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yes. loop/recur with first/rest should support that
or (run! (fn [x] (Thread/sleep N) (println x)) (range))
where N is the magic amount of time to sleep between items
(doseq [item (range)]
(Thread/sleep N)
(println item))
My real use case is I want to print a lazy-seq of bytes read from socket.
(repeatedly #(.read (.getInputStream (Socket. "localhost" 8888))))))
do you mean to open the socket repeatedly? or only read from it?
so you aren't actually sleeping, just a blocking read?
yeah, I'd use run! if it wraps up nicely in one function, or doseq if you have multiple imperative steps
(and doesn't make sense to abstract the operation as a function for any other usage...)
doseq also accepts all the syntactic tricks that for does (but imperative / eager)
OK it works! I was previously evaling from vim that’s why it didn’t print anything and hang. I tried it in the repl and it worked as expected. 😌
Anyone ever get cljfx working with lein? I'm asking around in #cljfx but it seems pretty empty. I installed the clojars package dependency in project.clj and ran lein deps, but when I try to include the ns, it errors out
What error do you get @m131 and what version of Java are you running?
(! 1107)-> java -version
openjdk version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13, mixed mode)
Mon May 13 20:11:03
(! 1108)-> clj -Sdeps '{:deps {cljfx {:mvn/version "1.2.9"}}}'
Clojure 1.10.0
user=> (require '[cljfx.api :as fx])
Seems to work with Leiningen too
(! 1109)-> lein new app jfx
Generating a project called jfx based on the 'app' template.
Mon May 13 20:12:02
(! 1110)-> cd jfx
Mon May 13 20:12:05
(! 1111)-> vi project.clj
Mon May 13 20:12:46
(! 1112)-> lein repl
nREPL server started on port 57958 on host -
jfx.core=> (require '[cljfx.api :as fx])
jfx.core=> Bye for now!
Mon May 13 20:13:18
(! 1113)-> cat project.clj
(defproject jfx "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url " "}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[cljfx "1.2.9"]]
:main ^:skip-aot jfx.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
Mon May 13 20:13:22
(! 1114)->
Thanks - let me test - I have used openjfx with openjdk version "1.8.0_212" just fine in the past, but perhaps i'm hitting an issue now. let me give your samples a try
I've never managed to get it to work with openjdk 8, only Oracle JDK 8 and OpenJDK 11. - That was my clojure browser project, it used openjfx, but I didn't use any of the clojurey abstraction libs like fn-fx or cljfx - it basically loads up the openjfx portion via .java files and hooks into it on the clojure side
When you got it to work with openjdk 11, was that by building openjfx from source? or does it shop as part of 11? (or as a separate package like with openjdk 1.8?)
openjdk11 does not include javafx -- cljfx brings it in as dependencies I think.
@m131 I figured I'd just try it on Windows PowerShell too
seems like I can't get any luck with arch linux and this setup using lein - I can get the require to work without lein using deps, maybe lein isn't needed
@m131 There's a plugin for that -- lein-tools-deps
I think it's called.
FWIW, we started with lein
in 2011 at work, switched to boot
in 2015, and switched completely to clj
/`deps.edn` last year and we haven't looked back.
thanks, maybe that's the best way forward for me as well, I'll have to spend some more time on deps.edn
We use Socket REPLs and plain text REPLs. I used Emacs for years but switched to Atom (with ProtoREPL at first, but with Chlorine now). My colleague @hiredman uses Emacs but I'm pretty sure he's stopped using CIDER/nREPL these days.
I'm a big fan of the simplest possible tools that work and support an effective REPL-driven workflow.
Yea, this does seem nice - with nothing more than a core.clj, deps.edn and cljfx as a dependency, I have the sample working now. I guess the other things I've used in lein, clj can replace as well? (generating an uberjar etc.?)
There are some libs out there that try to fill those various holes to different degrees
In my libraries, I use leiningen to publish. In my apps, I install CLJ on the host I’m running on
^^ for libs
@m131 We use (my fork of) depstar
to build uberjars for production deployment. Then we run them with java -cp path/to/the.jar clojure.main -m entry.point
I publish libs to Clojars using clj -Spom
, depstar
and a mvn
deploy task.
(and there's a tools.deps
/`clj` tool for publishing to Clojars if you prefer)
Hi, I had a doubt about core.async, (async/alts!! [channel-im-expecting-data (async/timeout 30000)]) What happens to the timeout channel if i get the data from the other channel? Does my thread get occupied for the next 30 seconds till the timeoutchannel emits something or is it picked up by GC immediately after the alts!! gets the 'winner' channel
I'm trying to preserve the type of a collection after calling map
over it. My attempt of (into (empty xs) (map f xs))
doesn't work for vectors because it reverses the arguments. Is there any other good tricks for this?
That's probably sensible tbh :) although strictly speaking, (not= (type (list 1 2 3)) (type (map inc (list 1 2 3))))
Hi, related to my previous question about lazy-seq of bytes from a socket:
(let [in (.getInputStream (Socket. "localhost" 8888))]
(run! handle-byte (repeatedly #(.read in))))
What’s the advantage of doing seq operation here over recursively handling bytes?
(let [in (.getInputStream (Socket. "localhost" 8888))]
(loop [b (.read in)]
(handle-byte b)
(recur (.read in))))
There’s an overhead to the seq
abstraction, which at this level is quite significant. If you want to escape procedural code, I advise you turn to transducers
Do you mean the second style, which uses loop and recur, is procedural? And why should I escape it?
The way I see it is, even it’s procedural, it’s just the byte-reading part, which has side-effect anyway. Most of my business logic is inside handle-byte
, which can still be functional.
Yes, it’s not a big deal. Still, what you are doing can be represented as mapping over a bytestream (which also correctly handles when it eventually runs out, unlike the versions you posted).
See for inspiration:
if it is transient and doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter and you shouldnt bother keeping it
Do you mean the second style, which uses loop and recur, is procedural? And why should I escape it?
The way I see it is, even it’s procedural, it’s just the byte-reading part, which has side-effect anyway. Most of my business logic is inside handle-byte
, which can still be functional.
Hi! I am not sure it’s a right channel, but is there anybody who ever worked with flatbuffers from Clojure? Its Java API seems reasonable, however at first look it does not seem it can be clojure idiomatic enough. I can miss something tho.
Is tap>
suitable for data? I send a map to it but REBL shows it only as a string, and only first N characters (30??) so it is useless as most of it is namespaced keys 😞 @seancorfield, you use REBL and tap>, do you know? Thank you!!!
Update: Mouse over shows the whole map for a few seconds, which solves the problem, though I would prefer to be also able to inspect it in REBL's viewer.
@holyjak Currently, tap>
'd values in REBL just display as strings -- you can't datafy
/`nav` into them which is a bit of a shame. I use tap>
for debugging and being able to see output alone is valuable but, yes, it would be a lot more valuable if you could drill down into tap>
'd values in REBL like you can with regular values from the REPL. @U064X3EF3
It's also kind of annoying that tap>
returns true
/`false` instead of the value you are "tapping". Makes it harder to use in a pipeline (you end up with (doto tap>)
instead of just (tap>)
and you can only use it with ->
not ->>
I think we have a CLJ ticket for that
I don't see one @U064X3EF3 -- I searched for both tap>
and REBL
Maybe we’ve just talked about it then
There's about tap>
failing altogether in REBL on certain JDK versions (due to a reference to a class that has been removed).
thank you , Sean! Let's hope it will be getting. better...
Oh, I'm sure Cognitect will continue to improve REBL...
Should be data and I believe there was talk about ways to inspect and def as it, but not sure where that is
on Windows GraalVM native I get a nullpointer for io/resource
because (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
returns nil
. What should I use instead?
I’m writing a macro that uses eval to do a series of requires and then uses them inside the body (like (mymacro (:require [my.ns :as m]) (m/some-fn))
). It works fine except if I use a namespace aliased keyword (like (mymacro (:require [my.ns :as m]) (m/some-fn ::m/my-kw))
). It throws an error saying it can’t resolve m
. Curious if this is possible to get working and generally when are namespace aliased keywords resolved?
namespace aliasing is done at read time
which happens before your macro runs
Thanks @noisesmith, that makes sense. @borkdude reading…
@borkdude interesting article, and i’m already using a wrapping do
(my macro is based off of the one found here AFAICT though, as @noisesmith said, the namespace aliased keyword expansion is happening before anything gets eval’d.
Does anyone have experience with Jib for Clojure containers? What would be required to get that into boot or lein?
Which I guess means that the compiler is analyzing the file using the requires in ns
perhaps to do that namespace resolution?
@colinkahn one work around would be something like the macro turning m my-kw
(or anything else that isn't an aliased keyword) into ::m/my-kw
on output
it could be symbols, strings, whatever
it could even convert :m/my-kw
into ::m/my-kw
- if that makes any sense for the macro internally
yeah - it really depends on what your macro is meant to do
for this specific case I can work around it by just avoiding those namespace aliased keywords (it’ll be used in a fairly limited way, so that’ll be possible)
also, there's nothing stopping you from just using :my.ns/some-key - is never needed, just convenient - what you said
Wondering if anyone can help me find a more elegant way to do this. So for this puzzle here I've got a simple parser function to translate an instruction string into an instruction function. It's pretty boiler-platey though. In the end, I want to try multiple regexes to find what I need (with capture) and I want to short-circuit when I've got it (not try all the matches). I don't mind the repetition within regex strings, but the repeated when-let
is pretty ugly:
that could be cond
oh, but the destructuring - you want a match type thing that has destructuring built into the clauses
you could do the regex as #"([a-z]+) (\d+)"
then you can use cond on the a-z
or even case
Sure. I had considered some trick like that, but I guess I was hoping for something a bit more generic for this kind of thing. Not the end of the world, guess I could invest in some macro or something if I do this enough (suprisingly a lot in these AOC puzzles).
I think one parsing rule then dispatching on data is better than N parsing rules
match isn't in clojure.core
usually with puzzles like these people aren't able to use deps? dunno
I can use whatever (no requirements, just for fun), but for sure I'll prefer things in core or more standard stuff when available.
Right. Can you see how it would fit in with my above example? If it's elegant and not too off the beaten path (not trying to refactor my whole solution into some prolog type thing) I'd for sure consider it
@mkeller02 what about something like this:
(defn parse-instruction [i]
(let [[_ op x y] (some identity
[(re-matches #"(snd) (\d+)" i)
(re-matches #"(set) ([a-z]) (\d+)" i)
(re-matches #"(add) ([a-z]) (\d+)" i)
(re-matches #"(mul) ([a-z]) (\d+)" i)
(re-matches #"(mod) ([a-z]) (\d+)" i)
(re-matches #"(rcv) ([a-z])" i)])]
(case op
"snd" #(assoc % :snd (Long/parseLong x))
"set" #(assoc % x (Long/parseLong y))
"add" #(update % x (partial + (Long/parseLong y)))
Of course as soon as I write that my brain is screaming defmulti
at me, but …
i looked back and I just mapped read-string over the strings once they were split by space
here's the evaluator: and here's where i prepare the data:
@manutter51 I do like that better, works with the speculative destructuring
the code becomes quite a bit simpler if you do the regex once:
(defn try-number
(try (Long/parseLong s)
(catch Exception _ s)))
(def instruction-re #"(\w+) (\w+) ?(\w+)?")
(defn parse-instruction
(let [[_ op a b] (re-matches instruction-re i)
x (try-number a)
y (try-number b)]
(case op
"snd" #(assoc % :snd x)
"set" #(assoc % x y))))
oh, I should have read the scrollback :D
I guess speculatively trying to treat everything as a number in order to use only one regex is weird though :/
Looks like you could do it with 3 regexes though: op-digit, op-var-digit, and op-var.
that's true
that's probably the most elegant version
you could split on spaces and have a defmulti that dispatches on first. then the defmethod can just take the whole space split line and do what it needs to do with it.
or even just a map of functions that are keyed by the instruction string
Yeah, that was what I was thinking as soon as I wrote out the some
-based version
The nice thing about some
+ regexes is that you can specify that, for example, the add
operator has to be followed by exactly a 1-character channel name and an integer value.
The multimethod would have to add extra logic to provide those constraints.
Hey guys, i'm creating a zip file for the client download with Ring. But i want after the user download's it, it automatically deletes the zip file, any ready solutions for that?
Maybe this?
yeah i saw this but, deleting when the JVM exits is not a good solution
because it will be always online
it may be a solution by now, but not in the future
there’s a line at the bottom showing how to delete the file without waiting for the JVM to exit
yes, but i don't know how to trigger this delete
i don't know how to tell if a user have tried to access the file, and if he finished downloading or not
i'm trying to figure out something within Ring that does do this
you might consider deleting after a certain period of time. in case the user needs to re-try downloading it
yeah that's good too
but in that case, there is any sort of lib that does this kind of job? runs a function every X minutes?
but the function would need to be specific to each created resource, because every resource has a different trigger time
wow, that seems to be hard to scale
there’s a few libs out there for running tasks on a timer. I’ve used
you could probably run it on a batch process: every 10 mins or so, run a function that checks if any files are over their expiration time and if so, delete them
I would probably do something like: have a task that checks the temps/ directory every few minutes, get the create-datetime for each file, and if the file is older than “X” minutes, delete it.
sounds good
Lol, typing and not reading
The nice thing about periodically “sweeping” is that if your app crashes and restarts, it’ll automatically clean up after itself.
i'll check this tick
library and see if i can create the task, thanks guys
@cybersapiens97 if you need something solid and scalable I recommend pushing the zip-files to AWS S3 and programmatically generating download URL that’s valid for x seconds. It’s a pretty common use-case.
wow, that sounds nice, definitely i can possibly use this later on, after my beta phase is over...
but i'll have to study this later, because my zip files vary from 10mb to 200mb, and i don't want the user waiting to download for too long...
that's also true haha
for the cases of "user has to download some generated content" - as my stuff is on aws i would definitely put the downloadable thing on s3
and tell the user to get it from there, maybe directly, maybe via a redirect
streaming big stuff out to possibly slow clients from your appserver is just looking for trouble 🙂
@cybersapiens97 what if the zip never had to be a file? you can provide a download that's simply bytes generated into your output
this isn't something that ever needs to touch a file system
(or worst case you can use a file system that's just in-process heap memory - which guarantees cleanup when the process exits anyway)
hey everyone. i’m trying to work out a really simple example of parallelization to see if i can get some performance increase. is there any way i could potentially parallelize (apply min-key second {1 2 2 3 3 4 .. })
my first thought was something like splitting the list into n
components and then running pmap
across them, but i feel like the overhead would dominate
@gtzogana How big is that map likely to be?
will probably help you here -- r/fold
can do work in parallel. should get you started
@gtzogana using val
instead of second
is ~2x faster on my laptop:
(def m (zipmap (range 1000) (range 1000)))
(require '[criterium.core :refer [bench]])
(bench (apply min-key val m))
;; Execution time mean : 41.214976 µs
(bench (apply min-key second m))
;; Execution time mean : 100.534521 µs
second walks it through the key, val is an indexed lookup
user=> (source val)
(defn val
"Returns the value in the map entry."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
[^java.util.Map$Entry e]
(. e (getValue)))
is a fast operation on a MapEntry
You can't call val
on an arbitrary two-element vector 🙂