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Anyone here using Prismatic Schema and Stuart Sierra's component lib/pattern together?


chancerussell: i have both in the mix


Solved now, but I was having trouble validating schema'd records that had additional keys assoc'd on during component start


Turns out you can provide a map of extra keys after the defrecord field vector


I find myself wanting for a function that takes a collection of symbols and builds a map where the key is the symbol name and the value is the symbol value was surprised I couldn’t find one googling around. am I just missing something, or would it be problematic, or a sin for any reason?


I’m trying to find coverage report for midje? But seems like only cloverage exists which doesn’t support midje


Any recommendations?


@tonyvanriet you dont know about symbol names at run time so that would be a macro, not a function


(defmacro bindings-map [& syms] (reduce (fn [m sym] (assoc m `(quote ~sym) sym)) {} syms))


Hey guys. How do you use the (first (filter ...)) pattern when using transducers? I have been running (first (sequence (comp ... (take 1)) coll)), but it is kind of ugly


Is it possible to run first on eduction?


nvm, first on eduction will still run through the entire coll..


Joined because I am trying to follow the instructions in the book »Web Development with Clojure« and could not get my first tests to run.


Reason being I used TIME instead of TIMESTAMP for my timestamp SQL column...


Well, now I'm on board. How's everybody doing? simple_smile


@jan welcome to the community.


@mikeb: Thanks, Mike. Good morning to you! simple_smile


@jan, how are you finding getting started?


Pretty good. This time simple_smile. I think I tried about a year ago and did not succeed. It was the setup that killed it. Now I have lein + atom + Parinfer + Proto Repl and I can easily follow the instructions from the book using the lein luminus template. So it is really quiet fun. I think esspecially the existence of Parinfer really helps, since I am completely new to Lisp.


@jan glad to hear that luminus and the book are helping 😉


@yogthos: oh hey there. Absolutely, I really like how the book is not wasting any time talking about the language and a bunch of functional concepts too much, but gets me straight to learning and appreciating how to built a webapp with Clojure. For me it is like Rich Hickey's »Simple Made Easy« coming to life. I currently maintain a lot of ruby (mostly with rails) and javascript at work and we definitely feel the pains of complexity. Seeing how building a webapp can be done by simply tying together a bunch of functions really makes my heart skip a beat. In short, you had me right when you said I would have to edit a .sql file. simple_smile


@jan the simplicity is really what attracts me to Clojure the most, I find that you can get a lot done by applying a small number of simple concepts. This really helps me focus on the problem I'm solving instead of thinking about language quirks


I definitely think the best way to learn is by working through a tangible projects, and you end up learning the concepts that you need along the way


@yogthos: agreed 100%.


@yogthos: Since I have you here simple_smile Is it okay, if I push the source code I am writing while reading the book to GitHub as a public repo? Or is that a copyright violation?


@jan I think that should be fine, Pragmatic make the source publicly available anyways


Hi everyone. I have one small question regarding the reloaded workflow and component. mentions that “reload-on-every-request functionality of ring-devel is incompatible with tools.namespace”. Is it still the case after 2.5 years? It seems that both ns-tracker is now updated to 0.2.x tools.namespace.