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I just posted to #C03RZGPG1 about the 0.5.6 release of which cleans up the API and deprecates all variadic function signatures to make the library more composable with other code. Happy to discuss in depth here or via DM.


"deprecates all variadic function signatures” 😍


At World Singles, we rely heavily on and the variadic calls are a pain to deal with when composing the library into other code 😞 We had one insert! call that used apply and concat to string together not only a bunch of rows we’d extracted from another table but a string of keyword/value option arguments as well. shudder


The upcoming 0.6.0 release will remove all deprecated features from the library (including the older API in java.jdbc.deprecated).


"deprecates all variadic function signatures" — this isn’t quite strictly true as a few of the "command" style functions are still variadic (e.g., db-do-commands) but those are less likely to be composed (I think) and they don’t have any trailing keyword options etc.


Also db-do-prepared is still variadic but also has no trailing keyword options so using apply with that tends to just involve a sequence of parameter groups to be passed into the SQL.


I may have a go at rewriting those so I can deprecate the variadic aspect...


@viebel: KLIPSE works now in my RSS reader. One funny thing is that the page always scroll to the vertical middle when opening an article

Yehonathan Sharvit18:04:41

1. Could you please open an issue?


Will do. Haven't read it yet, but did add it to my pocket queue. Why?

Yehonathan Sharvit18:04:13

I was curious to receive your feedback

Yehonathan Sharvit18:04:20

We had a lot of page views today

Yehonathan Sharvit18:04:34

It seems people are really interested by defprotocol secret


It's a good, clickbaity title simple_smile


I'm definitely curious


I'm opening the issues on github viebel/klipse

Nicolas Boskovic19:04:26

Is something like this doable?

Nicolas Boskovic19:04:54

It considers it to have the same arity


@nnbosko: Is there a reason you wouldn't want to use a mulitmethod there? You can dispatch off of type.

Nicolas Boskovic19:04:50

I just wanted to see if I could make a generic catch-all function for those cases but it's not really necessary


I like these too, from time to time


@nnbosko: you could probably use core match