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Is it possible to use transducers to explode a collection? Suppose I have a transducer called (map some-fn)
where some-fn
returns a collection and I want each element in that collection to be returned as a top level element in the transduction process. Is that possible?
@stephenmhopper - that's what mapcat does
user=> (into [] (mapcat rest) [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]])
=> [2 3 5 6 8 9]
oh hey, that’s what I was looking for. thank you, @noisesmith
I have most likely a deadlock issue with a jni dll library on windows (linux and mac don't produce deadlocks for same c++ code), this happens at the point of instanciateing a class with new
. Could I wrap the new
call into some timeout error handler? (for debugging purposes, want to see some error instead of eternal freeze).
@hlolli this is a bit OT but if you use gdb to attach to the process you can see exactly what it was doing when it deadlocked
jdb might even be informative from a more jvm centric point of view
yes, I'm bit clueless, I'll try gdb, I guess I can find it on cygwin? jconsole doesn't detect deadlock on the java process, but this is as frozen as it gets. Thanks for the tip, didn't know about jdb
both can tell you where a certain thread is in its stack, and what the locals are - that should be enough to know how it got stuck
of course the gdb view of things will make more sense from the c lib's point of view, and hte jdb view will make more sense from the java side
It just straight up solved every problem I've had with interfacing with libraries written in vavr
Hi! Can I change the definition of a clojars library's private function that were used by a public function which is being used in my project, in my file that required
this public function?
in general its best to keep encapsulation with the public interface your libraries provide
This is a general pattern for managing things you might want to mock out in tests (as well as other reasons)
I think with-redefs
gives you a scoped version of what you want, but there are some gotchas so be careful with concurrent code
@emccue that's a pretty nifty trick, I ran into issues with private functions a while back, and this would have been awesome to know
@cmal the only acceptable way to tackle this problem is to make it public in a PR/patch, send it to the author of the library, and explain your use case. All other solutions are dirty hacks
haha, I don't know. I read some article where a guy implemented a small subset of Forth
I don't think i'm sticking with the XML stuff, i'm having a hard time deciding on variable names for this stuff
The only reason i'm continuing with making this language, is so I can maybe replace a restful API with something akin to generating data structures. Similar to something called Falcor
So just imagine a clojure server sitting somewhere, with http://localhost/api/fif sitting there, waiting for requests
It would also be cool to develop a frontend web client which can just point at random server instances with a fif repl, and poke around at the functions available, throw down a few queries
Just read the backlog, super interesting discussion with the differing views of @tbaldridge and @alexmiller
could you link to the earlier discussion? I scrolled and scrolled and seem to have missed it.
@U05092LD5 it's way up, can't find it anymore now 😕
Having ran teams whose main language was Clojure for 7+ years now, I tend to agree that pace of development is not an issue
But I do wish some libraries would be handed over to 3rd-party maintainers if they are willing to step up, core.async
is a good example. I do regret that Clojure has decided it would be an ecosystem without blessed libraries and that some very simple tasks need decisions
If you look at contributor heavy projects like riemann, even dead simple things like http requests end-up being done through a number of libraries
Anyone have any advice on formatting destructuring?
I believe that is correctly formatted as I would any other nested map
There are a couple of things I could do. I could put it all on one line (Probably my preferred method). I could format over multiple lines like shown. And lastly I could avoid destructuring such a deeply nested map
Not sure what would be better if I was to avoid destructuring this nested map alltogether
Definitely leaning toward all on one line though. It is densely packed logic and perhaps that is ok?
^ That is what it look like all on one line
do you need all those names destructured?
Yea I’m using every symbol defined here
Hey Caleb! 👋 I usually avoid destructuring everything in one place with nested data
For me it's much easier to read with separate destructruing steps
Looking at your example I have absolutely no idea what's the shape of your data, and I would probably need a few good minutes to understand the input
I'd prefer a lot of (get-in input [:kw1 :kw2])
, more verbose but it's easy to parse in your head
or just sequential let
bindings where you destructure step by step
It would seem that if you need that many destructurings, perhaps you should split the work of that function to many smaller ones
@tatut This is being used in view code. There are sections/components in my view code where the whole map could be passed into each one. I could destructure only what I need in each component. I think that would be an improvement. My only issue is that some sections need values at all levels of depth in the map. For example one component uses the titles to construct a path. This component would still need to destructure deeply nested data.
with re-frame that would be trivial, just put all of that in the db and define subscriptions as needed
I like the “regular functions” approach, functions take as parameters what they need and return a value… without any subscription magic
@joelsanchez Wow, why didn’t I think of that?! I am using re-frame. I’m currently returning the whole object. I should definitely make subs for all of these.
Looks like using subs in re-frame is going to be my solution here. This kind of heavy destructing is interesting to me though. I wonder if a macro like this would be a good idea.
You could represent the entire tree as the data structure it could define the variables as the provided symbols
An issue a see with this though, is that you cannot define the values of the map and the map itself at the same time
But it is very clear right away what the data structure looks like
Can I use a string as a property accessor in clojure?
e.g., is there some way, given the string "yellow"
to access (. Color yellow)
@idiomancy This works, but perhaps could be improved
(defmacro str->color [s] `(. Color ~(symbol s)))
I settled on using the standard Java interface through java interop, was relatively straight forward (there didn’t seem to be any great clojure wrappers)
Good advice for almost anything with a Java lib
Yes, we’re also just using the Kafka Java library. It works very well, and you can always wrap it in some Clojure code.
for the sake of testability i would have at this top level only printing help or passing those parsed args into a function that does all of the work and this top level just parses and either prints the help or invokes that function
also passing a vector of expected parsed args would make this a bit more readable of what you expect to be in that args
return value but this looks simple enough that it might not matter. but other than that it's not that abusive. (not a big fan of a system exit in a let binding for sure though)
marginally better
Do namespaced keywords have to follow the parent namespace, or are they namespaced by their closest context/object. I know ::somekw
will take the top level, but should I use :some-ns/kw
only when referencing or also definining?
i'm partial to this:
(defn write-csv [{:keys [output-file board-name]}]
(let [client (make-li-client output-file board-name)]
(with-open [writer (io/writer output-file)]
(->> (all-messages client board-name)
(map to-csv-format)
(csv/write-csv writer)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [options (parse-args args)]
(if (:help options)
(do (println summary)
(System/exit 0))
(write-csv options))))
I also prefer that
now the writer is testable and invocable from the rpel rather than just from the cli
where can i find a list of valid var characters? want to make sure that $
is a valid function name and not just happens to be right now
I think that's the closest thing to an official list
that’s certainly used extensively in Datomic and unlikely to be made an invalid symbol
I think it's somewhat fair to assume the set of valid characters won't change. I know <>=&%$
also works, although you better be careful with & and % because some macros consider some symbols with those two chars as special.
@alexmiller its used in datomic but always in a quoted vector though right? or are you speaking internally? (ie, '[find: ... :in $ ....
why does it matter if it’s in a quoted vector?
it’s still a symbol
i guess that solves it then. I thought it might change the considerations. thanks for your clarification 🙂
quoting just prevents evaluation, doesn’t affect reading
there is nothing special about var names - they are just symbols
the main considerations are really in the reader to make sure that we can differentiate them from some other token
so like a symbol can’t start with a : because it would then conflict with keywords
or .foo and interop, right
there are no such conflicts with $ and seems unlikely there will be in the future
I want to add some vars to an existing namespace (e.g. clojure.spec.alpha
). I create a file and use (in-ns 'clojure.spec.alpha)
, then define some vars. But when I require clojure.spec.alpha
in other files, the new vars I defined are not loaded.
Is there a way to force the new vars to be loaded in the clojure.spec.alpha
I think you need to be more explicit about what you’re trying - can you show what you’re doing at the repl?
I decided to change tact, but it’s not about the REPL. It’s about creating a new file that I wanted to be in another ns.
I figured out that explicitly :require
ing the original namespace of the new file solves the problem, but it’s tedious.
Is it common practice to have a :type
key in clojure maps, with a keyword indicating the “type” of the entity that the map is representing?
@the2bears do you have some way of describing what a map represents then? beyond just the keys it contains
spec does that in a way, but we don't use anything else to describe our maps, other than documentation
@the2bears thats not completely true, you can use specs for generative testing with clojure.test.check
@sveri I meant we don't have anything else for describing maps, not what spec is capable of.
I’m trying to import vars from one namespace into another like:
(defmacro import-def
"import a single fn or var
(import-def a b) => (def b a/b)
[from-ns def-name]
(let [from-sym# (symbol (str from-ns) (str def-name))]
(def ~def-name (var ~from-sym#))
(reset-meta! (var ~def-name) (meta (var ~from-sym#))))))
(defmacro import-vars
"import multiple defs from multiple namespaces
works for vars and fns. not macros.
(same syntax as potemkin.namespaces/import-vars)
[m.n.ns1 a b]
[x.y.ns2 d e f]) =>
(def a m.n.ns1/a)
(def b m.n.ns1/b)
(def d m.n.ns2/d)
... etc
[& imports]
(let [expanded-imports (for [[from-ns & defs] imports
d defs]
`(import-def ~from-ns ~d))]
`(do ~@expanded-imports)))
(defmacro import-from-ns
(let [publics (keys (ns-publics ns))]
`(import-vars [~ns ~@publics])))
But (import-from-ns clojure.spec.alpha)
is returning Unable to resolve symbol: spec in this context
. If I evaluate its macroexpansion, no such error occurs.if you want to do this (for the record, I personally think it’s a bad idea), there are things in potemkin for this
I borrowed the code from a comment on Potemkin: