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I don't know of one, but semantically wouldn't this just be like a history of values you might keep in a 2-vector?
or if this is for debugging purposes, and you don't mind breaking the rule of side effects in 'f', put a println statement in there.
@qqq There is in the latest Clojure, yes.
and reset-vals!
were added in 1.9
@pauld: is
(defn xswap! [atm f & args]
(swap! atm (fn [[o n]]
[n (apply f n args)])))
(defn xreset! [atm v]
(swap! atm (fn [[o n]]
[n v])))
what you had in mind?@seancorfield swap/reset-vals! is even better, thahnks!
(the most interesting new fn in 1.9 is halt-when
but it's also really hard to use 🙂 )
This question is rather poorly fleshed out (even for me), but it's pretty rare I use deftype
and definterface
because tbh I find them rather clunky. I'd like to define a type for a data structure I'm essentially using as intermediate form, data.avl/sorted-map-by
with a custom comparator I wrote, as well as somehow enforcing the types of at least the keys: Zach Tellman's version of vector
from the deprecated clj-tuple
, which should all be of equal length (also ideally that all elements in the keys as well as the values are of the abstract class Number
, although that's less important). I'm not primarily thinking of using Spec for this because the primary purpose I'm currently imagining (here's the really poorly fleshed out part) is the ability to write a constructor that builds them up lazily like difference lists so I can chain together many functions on them and only realize the entire value at the end, similar to threading a collection through bunch of functions with into
at the end. I'd also like to be able to define a print-method
for the type, but that's secondary at this point. Any thoughts on how to go about this?
I'm obviously concerned about performance here, so a lot of my thinking is that most of the functions on this type run much faster with a particular ordering, hence why I'm using sorted-map-by
, but ordering itself can obviously be expensive as is reduction of duplicate keys: something pretty much all the functions do first. I'm guessing if I can figure out how to delay these operations until the end of a series of functions then I can eliminate many computations that were duplicated inside each function, in addition to eliminating all the intermediary removal/insertion/reduction/sorting and instead doing it once at the end while retaining the benefits of this IR form. Not sure if that adds some color.
Is there any IDE which will let me develop as follows: 1. write
(defn foo [x y z]
2. pass the function foo
3. C-x C-e some other code
4. when function foo
is invoked, it pops me into an IDE, shows me the value of x, y, z
5. I write the body of foo
, hit play
6. execution continuesNope, haven't seen anything like that.
@seancorfield: is this debug-launch-ide!
another thing I'm obsessed with but no one else cares to solve? 🙂
Probably 🙂
That could be achieved in Cursive using the debugger, but it would be clunky without me adding support for it.
There is no "launch IDE" part in what I am about to say, but I think Stuart Halloway's "REPL-driven development" has some tips on firing up a REPL when an exception is raised, and mentions something about showing locals, but this is fuzzy in my memory, so may not be close enough to what you want to be useful.
Search for "exception" in the transcript. The next slide after that one talks about some code for examining locals, I believe.
Nothing there says anything about writing a function in the REPL and replacing it, while it is in the middle of being called.
@andy.fingerhut : 1. Thanks for the link, will look into it. 2. The current best I have is (println ...) (assert false) ==> look at args in repl, write code in emacs, rerun 3. But this has the problem that the data is 'dead', and all I have is the println form of it. 4. In theory, I think this "rewrite function in the middle of calling it" is do-able via two steps: alter-var-root! for changing all future calls calling it once for the current call so in theory, it seems possible
Hello folks, I'm trying to implement a recursive async function that loops over until certain value is returned from an API
not sure about the best way of managing the sate
I think this may work, but I am unsure about function boundaries:
(defn waitForUpgrade [service]
(let [self (:self (:links service))
name (:name service)]
(<! (timeout 1000))
(if (= (:state service) "active")
(prn (str "Service " name " upgraded"))
(recur (<!(Get self)))))))
Ok, I think I'm almost there
Here it is the new version
(defn waitForUpgrade [service]
(let [self (:self (:links service))
name (:name service)]
(go-loop [_service service]
(<! (timeout 1000))
(if (= (:state _service) "active")
(prn "Service " name " upgrade finished")
(do (prn "Service not yet ready, waiting again" (:state _service))
(recur (<!(Get self)))))
I need to pass a slighlty more complex stuff to recur
But this is not working
Ok, I have a correct final version
Which is much simpler IMO
(defn go-wait-for-upgrade [service]
(let [self (:self (:links service))
name (:name service)]
(go-loop [_service (<!(Get self))]
(<! (timeout 1000))
(if (= (.-state _service) "active")
(do (prn "Service " name " upgrade finished")
(js->clj _service))
(do (prn "Service not yet ready, waiting again" (.-state _service))
(recur (<!(Get self))))))))
Works perfectly
One question, how can I accum a value inside a ->>
pipeline ? I need a value that I compute later on the pipeline and I need both the computed value and the original value
| do something <- I need this value
| do something-else <- I need this value
| do the-final-stuff <- Iwant to use both values
I ended using two helper functions and a tuple
The first step now returns a tuple, then I apply something to the first element of the tuple and then apply that tuple on the final function
I call it tuple, but it is a vector
not sure if the correct construction
This is my helper function:
(defn retuple-first [processor tuple]
[(processor (first tuple)) (last tuple)])
Then the pipe is like this:
(defn upgradeImage [imageName service]
(go (->> service
(upgradePayload imageName {:pene "POLLĂ“N"}) ; <- returns a tuple
(retuple-first (partial action :upgrade)) ; <- process first tuple element
(apply Post) <- apply the positional arguments to post
However this seems a bit fragile
You could also break down the pipeline inside a let statement. The threading operator is supposed to make a pipeline of nested functions look simpler, if it starts to break down, I would reach for more traditional methods.
Maybe I'm too seduced by the pipelineoperator
What do you mean by breaking it inside a let statement ? To have two pipelines inside each let statement ?
Like breakdown the pipeline into 2 or more pipelines and give the results meaningful names inside a single let just inside the toplevel go operator.
Ah, that looks fine!
I'll check it out
Is it possible, with clj/clojure, to combine aliases such that one of them has deps, and the other has a main? The command (`clojure -A:cljs:client`) drops my into a repl.
I think it basically works. I had one of the aliases at the top level, instead of inside the :aliases map.
It is supposed to work, even if there's multiple main-opts, the last will be chosen @U06246PUK
@dominicm Using juxt/pack, I have an :uberjar alias, and a :server alias with lots od deps (not in the main :deps), and then I “-a :server:uberjar”, those extra-deps in server aren’t picked up or merged. Intentional?
You figured it out, I read deps.edn. The first reason is that it means I can add dependencies. The second is that I want more semantic information (for future reasons)
Hm. Looks like juxt/pack doesn’t pick up from java.class.path, so I guess it won’t work for this particular scenario.