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@haiyuan.vinurs Mac Address based Base62 String ID
you can change it with less bytes. For Example, less length for unix timestamp epoch, or use ip address instead of MAC address, or use less length for seq.
This has turned out to be kind of ungoogleable, why do people write ~
in their clojure code? What is the convention?
that is if you quote a macro to create a list of the symbols, ~ will actually expand (eval) the part you use it with
maybe have a look at something like that:
I like how this is called weird_characters
@surenapetrosyan It's the unquote for syntax-quote:
Where is the best channel to report documentation improvements? Github? I am under the impression that there is something wrong with
if you want to improve the docstring of a clojure function itself, you can first discuss in #clojure-dev and ask if it’s worth posting an issue
the snark is really unnecessary
what's the question?
I think the docs for reify says a lot about how but misses the point for what "reify" does. Under the perspective of somebody who came across that function in a codebase, and looked it up, the expectation was to find some definition like the one in Stu's+Aaron's Book:
Reify lets you create an anonymous instance of a datatype that implements either a protocol or an interface.
I have a design/architecture question: I I have some logic that's repeated in a couple different places, and I want to DRY it a bit. The only way I've figured out how to do so is to build a "wrapper" that takes in 5+ functions and then uses those to pivot or pass the necessary data around. I've looked into multi-methods that's not quite what I need (because I'd end up just repeating myself in each method)
Does anyone have resources or suggestions as to how to pull abstractions out without turning it into a weird "mess"?
If this were more OOP, I'd build an interface or base class, write the base logic in a method on it, and then inherit and write the variations in each child, relying on the parent to provide the abstraction, but I'm dealing with generic data structures (maps as my main data object)
what could also work:
(merge {:fn1 default-fn1 :fn2 default-fn2} {:fn-1 override-fn1})
With my current proposed changes, it'd look like this:
(let [wrapped-damage (prevent-wrapper :runner
(fn [target args] [:damage :damage-prevent (:type args)]) ;prevent-loc-fn
(fn [target args] (:type args)) ;card-prevent-fn
(fn [target args] "Runner to prevent damage")
(fn [target args] "Prevent damage?")
(defn damage
"Attempts to deal n damage of the given type to the runner. Starts the prevention/boosting process and eventually resolves the damage."
([state side type n] (damage state side (make-eid state) type n nil))
([state side type n args] (damage state side (make-eid state) type n args))
([state side eid type n {:keys [unpreventable unboostable card] :as args}]
(swap! state update-in [:damage :damage-bonus] dissoc type)
(swap! state update-in [:damage :damage-prevent] dissoc type)
(trigger-event state side :pre-damage type card n)
(let [n (damage-count state side type n args)]
(if (pos? n)
;; This is where all of the old logic would have gone (very messy)
(wrapped-damage state side eid n (assoc args :type type))
(effect-completed state side eid))))))
and that doesn't feel quite right to me
@nbtheduke Could you implement a protocol to define the interface that each child (w/ variations) will implement. The common code can be in functions that take realizations of this protocol as argument?
If possible, I would also try to write most of the logic as pure functions and do the mutations (swap!) "outside".
I'd love to do that, but sadly, the engine leans very heavily on that kind of stuff
I'm reading the official clojure page on protocols ( now! any other protocol references I should look into?
worth noting the most recent development with protocols, in Clojure 1.10:
Is there a way to fully realise a data structure (all sub values) for the purpose of performance testing?
Yeah that was the first thing I thought of but felt a bit gnarly.
It's a big old data structure of maps and lazy seqs. Wanted a easy solution. Calling str on it atm. Appears to work
Although I admit inelegant
Is there a way to attach metadata to a map that gets purged whenever the map is modified in any way? (e.g. a new key is assoc’ed, etc)
not really. you could maybe create your own type that implements the metadata protocols in a specific way
@lilactown ah ok, unfortunate. I was wondering if I could use such a feature to make runtime checks of validity against a spec cheap. e.g. I could do a s/valid?
check, and cache the result on the object (as metadata), so that future checks would be a simple look-up