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any file under resources ends up on the classpath in the uberjar
so if you make the right relative path for the file under resources, it should find it
they are better than deeply nested evaluation in one form
large functions in general are probably a sign that your design could be cleaned up
Question: Is there a doseq-indexed? I want to know the iteration I'm on, I know there's map-indexed, but my use case requires side effects and I like list comprehensions.
@didibus There's an indexed
function in
Can also use map-indexed
with vector
to get pairs for doseq
(doseq [[i ele] (map-indexed vector ["one" "two" "three"])]
(println "element:" ele "index:" i))
hey, as it sound like easy thing… how you use project.clj
in uberjar ? (io/resource "project.clj")
show me project.clj from dependency instead of mine… (System/getProperty "app.version")
doesn’t work with jar. Is it any simple way to achieve it?
;;; Jar Output
;; Name of the jar file produced. Will be placed inside :target-path.
;; Including %s will splice the project version into the filename.
:jar-name "sample.jar"
;; As above, but for uberjar.
:uberjar-name "sample-standalone.jar"
are you sure that key doesn't include a space or something
@roklenarcic Yeah, I’ve verified that it doesn’t contain any spaces. I read the data from a file with and use semantic-csv to turn the data into maps. I use semantic-csv in production daily without this problem. In my original file the fx_date column is the first. I tried switching places of the first two columns and now the :fx_date key works. It seems somehow the first column of my file isn’t read properly.
@roklenarcic I’ve found the problem, or so I think. There was a BOM in the file I tried to parse,once I removed that it worked. Thanks for taking your time. 🙂
does anyone have experience with lein t
running slow?
hi there, i'm new here. @beoliver have you tried profiling the mongodb calls, logging the time taken on the calls? maybe they are the ones causing the inconsistent CPU time results
@dadair (into {} (map (juxt keyword identity) ['a 'b 'c]))
I thought I'd need a macro because I don't want to have the symbols a, b, c, as vals, I want to, say, return a map of let bindings with their names as keywords. Say: (let [a 1, b 2, c 3] {:a a :b b :c c})
might this help?
(defmacro local-context []
(let [symbols (keys &env)]
(zipmap (map (fn [sym] `(quote ~sym)) symbols) symbols)))
(from joy of clojure: started to use migratus
to do database migrations and it's quite cool
the only thing is that in initial phase (when there isn't really data around to keep) yet, I end up creating lots of very small migrations
which is good in a way but maybe unnecessary and spreads around the schema a bit too much, making it less readable
The good thing about some other more crazy ORMs is that they let you squash all the migrations
which however doesn't really seem feasible with raw SQL migrations, how do you guys do that?
@eriktjacobsen - That is amazing stuff, about adding a break point. :thinking_face:
@andrea.crotti The way that rails does this is to export a representation of the schema and associates it with the "migration id" that was used to generate it. e.g. In clojure, I haven't worked with a database that had enough changes for this to be a problem but that solution worked pretty well when I was working on a rails project. Not sure if any of the clojure migrations libraries support that feature but it would be a cool addition IMO.
You check this representation into your repo and then when you run "migrate up" against a clean db, it just loads the db from exported representation rather than running through all the migrations.
Actually looks like flyway supports this kind of thing
As a person who used to spend the majority of their time writing stored procs and doing SQL optimization, I don't trust any migration software. In the end what worked for us is to keep the migrations as versioned scripts. "To go from V1 to V2 run this script". It has to be run by hand, but frankly if I run it by hand and it fails I know the state of my DB.
The worst thing is when you run an automatic migration, something fails, and you're left wondering "great...what's the state of my DB? And is the data completely corrupted now?"
MS SQL also had a really nice "export schema as SQL" function. So we'd do both, a "bootstrap.sql" file to run if you were starting from scratch. And then timestamped files that represented migration commands from the previous version.
Mm I see, but with postgres for example you can wrap even all the schema changes in transations right?
Not sure if migratus does that already but it spittle be easy to ensure you don't end up in funny states
I agree with @tbaldridge often the best migration framework is none at all
with pgsql i've used this:
create table if not exists migrations (
create or replace function idempotent(migration_name text,code text) returns void as $$
if exists (select key from migrations where key=migration_name) then
raise notice 'Migration already applied: %', migration_name;
raise notice 'Running migration: %', migration_name;
execute code;
insert into migrations (key) VALUES (migration_name);
end if;
$$ language plpgsql strict;
then you make sure a migration is invoked only once like this:
do $do$ begin perform idempotent('V33751695__products_fix', $$
ALTER TABLE products RENAME COLUMN cost TO cost_amount;
$$); end $do$;
that gives you a minimal migration framework - you can re-execute safely all .sql
files in migrations/
when you migrate
@pesterhazy BLOGPOST
Slightly contrasting view: it's nice not to have that snippet of sql that diverges. Even that in a library would be sufficient for me to not know about migrations from a sufficiently high level.
@martinklepsch I'm putting it on my list 🙂
also I really like the custom quoting in the language: "bar"
= $foo$ bar $foo$
, or $baz$ bar $baz$
in Cider, how to navigate to a random namespace or function? Eg. I just want to look at the source of clojure.string, but I don't have it written like that any of the sources..
hm. there is a namespace browser reachable via the dropdown menu, that's better than nothing, although fuzzy search would be better
@ghadi the cursor is not at a symbol.. what I'd like to do, if for example I remember, that that there was a function named blank? somewhere. I'd like to just type blank? and then it would show a fuzzy searched list, containing "clojure.string/blank?" as a result
@pwrflx M-x cider-apropos?
@pesterhazy yes something like that, but that opens too many separate windows.. I'd prefer a fuzzy matched list.. similar like how class name works in Eclipse or IDEA
seemingly there is a ticket to add a default action to cider-apropos, so at least it will jump to the source with one less intermediate window:
mm well @pesterhazy all the migration tools normally have a migrations
table which keep track of which migrations were run
and if the migration itself and the change to that table are done in a transaction
isn't that enough to ensure it only runs once?
Yes it is
the other thing is that for example in this way I can write a test fixture very simply
(defn setup-db [f]
(migratus/migrate config)
(migratus/reset config))
(t/use-fixtures :each setup-db)
The point of my snippet was that you can do something similar without a framework. I tried flywheel and didn't like it at all
so I know that any function using the db will have everything migrated correctly
well sure that's a good point, but a small framework like migratus
it's still small enough to not be overwhelming and gives you a lot of nice tools
Hi guys, I need help about RESTful patterns
I need to create a service wich send work days and return a date
like: GET /due_date?work_days=2
and respond with: { due_date: '2017-08-21' }
but this is not persisted
what is the correct http verb and uri for this endpoint?
It's about it: ??
My question is about te correct RESTful pattern
The pattern followed and probably the correct is to use only the resource name in the URL followed by some inner properties separating by slashes /
, you should also use GET when you want to retrieve a resource, therefore, you're almost correct in your example. The only thing I would change is the query string section into something like so: GET /due_date/work_days/2
. Most people use this pattern.
My machine gets extremely slow (freezes for many seconds) when I have a few REPLs running. I have 32GB RAM, so I assume I have enough memory. But, I notice that each java process is using about 12GB of VM. My guess is that the maximum VM size of each REPL is a function of total memory, and my large memory is simply causing each Java instance to grow very large, rather than GCing. Is this correct? and, can I improve performance by limiting the size of each instance?
Plus, lots of other cruft running on the machine: a Windows VM that also grabs about 10GB of VM, and many Chrome windows.
@ghadi - Ok, I set :jvm-opts ["-Xmx2g"]
at the top level of my defproject. It seems to have partially worked. One java has dropped to VM=6.7GB, but the other is still at VM=11.2GB,
I assume that something (nrepl?) was not affected by the setting? And not sure why the affected one did not drop down to closer to 2GB.
It seems there exist both JVM_OPTS and LEIN_JVM_OPTS environment variables, perhaps playing with those a bit might be informative (via
I'm not an expert, but it seems likely to me that leiningen itself wouldn't use the :jvm-opts
project setting, since it couldn't read it before it was started up.
I've got a REPL middleware question: Say I wanted to add some middleware to add some restrictions to what you can eval. How difficult would that be?
More context: I'd like to add an annotation and only allow operations on annotated classes
I think you would need to analysis the source code sent to nrepl somehow without blindly running it?
or you mean an annotation added to the nrepl request message itself? (which should be nearly trivial - just extract it)
Continuing question from yesterday/earlier today, I want to analyze the clojure source in the REPL, and only execute if you're allowed to
Like, check if the Java instance has an annotation, and only allow annotated classes to execute
@adambard . Thanks, but adding :lein-jvm-opts did not seem to make any further difference.
it won’t work as a key in the project
you'd need to do it in your environment before spinning lein up, if the other thing I said is in any way correct
it has to be an env var
The good news is, at least for my immediate problem, just setting :jvm-opts was enough to make the machine more responsive.
@deg lein itself runs only via the jvm, it can’t use an option for its jvm that it would need a jvm to parse
which is why you then need the env var
(for startup options at least)
But, I'd like to get that working too. I don't think I can do it easily on the command line, since I'm launching from inside emacs. But, I'll set it globally, I guess.
@deg M-x setenv
it’s that simple
(or maybe it’s set-environment-variable - shouldn’t take long to find the thing)
@ghadi this easily the most helpful answer, thanks for teaching me that that command exists 🙂
Would I be showing my age if I said that the first Lisp I used professionally ran on a machine with a 16MB total address space? So, a small part of me is REALLY amused by this whole conversation!!
(For that matter, the first Lisp I used as a student was on a machine with 256KW address space, so 16MB was pretty expansive!!
@deg this will let it prompt you if you like
(defun jack-in-with-memory (gb)
(interactive "nGB of ram for lein")
(let ((cider-lein-command (format "LEIN_JVM_OPTS=-Xmx%sg lein" gb)))
i don't know enough about interactive arg programming but i'm sure there's a way to get it to use sensible default and prompt on prefix
@dpsutton Does that command work as is for you? I get an error "The LEIN_JVM_OPTS=-Xmx2G lein executable isn't on your 'exec-path'"
if you want to submit a patch there's this line in cider-jack-in
: (cmd (format "%s %s" command-resolved params)))
and if you add another %s in there and make a var for environmental params you'd be good to go
that's the actual command will be invoked. (and its the reason why we're failing command-resolved is not resolved with all the junk at the beginning)
Thanks! If I have some slack time, I'll try to do this. What project is it in? (But, realistically, I've got a heap of learning curve before I'm comfortable touching the Cider emacs code, so I probably won't be able to do this)
🙂 I'm not saying that I won't... but I've done too many of these the past few days and gotta focus a bit on the main path. That said, if no one else jumps in, I'll try to get to it.
dang, i actually might really want that as well. there are a bunch of env variables set in a project here at work says that I can get a Clojure REPL just by running java -cp clojure-1.8.0.jar clojure.main
but if I try this with a jar built from master I get a complaint about specs being missing
is there a simple way around this?
you need to add the spec libs to your classpath
I’m forgetting where this is documented
I tried java -cp target/clojure-1.9.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar:~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/spec.alpha/0.1.123/spec.alpha-0.1.123.jar:~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/core.specs.alpha/0.1.10/core.specs.alpha-0.1.10.jar clojure.main
before I gave up
@michaelblume this is a big part of the reason for the creation of toosls.deps.alpha, the clj script and the clj installer. because the next version of clojure has external dependencies
@michaelblume that looks about right - did that not work?
ah, I forgot the java executable doesn’t understand the meaning of ~
expanding those out works
was just gonna say that
$ java -cp target/clojure-1.9.0-master-SNAPSHOT.jar:/Users/michael.blume/.m2/repository/org/clojure/spec.alpha/0.1.123/spec.alpha-0.1.123.jar:/Users/michael.blume/.m2/repository/org/clojure/core.specs.alpha/0.1.10/core.specs.alpha-0.1.10.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.9.0-master-SNAPSHOT
this is still in flux but nearing release -
the idea here being that in 1.9, you will install clojure
(in a system-specific way), then be able to just do clj
to get a repl
(plus have a bunch of tools to do other stuff)
huh, cool
@alexmiller That looks VERY cool!!! I assume there is already a plan in place for how it will play with CLJS too?
Nope, this is just Clojure
The problems are different in ClojureScript and there are things like lumo and planck
How can I add cors support in pedestal I've added
::server/allowed-origins {:creds true :allowed-origins (constantly true)}
But id doesn't seem to work
Neither is:
::server/allowed-origins [""]
The whole function is generated by lein new pedestal:
(defn run-dev
"The entry-point for 'lein run-dev'"
[& args]
(println "\nCreating your [DEV] server...")
(-> (lacinia/pedestal-service hello-schema {:graphiql true}) ;; start with production configuration
(merge {:env :dev
;; do not block thread that starts web server
::server/join? false
;; Routes can be a function that resolve routes,
;; we can use this to set the routes to be reloadable
::server/routes #(route/expand-routes (deref #'service/routes))
;; all origins are allowed in dev mode
;::server/allowed-origins [""]
::server/allowed-origins {:creds true :allowed-origins (constantly true)}
;; Wire up interceptor chains
FWIW, @deg, if you create a deps.edn
{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:type :mvn, :version "1.9.908"}}}
Then clj -m cljs.repl.node
starts a ClojureScript REPL.@alexmiller @mfikes These are definitely great steps, so don't misunderstand my carping, but it is really difficult for new user to grok the setup needed for CLJS, so it would be great to direct some loving in that direction too.
That seems to be down to @dnolen more than @alexmiller tho' @deg ?
(And, yes, I agree -- my team tried to build some stuff with cljs a few years back and gave up due to the complexity/immaturity of tooling... and we haven't gone back yet)
Tooling has improved a lot since then but it still seems a steep cliff -- based on feedback I see in the community from folks struggling to get cljs projects up and running.
That's the easy part. It gets tricky -- very fast -- when you need to make any changes to a project.clj, or even when you want to figure out best template from which to start a project.
Yeah, that's the typical complaint I see.
(I don't care -- it'll be a year at least before I venture back to cljs... I might care then :) )
Dave, you are doing incredible work but I think you may be too close to the project and too expert to really feel the pain points.
Point taken. And appreciated. But, there are still some real issues. Some of them are hard; some just need a few lines of documentation.
I'm trying to do my small bit. I put up a google sheet yesterday, trying to summarize the different templates for starting a CLJS project.
Continuing question from yesterday/earlier today, I want to analyze the clojure source in the REPL, and only execute if you're allowed to
Like, check if the Java instance has an annotation, and only allow annotated classes to execute