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After initially being blown away by the implications of datafy/nav and the 1.10.0 metadata extensions wrt REBL I thought there was a snag applying it to some usecases I have resolving non edn data objects but no - there’s no snag at all… it should just work. I’m actually stunned at the simplicity and beauty of the design. Amazing work!


I’ve had a nagging feeling that a sidecar REPL viewer like this was the missing piece of clojure for quite a while; but I didn’t think it would be this good! it feels like a game changer… especially also with the predicate driven viewers… will they be extensible at all?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)00:11:33

For now, no. But that could change.


Looks like you can start it from nrepl with (cognitect.rebl/ui) and send it values with (cognitect.rebl/inspect [1 2 3 4 5 6]) — though I suspect there are much better ways to do this


Something that would be really cute is a version of scope-capture that works with REBL


Looks like you can also tap> it values


I'm trying to parse about 1000 seperate csv files containing 60million rows total (all of the shape, with 10 columns) into one big in-memory datastructure, a map of columns. Currently the code I have to parse each file looks like this:

(defn ptx [a f]
  (let [csv    (.read csvr f StandardCharsets/UTF_8)
        cols   (map keyword (.getHeader csv))
        rows   (.getRows csv)
        rows   (for [row rows] (zipmap header (.getFields row)))]
    (doseq [col cols]
      (let [col-vals (map col rows)]
        (swap! a update col (fnil concat []) col-vals)))))
with a being an atom to accumulate the results across files I think what's killing me is GC. Are there any general strategies I should use here?


transducers on a transient


it'll get through about 900 of the CSV files quickly but the later ones are drastically larger the csvs start at about 30kb but by the last 200 files they're about 30MB each and this is where things start to slow to a crawl. But when I run this on a single 30MB csv file it's considerably faster than when it gets to the big files within a lop processing all the files


but also do you really need to hold it all in memory… and have you allocated enough?


You are creating a map for every row and then use it only for col lookup and throw it away, right? That’s a lot of garbage...


Yeah I've set the JVM options to have enough memory. thanks for the tips!


you don’t really need an atom or an identity here… just accumulate the rows in an accumulator in a reduce/transduce


I think I see how to get rid of the maps and where transients should be used, but do you see a specific spot where transducers are obvious?


ok cool so like the outermost thing


essentially the whole thing… in particular the for over rows to create maps will create a lot of garbage right now… so conj(`!`)ing each row into rows (the accumulator), will remove your GC overhead. You can then probably make extra savings by making the accumulator a transient, to save the cost of the immutable updates. Also 60M swap!s is probably going to have quite a bit of overhead, so using an accumulator will fix that. You don’t need to pay that cost if there’s no concurrency.


awesome, this should keep me busy for a bit, thanks so much


you could also probably parallelise it by file easily enough if you really wanted - but one step at a time and measure the perf gains as you go.


In my experience with this sort of thing the GC cost is the main one… Raw I/O is pretty good these days, particularly on SSD. When you really start pushing perf here the next big bottleneck you’ll hit is that java readers convert UTF-8 strings into 16bit chars… so then things get trickier to optimise. To get really fast you have to start hard coding knowledge of the file, e.g. column sizes, not converting all cols into strings unless you look at them, avoiding readers altogether etc…

👍 4

if people haven’t seen it


I think it’s interesting that the comparisons are usually to type systems


when there’s a bunch of key concepts that also seem to overlap more with runtime contracts


I know racket contracts must have been looked at (well, I presume, since I don’t actually really know how these work)


there’s also the somewhat less popular but also interesting eiffel contracts


which have some of the same structural guarantees of “if you give me these minimal requirements I guarantee as a post-condition these minimal provisions

👍 4
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)09:11:45

Hello! I want to explore a Java app, so I will start a nREPL server within it. But what is the best way to expose some data to it? Either they must be accessible through a static field/method or I guess I could use Clojure API from Java to create a var pointing to it. Right? Any better ideas? Thanks!


you can create the objects you want to look at as well 🙂


or maybe that's what you mean by >create a var pointing to it


that's what I usually do anyway.


then using clojure.reflect/reflect a lot

👍 4
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)10:11:49

Yes, but how does clj code run in the repl get access to these objects?


if you have a class named org.Person, then you can write:

(import 'org.Person)  ;; import the class
(def p (Person.))                 ;; run the constructor and define the object to a var


then (reflect p) or whatever 🙂

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)14:11:40

I do not want to create the data in the REPL. I have an instance of Person already, from before I started the nrepl server, how do I expose it to the REPL???


well, where do you store the person? I'm guessing you have a reference to it somehow?


somewhere in your program, you will have some sort of static reference to a person, if nothing else in your main function, from where all you instantiations originate, and I'm guessing the easiest way would be to from there expose the reference statically


not sure if there are other ways to do it 😛

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)13:12:02

FYI clojure.core/intern is the solution


oh, cool. thanks for reporting back 🙂

👍 4
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)14:11:48

Is it possible to somehow invoke def from java? I expect Clojure.var("clojure.core", "def").invoke("xxx", 12345); not to work...? Thanks!


Probably you can do that using clojure.core/intern.

❤️ 4

Hi all, I am getting a strange error with which I hope someone can help me. When I connect to the MySQL database via the application that is running (in an API call) I get the error Could not create connection to database server. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server.. But when I call the same functions from within the REPL the database queries work fine. What can be the reason?


Stack trace:

Could not create connection to database server.
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server.
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
 at cider.nrepl.middleware.out$print_stream$fn__52939.invoke (out.clj:99)


Hi guys! Anybody knows if there is a way how to have clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader as the base classloader in clojure.lang.RT ? Currently it seems that the default clojure's classloader is sun.misc.Launcher.AppClassLoader (during runtime - so not in repl). I am having troubles loading some maven dependencies during runtime with JDK 1.9 and trying to find a way around it...


Alright it works when starting with lein repl and lein figwheel. Must be something in my Emacs configuration… I think with setting the printer somewhere.


is there any documentation regarding exposing c libraries to clojure through jna/i? is it practical?


i think @lvh had a talk on that at a conj a few years back


Hi everyone. Does anyone know why Clojure’s read-string inserts spaces for consecutive quotations, as in this example here:

(read-string "(\"\"1\"\")")   
=> ("" 1 "")
My expectation is that it would return something like: ("\"1\"")


@mpcarolin Those are three separate tokens.


The spaces in the printed value are just for readability.


iow ("" 1 "") and (""1"") are the same data structure


I guess a follow up question is; has anyone tried using graalvm with clojure and calling c? seems like it'd be useful, maybe?


Trying to run REBL, getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader. Any thoughts?


What’s your java -version?


Looks like JavaFX is a separate install for OpenJDK on ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openjfx fixed it.


@dave.dixon JavaFX got separated out since Java 10+ as a separate project, so makes sense


I'm on 1.8.0_191, but whatever it's working. However everything renders really small on my HIDPI display. Is there a JVM flag or something to set the scaling?


Hi all, I'm experiencing a very strange behavior with Monger

Robert A. Randolph16:11:27

@dave.dixon REBL only works on java 8 currently

Robert A. Randolph16:11:50

I also run it fine with a retina display, I'm unsure what'd cause that


basically I have a function feeded with hashmaps that are equals according to data/diff, with equal type on every key/value but yet that yields differents result.


have you ever experienced smthg similar ?


@chu can you share a snippet? Is this as part of a find query?


yes, it is part of a find query !


Let me do a snippet of it


In these cases I usually fire up the mongo shell and see what results does that give.


I’m on mobile, so can’t help with code snippets, but I’d look to see what the final query to mongo looks like.


I think there is something called to-db-object that converts a Clojure data structure to something that mongo understands. It should be easy to find the monger source responsible for that.


how do you bridge what you do in your clojure repl and what you see in the mongo shell


See above :)


@orestis according to "to-db-object" they are equals, lets try them in mongo shell


Unfortunately I don’t know how readable is the output of that :(


Wild guess - something with map key order? I know that sometimes mongo cares about that for some obnoxious reason.


hey that would be strangely possible since the key order between the two maps is different


A snippet would be useful now :)


I guess you are creating those programmatically rather than typing them out?


there is one which is read from a file programmatically generated. The second is just the same fields in the existing database.


I just nailed down to the two problematic key-value pairs. In both case the key ordering change. So your theory holds.


but why, and more importantly how to fix that behavior :thinking_face:


You can use array-map or sorted-map but both have caveats AFAICT.


I would look also at the documents themselves and see if there are mongo predicates that can overcome the ordering thing.


Can’t help much more from mobile, sorry.


yeah, thanks you really helped on this one. According to mongodb documentation, nested map order matters.


It seems I have to convert the nested maps using dot notation for cracking that stuff


Oh good one. Do you mind opening a monger issue documenting this? I might have a crack in the coming time of a new mongo api wrapper and this is good to keep in mind.


Ok, let's dot it right away.


Anyone know if there's an official advent of code for Clojure?


for this year


what do you mean by "official"?


#adventofcode is a place


First very rough datafy/`nav` additions to are working: given the result of query, REBL (that Stu showed off yesterday) can navigate through it, into other tables via foreign keys! (locally, not committed to git, so don't go looking for it just yet!)

🎉 20
👀 12

that is super cool. theres a tool for C# that is amazing kinda like this called LINQPad


Now I have a proof of concept -- and a whole stack of questions/problems to figure out before I can actually turn it into useful, committable code 🙂


Dynamic resolution of a protocol? 🙈


Very much "subject to change" right now...


If you used ' instead of ` then it would work even without requiring datafy!


just occurred to me


Yeah, that's sort of leftover from when I was developing it and was actually calling datafy and nav to test that things worked 🙂


Er, the back tick is for clojure.core.protocols as p tho', right?


Removed the clojure.datafy require since it wasn't needed. And dumped my thoughts about "schema" lookup into the ns docstring.




going long form means it doesn't look for an actual existing var


I want it to look for an existing var -- so it will break for folks who accidentally try to load this on Clojure 1.9 or earlier 🙂


If it doesn't break with clojure <1.10, then it can be always loaded!


Right, but this is still experimental right now. Once I've figured out a "final" solution, I'll remove the datafy namespace and add the metadata directly inside the main jdbc namespace code instead (and use the full symbol names so it loads on < 1.10) and document it etc etc...


I'm currently contemplating a new, streamlined API (`` probably) that removes a lot of the "knobs and dials" and speeds up a lot of the result set handling (which is quite an overhead right now), and the datafication may just go in there instead.


that's awesome. I'm super hyped about nav


I'm very eager to get both of those in CLJS


I somehow have managed to distill most of my work to tree walking operations... React... GraphQL... I can smell something maybe useful cooking if I had something like nav and datafy

Noah Bogart18:11:19

is this a good place to ask architectural questions? as in, how one might structure their code?

Noah Bogart18:11:12

I have a two-player online card game, and the core of a given session's game state is a hash atom. It's stateless, so only when players take actions do functions get called, passing the state as the first variable, and changes are applied as swaps or whatnot depending. I inherited the codebase, and currently the main engine logic is in a single namespace spread across 11 files, which are load-file by the top-level core.clj. There's some 6k lines in the core logic and 16k in the card definitions that relies on the core logic

Noah Bogart18:11:34

Is it worth it for me to separate and move the core stuff into different namespaces?


I gave some advice on related issues here, which you can obviously take or leave 🙂 The resulting discussion I think was quite interesting though.

Noah Bogart16:12:01

i'll read through it! thanks!

Noah Bogart18:11:03

Is using a atom the smartest way to maintain game state?


i have no idea what a stateless atom is. an atom is a mechanism to ensure atomic changes to state

Noah Bogart18:11:04

let me remove that word then. What I meant it to say is that the atom doesn't contain any information about which part of the game we're at, so players are free to perform nearly any action whenever they want

Noah Bogart18:11:35

kind of a mess of a question on reread, so my apologies

Noah Bogart18:11:42

let me reduce the question before i walk away in shame, lmao: Is it better to have 5-10 different namespaces? Or 1 giant namespace? for roughly 6k lines of code


The thing that matters is ergonomics for the software author. Do you find yourself getting lost and not knowing which file to edit? Having to edit a list of files to do "one" change?


@nbtheduke I would argue that it depends whether you can break down those 6K lines into clear modules with a small interface between them. So it depends more on the logical organization of the code rather than the number of lines IMO

👍 8

The convention is definitely small namespaces (ideally under 200 lines each(?)) separated by focus


Honestly combining all the files that are currently done via load-file into one file might even be an improvement. Eg. load-file means you can't use the code from a jar without unpacking the jar

👍 4
Noah Bogart18:11:18

200! Dang. So for a project of this size, if I even double that to 400, that's 15! Okay then. There's definitely issues with knowing where things are and having to (declare X Y Z) at the top of files because functions are used before they're loaded


yeah - you might want to make a graph of calls / dependencies and see if natural clusters form...


😮 I could have troubles coping with 6k lines in one namespace


I assume you mean declare above, of course

Noah Bogart18:11:41

yes, so sorry


in the projects I've worked on is never > 500 probably


@nbtheduke Zachary Tellman's book about Clojure style has some really good material about organizing modules / namespaces / abstractions.

Noah Bogart19:11:19

just bought it! can't wait to dive into this


there's also talks on youtube where he presents some of the chapters

Noah Bogart18:11:29

Oh that's great, I'll read it! Def need to expand my wider clojure knowledge, cuz I only learned it for this project, haha


yeah - I also had to revisit my namespaces / module boundaries in a pretty radical way on my first real clojure project


it's especially an issue coming from languages where the rules and conventions around eg. classes tend to make a large number of decisions for you


with clojure (or any other lispy language) you then need to learn new conventions for organizing things, and the infrastructure of the language itself only puts weak pressure on those decisions

Noah Bogart18:11:54

Agreed, and good to know. Thanks for the input y'all, I really appreciate it


looks like metadata is having a revival: datafy, nav, metadata protocols, REBL and the new AWS lib all use metadata in interesting ways


from what I’ve seen not many clojure libs make use of metadata, but maybe it’s time to re-evaluate what metadata can (and should) be used for?

👍 4

I particularly like the idea of attaching the original version of a transformed object as metadata, that’s something I might stea… erhm, borrow, for my own libs 😄

😄 4

kinda like namespaced keywords had a revival when spec was released


very cool! 😄 how does it play with older clojure versions? will it only take effect if you explicitly require the datafy namespace?


The trick is to separate what’s side-effecting and what’s pure. @ericnormand has also explored this territory lately in his podcast ver at

Noah Bogart20:11:18

Oh hell yeah, thanks for the links!


Is there a neat way to tidy up something like this?

(str x (when y (str "__" y)) …)
Where is not a consistent separator (you can't use str/join!)


(defn my-joiner
  [start pairs]
  (let [suffix (->> pairs
                    (filter #(some? (second %)))
    (apply str start suffix)))
cljs.user> (my-joiner "blah" [["--" nil] ["**" 3]])


simple function to filter the nils out and then join them?


This is the logical thing, although I guess it's not as pretty as the current (format %s__%s-%s") (which doesn't work due to nil.)


I'm betting there's something in cl-format


Yes, same difference :)


He’s got one on stratified architecture (from sicp) which is something very different from your run of the mill three tiers ejb mess.


@dominicm could you calculate your separators and interleaved them with the strings and then join at the end?


yeah just filter out pairs of string/separator where the string is nil and apply str to them