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@sebastianpoeplau: for prod I created my Dockerfile
starting from develar/java:8u45
seylerius: you should checkout
@gfredericks: your (doto prn)
trick is eye-opening to me
we need a place to put all of those repl tricks
I'm a repl trick junkie
@pesterhazy: can you show me an example of this (doto prn)
gets around the fact that prn
always returns nil
ah nice, so the value f1 does not get affected at all and is really passed to f2 with printing in between.
(-> 2 inc (doto (prn "WTF")) inc)
3 "WTF"
it totally does (end of twitter relaying)
Sets are collections of unique values.
and =
numbers and collections in a type-independent manner` how is that
=> #{2 10}
(vec SET)
=> [2 10]
(= SET (vec SET))
=> false
From my understanding, it compares in a type-independent manner but not in a properties-independent manner
sorted-map and hash-map will compare the way you suggest tho. but they are slight variations of the same thing, which is not the case with vec/set imho
We can infer properties from type but can not infer type from properties. That means collections which share the same property don’t need to be the same type.
@tap: exactly. that is why when we say "type-independent" that includes properties too... Anyway, I found it in clojure.lang.Util
static EquivPred equivColl = new EquivPred(){
public boolean equiv(Object k1, Object k2) {
if(k1 instanceof IPersistentCollection || k2 instanceof IPersistentCollection)
return pcequiv(k1, k2);
return k1.equals(k2);
basically, it does various checks for IPersistentCollection, otherwise just calls Java equals
, imo this is not what the docs sayNo. It can be different types with the same property and equal. But vector and set don’t have that same property
"But vector and set don’t have that same property" ... and that alone is what makes them different types. Just cant see how it can be read differently
if anyone has used Kafka-fast and come across an issue where "hostame cannot be null" ( then I really could do with a pointer in the right direction... can't figure out what is wrong but I have a vague notion what I'm trying to do isn't supported (re:
If one could do this:
(defn foo [a b]
[a b])
(apply foo [1 2]) ; => [1 2]
How could I achieve this:
(defn bar [& {:keys [a b]}]
[a b])
(apply bar {:a 1 :b 2}) ; => [1 2]
?@niwinz: Hm... That mean this:
(apply bar (-> {:a 1 :b 2} seq flatten))
Thanks!A very quick and not accurate benchmark
user=> (time (dotimes [i 10000] (-> {:a 1 :b 2} seq flatten vec)))
"Elapsed time: 52.428818 msecs"
user=> (time (dotimes [i 10000] (vec (mapcat identity {:a 1 :b 2}))))
"Elapsed time: 12.735619 msecs"
@niwinz: Matter of taste or other reasons?
@niwinz: I see. 😄
@novakboskov: as general approach flatten
should be avoided if you know the data structure
That's make sense since flatten
also care about any level of nested structures and handle them while concat
do the same only for the higher level .
@niwinz @novakboskov another unscientific benchmark suggests using into
with a transducer is even faster
user=> (def data (zipmap (range 1000) (range 1000)))
user=> (time (dotimes [i 10000] (into [] cat data)))
"Elapsed time: 2558.654174 msecs"
user=> (time (dotimes [i 10000] (vec (mapcat identity data))))
"Elapsed time: 5145.451993 msecs"
fair point
into [] cat
seems to be about 7% faster on {:a 0 :b 1}
, which is not huge. I pointed it out because it's generally the most efficient way to concatenate sequences.
it’s the most efficient if you want a collection at the end
if you want a lazy sequence that you may or may not use all of, then concat is a better choice
@pesterhazy I think it's useful in Real Code too
for calling out side effects
@theblackbox: have not used kafka fast but sounds like you dont have your host configured correctly. Kafka consumers usually need a zookeeper host (usually with port 2081), and producers need a "bootstrap" host usually with port 9092
@theblackbox: Why kafka-fast?
from what I can tell it uses both zookeeper and redis?
redis for offset and zookeper for brokers
@cddr: yeah, I think there is an issue with redis in cluster mode, because when I use a single instance I'm able to connect
but I think I have some problem when it comes to zookeeper: "No brokers found in ZK".... which isn't great
That sounds like a producer can connect to zookeeper but that the broker hasnt registered itself as being available
that sounds correct: I can connect a producer, but not a consumer
where might that config be found?
.... or I'm just being a bell end and connecting to the wrong port....
Using Instaparse, is there a way to define that a e.g. a “sentence" consists of a sequence of “word” “whitespace”, but at the same time output the latter as “word word word”? That is, keep the sentence including whitespace as one single string. Constraints for the question: Don't describe sentence as a single reg-ex and do it all in Instaparse (no post-processing). Example: Parsing “One two three” should return [:sentence “One two three”], not [:sentence “one” “ “ “two” “ “ “three”].
@mokr wrap the whitespace portion in angle brackets to hide it from the tree
should do it.
@seancorfield: Thanks for the suggestion, but then I lose it. I want to keep it, but not split the parts.
Ah, I misread your question.
I can solve this if I disregard either of my constraints, they are not hard constraints, but I’m just curious if I’m missing something in Instaparse itself.
Then I think the answer is "no", you’ll need a post-processing step to convert the :sentence
sequences back to strings.
Hmm, can transform
help you here?
I have to admit it has been a while since I read through all the Instaparse doc. Today I just wanted to start coding after seeing something at work that I wanted to parse. Transform rings a bell, so I will have a look. Thanks for helping out.
We use instaparse at work but it’s been a while since I revisited the docs too...
instaparse grammars can't concatenate strings during the parse step, but transform
should make that pretty easy
I believe if you call transform
with a partial transform map, only the terminals you specified actually get changed
@aengelberg: Thanks, now I know for sure where to look. Keep up the good work! 🙂
So {:sentence (partial apply str)}
in this case? @aengelberg
heh thanks. also there's an #C06AH8PGS channel if you have any more questions
@seancorfield actually just {:sentence str}
Ah, good to know. I was actually thinking of searching for library channels this evening.
Ah, it already deals with the variadic case… makes sense...
If I have structure like this:
(def cs {:customers
[{:id #uuid "590bed10-efcb-4d5d-af9a-ae14e76cf63c"
:type :institution
:marketplaces [:whole-term-loan]
:full-name "Alice"
:nickname "Alice"}
{:id #uuid "a7a91e56-1863-4d96-a6c0-140057fcb7d9"
:type :accredited
:marketplaces [:fractional-term-loan]
:full-name "Bob"
:nickname "Bob"}]})
What's the most elegant way to find customer with specified id?@ag I would use group-by
on the :customer
but yes group-by
is more useful if you need to have that indexed by :id
in the future, which was not actually in your request