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Is it possible to get ParEdit working in the Clojure REPL (the one invoked with lein repl)?

Robert Nikander07:04:44 Which editor are you using? I can turn on paredit-mode in the REPL in Emacs.


@rob704 I’m not using an editor, I’m using a terminal.

Robert Nikander07:04:20

Oh, okay. Without an editor wrapping the terminal/repl, then I don't know the answer.


@rob704 I’ve also got it working in the CIDER REPL with ParEdit in Emacs, but I’m trying to transition away from Emacs in favor of VS Code, which I run a regular terminal inside of with the REPL. I’ve got pretty much everything working for my own workflow as it would be in Emacs with CIDER, but I can’t figure out this one minor thing.

Robert Nikander09:04:36 I wanted to try that too (VS Code). Do you have key combos to quickly eval/reload things in the REPL, without having to cut-n-paste? In Emacs, commands like cider-eval-defun-at-point, cider-eval-sexp-at-point, cider-load-buffer.


Yes I believe those are all available.


Check out the Calva package for VS Code.

dominicm08:04:34 I think rebel-readline does paredit.

Mike C13:04:20

I have a little golfing challenge if anyone's feeling bored on a Thursday afternoon:

Mike C13:04:37

I'm looking for the absolute fastest way to loop over an index from 1 to n

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:54

you're ruining it with the boxed constant prob

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:47

(time (loop [i 1]
        (inc i)
        (if (< i 100000000)
          (recur (inc i)))))

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:50

alternately, this should have similar effect:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:54

(def ^long ^:const up-to 100000000)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:24

might help the other timings too

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:24

and actually the inc i would be even faster if using unchecked math. you can turn that on as the default AND get warnings about boxed usage like this:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:34

user=> (set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:04

user=> (time (loop [i 1]
        (inc i)
        (if (< i up-to)
          (recur (inc i)))))
Boxed math warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:3:13 - call: public static boolean (long,java.lang.Object).

Mike C13:04:21

@alexmiller That's really interesting, thanks!

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:54

with unchecked math and avoiding boxing, more like 32 ms

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:24

should basically be emitted as essentially the same bytecode you'd get from a tight java numeric loop on a long counter (although more natural in Java to use ints)

Mike C13:04:25

I'll have a go with that in the real example (up-to in real life is actually the result of .size on a java.util.ArrayList

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:04:19

you can type-hint it or coerce it at point-of-use too - result of .size is an int, and a coercion to primitive long will be required somewhere. best to do it explicitly once, then every time through the loop if possible.

Mike C14:04:47

yup, that's shaved a pretty nice chunk off

Mike C14:04:49

thanks 🙂


I need to add a content-type/application-json header to a luminus swagger endpoint that looks like

["/json" {:get (constantly (ok (json/write-str {:foo "bar"})))}]
any thoughts?


I'm getting

"content-type": "application/octet-stream",


the new luminus/swagger uses reitit so I think things may be different than before.


can you call defmacro within defmacro?


I would not 😛 what’s the use case?


You can do it though, might be a little tricky.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:04:06

do you mean emit or call?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:04:35

defmacro-emitting macros are definitely possible and useful. also quite painful to write.

👍 8

@macrobartfast if you have a content-negotiation middleware in the mw chain, it should do the formatting for you, there is a example here:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:04:03

still looking for more experience reports feedback on the Clojure 1.10.1-beta2 changes in error reporting if anyone has the opportunity to live with it for a bit. See for an example.


I just updated our code base to use Beta 2 and all tests pass (of course) -- the next failure that I hit will make me appreciate CLJ-2497 being fixed 🙂


Anyone fancy a 4clojure type exercise? A function that takes a vector and an item in that vector and shifts the item right or left by one.


items in the vector are distinct?


ie, (shift :left :a [:x :x :a :x :a :x]) returns what?


(shift :left 1 [1 2 3 4 5]) -> [5 2 3 4 1]


(shift :left 3 [1 2 3 4 5]) -> [1 3 2 4 5]

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:04:03

cycle, drop x, take n handles that (computing x appropriately for right/left)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:04:36

oh, shifts single item not the whole thing

👍 4

i was looking at split-with #(not= e %) and then recombining based on left or right


(let [[before [_ & after]] (split-with #(not= e %) coll) and play from there

👍 4

(defn shift [direction i coll]
  (let [[before [_ & after]] (split-with #(not= i %) coll)]
    (if (= direction :left)
      (if (butlast before)
        (vec (concat (butlast before) [i] (take-last 1 before) after))
        (vec (concat (take-last 1 before) after [i])))
      (if (empty? (rest after))
        (vec (flatten (concat [i] before)))
        (vec (flatten (concat before [(first after)] [i] [(rest after)])))))))
Pretty ugly but it works


Can tidy it up a bit


if this was 4clojure I would make [[1] [2] [3]] an input (to rule out using flatten)


I think it still works, because i flatten after splitting


it would return the wrong output


Flatten just lets me make everything a seq so that concat doesnt blow up


there are solutions that don't force you to destroy the structure of your input


You're right, it breaks when using flatten


I'm sure there are, what i have is very inelegant

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:04:20

I'd get rid of :right / :left and use +/- in index

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:04:52

is i an index? or is that a value to match?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:04:34

I guess value, so nvm. I totally misunderstood (twice now) what this is doing. :)


Yes, bad naming, sorry


x would be more idiomatic?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:04:51

well, i was confusing :)


el elt or needle might be good

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:04:49

cheese ("who moved my cheese?")

😄 8
👆 8

I'll have to try again tomorrow, brain is tired. :sleeping_accommodation:


Can I use a bit of java interop?

(defn shift [direction item coll]
  (let [f (case direction :left dec :right inc)
        pos (.indexOf coll item)]
    (when (not (neg-int? pos))
      (let [target-pos (mod (f pos) (count coll))
            overlay {target-pos item, pos (nth coll target-pos)}]
        (reduce (fn [coll [position new-value]] (assoc coll position new-value)) coll overlay)))))


Sure, I asked in the #clojure channel after all. Too bad i'm wanting it for clojurescript, oops :man-facepalming:

😆 8

Looks like it can translate fairly easily


(.indexOf (make-array coll) item) 🙂


@mattmorten doesn't that when ensure that you return nil if you step past the index the item isn't found?


I wasn't sure what the requirement was for that


Is there a more semantic way to do a catch all in a cond?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:04:40

all keywords are logically true

Lennart Buit21:04:59

oh! today I learned

Lennart Buit21:04:53

I just kinda assumed :else was something cond understood

Lennart Buit21:04:16

but … ofcourse not

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:04:05

so you could also just say :catch-all if you wanted :)


Ahh interesting, thanks!


:else is the convention then.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:04:43

on occasion, I add a bit of whimsy


I like the word :otherwise, so I’ll probably go with that.


there are linters that accept :else but not :otherwise

Lennart Buit21:04:53

always make code the least surprising right 🙂


Ok, you’ve convinced me.


i like a convention in cond-> to use :always


user=> (cond-> 1
:please inc
:don't  inc
:do     inc
:this   inc)
(runs away)

Lennart Buit21:04:44

Even apostrophes in keywords, you madman


user=> :<>:<>:<>
(I was a bit surprised multiple : were accepted!)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:04:25

"A symbol can contain one or more non-repeating ':'s" and "Keywords are like symbols"

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:04:01

that said, I wouldn't recommend it :)


Ah, thank you. I'm sometimes not quite sure whether something is intentionally accepted (and documented) or not when it comes to literal keywords 🙂


(and UTF-8 just adds a whole newer layer of fun on top of all this!)


user=> (let [💩 42] (* 💩 💩))

Lennart Buit22:04:05

Well that makes more sense in non Latin scripts ^^. I kinda wonder whether there are many people using bindings with non-Latin names

hipster coder22:04:24

I forgot what the -> does


-> is "thread first" so it threads the value (initially 1) into each of the expressions for which the test expression is truthy.


So it ends up being (-> 1 inc inc inc inc) (because all those keywords are truthy) which is (inc (inc (inc (inc 1))))

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:44

although that page probably needs some better examples


Yeah, especially around the use of as-> since it doesn't show it nested inside -> 😞


(-> 42 inc (as-> x (* x x)) dec)


is there any way to combine regexes, other than combining strings and then using re-pattern?


I already have regexes and i need to concatenate them to find a larger pattern


@ackerleytng this is the full API - I think making strings, combining, then making a new pattern is the most direct thing


I have a curious situation where attempting to evaluate any expressions (even something as simple as 1) inside of a Clojail sandbox on an app running inside a Docker container trips an exception:

Exception in thread "async-dispatch-8" access denied ("" "/var/log/yetibot/yetibot.log" "read")
the app is completely crippled after this point (any sort of IO will fail), even outside of the sandbox. this only happens when running the Docker container on Digital Ocean. I run the same image on an internal VM at work and it works fine. it also works locally (outside of Docker). ideas? :thinking_face:


I assume it is tripping up trying to write the log file...?


(although it says "read")


yes, though writing logs should happen outside of the sandbox, and normally works fine


it's only when i try invoking the sandbox that it starts happening.


and once it happens, any http request also trips the same exception


only way to recover is to restart the docker container as far as i know


i also put a very permissive java policy file inside the docker image. i don't know much about java policy though.


this is what it looks like when attempting to make an http request after it's been crippled: access denied ("" "getProxySelector")
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at java.base/java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
        at java.base/
        at clj_http.core$get_route_planner.invokeStatic(core.clj:227)


the very mysterious part is why the same docker image works on one VM but not on a DigitalOcean VM.


I'd be tempted to follow a Digital Ocean support path at that point I think... ¯\(ツ)


yeah. i might try that. i'm pretty baffled