it's still better to run your build tool and package a jar into the container, rather than making a container that runs your build tool on startup

Danny Almeida23:01:42

i agree. that makes more sense