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Now I try to take care that when a account increased with a amount , another account is decreased with the same amount
I thought I could do this with a map like this [ { :account cash withdraw 100} {:account bank desposit 100} } ]
but now I wonder how can I descruct both maps in one time so the variable account1 will be cash here. amount1 will be 100. account2 will be bank and amount2 will also be 100
at this moment there are only 2 accounts but later on the list could contains 2 to maybe 10 entries
@roelof: You can do lots of computation inside of a dosync, if you wish. Looping over 2 to 10 entries describing a desired transaction isn't a lot of computation.
@roelof: No need to destructure every transaction in the sequence in a single expression. Loop through them and destructure each one, one at a time.
@andy.fingerhut: so use a map for the looping
@roelof: What you called a 'map' above is a vector of maps. Loop through the vector and process each map one at a time.
@roelof: You can check whether the transaction has 'total withdraws equals total deposits' before even starting the dosync, and avoid starting the dosync if that is not true.
@roelof: If v is equal to the vector of maps you gave above, try out (filter #(contains? % 'withdraw) v) in the REPL
and similarly replacing 'withdraw with 'deposit
@andy.fingerhut: I know that one and then I need to use I think sum to get the total of withdraw
@andy.fingerhut: thanks for the tips as I said enough to experiment with today and maybe tomorrow
Hmm, I see this output : => ({:account #object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x627f264f {:status :ready, :val {:amount 0}}], :withdraw 100})
I miss the name of the ref
@roelof: you have to name your ref somehow, just like you have to name other values - (def something 12)
or (let [something 12] ...)
depending on what you want to achieve.
can someone spot whats wrong with this? (defn thrower-catcher [f] (try (f) (catch ArithmeticException a "div b z") (finallY (print "done"))))
Morning all, I have some pipe delimited files sitting in HDFS and I'd like to use Hadoop (ideally with Clojure) to load them into another system with via a http api. Any suggestions on the best approach?
@jaen: do said earlier to me that I can use a let statement so :account has a value not a reference
(def account1 (ref ...))
(def account2 (ref ...))
(let [current-state-of-account1 @account1
current-state-of-account2 @account2
new-value1 (some computation)
new-value2 (some computation)]
(reset! account1 new-value1)
(reset! account2 new-value2))
means "get the current value of something
", when something
is reference type.
Im at the point that I have this [ {:account cash :withdraw 100 } {account :deposit 100} ]
I suggest not having account
inside the map, because when you iterate over the transactions, if you deref accounts for each map it's value can change in the mean time.
so I thought that filter bring me all the withdraws and later all the deposit and I could use a map to make the total of the withdraws or deposit
(reduce (fn [balances {:keys [account withdraw deposit]}]
withdraw (update balances account #(- (or % 0) withdraw))
deposit (update balances account #(+ (or % 0) deposit))))
{} transactions)
(doseq [[account balance-change] balance-changes]
(swap! account (fn [account]
(let [new-balance (+ (:balance @account) balance-change)]
(if (< new-balance 0)
(throw (Exception. "Insufficient funds"))))))))
oke, and then i could use the outcome of the reduce to check if all the numbers added to each other will be zero
@roelof: give me a second, I've checked the functions in repl just now and I see I made some mistakes, let me fix that first.
(doseq [[account balance-change] (balance-changes transactions)]
(alter account (fn [account]
(let [new-balance (+ (:balance account) balance-change)]
(if (>= new-balance 0)
(assoc account :balance new-balance)
(throw (Exception. "Insufficient funds"))))))))
If you wanted to change into atoms all accounts would have to be in one map, like so (atom {:account1 {:balance 100} :account2 {:balance 100}})
. I think that would be more complicated for you right now, with having to use update-in
and whatnot. Refs are probably simpler.
I mean this with it [ { :account cash :deposit 100} { :account bank :withdraw 100}] with the calling vector
Here, this is complete, working code I just tested in repl:
(def account1 (ref {:balance 100}))
(def account2 (ref {:balance 100}))
(defn balance-changes [transactions]
(reduce (fn [balances {:keys [account withdraw deposit]}]
withdraw (update balances account #(- (or % 0) withdraw))
deposit (update balances account #(+ (or % 0) deposit))))
{} transactions))
(defn run-transactions! [transactions]
(doseq [[account balance-change] (balance-changes transactions)]
(alter account (fn [account]
(let [new-balance (+ (:balance account) balance-change)]
(if (>= new-balance 0)
(assoc account :balance new-balance)
(throw (Exception. "Insufficient funds")))))))))
And then you can just call it like so (run-transactions! [{:account account1 :withdraw 100} {:account account2 :deposit 100}])
@jaen: I see this as output : CompilerException java.lang.Exception: Insufficint funds
Found it. I think a old value was around. When I send first the def for both refs everything works well
but I found another bug. When I do this one '(run-transactions! [{:account account1 :withdraw 100} {:account account2 :deposit 80}])
(make-transfer-transaction [from to value])
should return [{:account from :withdraw value} {:account to :deposit value}]
has anyone ever tried compojure-api/swagger with http-kit async channels?
The coercion mechanism doesn’t like it for obvious reasons, but not sure how to turn it off 😛
it attempt to coerce the channel to a json object, which obviously fails
@joelkuiper: Compojure-api default serializable?
implementation should only serialize the response body if your endpoint has :return
metadata or the body is a collection
So if you don't set :return
metadata, I think channel as response should work
hmm doesn’t seem to be the case this is what I have now
"/api" []
(POST* "/annotateDocuments" req
:components [matcher]
:coercion (constantly nil)
:middlewares [wrap-multipart-params]
:swagger {:operationId "annotateDocuments"
:description "Provided a list of PDF files, will run the list of matched concepts and their annotations."}
;;:return dm/AnnotateResponse
(process-documents req matcher))
where process documents returns the channel from http-kit (these are long running tasks, so don’t want to hog the request thread)
but gives
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException: Cannot JSON encode object of class: class org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3000<->/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:57095
originalMessage: "Cannot JSON encode object of class: class org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3000<->/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:57095"
@joelkuiper: What does process-documents return?
the org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel
where a json is pushed on when it’s done
the gist of it
(defn async
"Long-polling/Comet handler.
Takes a core.async chan and sends the response when available"
[request c]
(http/with-channel request channel
(async/go-loop [v (<! c)]
(http/send! channel v)
(close! c))
(http/on-close channel (fn [_] (async/close! c)))))
hmm so that should return false, can I override it somehow?
or do you think it might be some other middleware?
full stack 745
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 617
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker 1142 266
java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 511 91
compojure.api.middleware/wrap-components/fn middleware.clj: 79
dre.datahub.middleware/wrap-internal-error/fn middleware.clj: 40
dre.datahub.middleware/wrap-context/fn middleware.clj: 35
ring.middleware.x-headers/wrap-content-type-options/fn x_headers.clj: 53
ring.middleware.x-headers/wrap-frame-options/fn x_headers.clj: 38
ring.middleware.x-headers/wrap-xss-protection/fn x_headers.clj: 71
ring.middleware.not-modified/wrap-not-modified/fn not_modified.clj: 52
ring.middleware.default-charset/wrap-default-charset/fn default_charset.clj: 26
ring.middleware.content-type/wrap-content-type/fn content_type.clj: 30
ring.middleware.resource/wrap-resource/fn resource.clj: 28
ring.middleware.absolute-redirects/wrap-absolute-redirects/fn absolute_redirects.clj: 36
ring.middleware.cookies/wrap-cookies/fn cookies.clj: 161
ring.middleware.params/wrap-params/fn params.clj: 64
ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params/fn multipart_params.clj: 117
ring.middleware.nested-params/wrap-nested-params/fn nested_params.clj: 84
ring.middleware.keyword-params/wrap-keyword-params/fn keyword_params.clj: 35
ring.middleware.session/wrap-session/fn session.clj: 102
ring.middleware.flash/wrap-flash/fn flash.clj: 35
ring.middleware.webjars/wrap-webjars/fn webjars.clj: 34
ring.middleware.format-response/wrap-format-response/fn format_response.clj: 185
cheshire.core/generate-string core.clj: 21
cheshire.core/generate-string core.clj: 32
cheshire.generate/generate generate.clj: 148
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException: Cannot JSON encode object of class: class org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3000<->/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:57095
originalMessage: "Cannot JSON encode object of class: class org.httpkit.server.AsyncChannel: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3000<->/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:57095”
mostly from ring-defaults
Quite hard to see from stack trace is the r-m-f middleware that is causing problems is the one from compojure-api or not
looks like it might’ve been duplicate from the general middleware, let me check
bit unsure what the order of these things is
yep was a duplicate wrap-formats
Are there cases known, that a for
not working as expected? I have a loop
(for [[reg-uri event-chan] (:sub-on-call connection)
:let [req-id (clj-wamp.core/new-rand-id)]]
(println reg-uri req-id))
which works in the REPL. But in the function where it is integrated, it doesn’t do anything. (count map)
before the loop returns 2 so I don’t see a reason, why it’s not working.@juhoteperi: thanks seems like it was a bug on my side with the duplicate format; different question is it possible to add the schema for the return just as documentation, without coercion?
@joelkuiper: Currently, no
okay, just checking
@joelkuiper: should be. just add is under :swagger
as what key?
hmm conflict!
i’m still on 0.2.13 btw
for compojure api, 2.1.3 for ring-swagger
not sure what version is that. but as the :swagger works, add :swagger {:responses {200 {:schema dm/AnnotateResponse}}
and you should get the swagger-docs
so this is the working code thanks everyone!
I heard a lot about boot instead of leiningen. As a beginner can I better stick with leiningen or make the transition into boot
@roelof: boot is excellent, but leiningen is far from dead - I would advise you to plan to learn both
@roelof: no, I would just google and see what comes up - the boot folks are extremely supportive and there is #C053K90BR here as well
@niwinz: any public projects I could look at where boot is to slow?
@niwinz: in case you have the project still setup I'd be very interested in seeing some numbers :)
I switched some my projects to boot and for example executing the uberjar is almost 3x slower than doing the same task in lein... But lamentably now, I don't have any project using boot..
@niwinz: uberjar perf has been improved dramatically with 2.5.0 (currently only snapshot releases)
It would be great to see a large response on the survey so we can take the pulse of the community! Thanks...
@alexmiller: So I filled out the first page, clicked Next, and it put me back on the first page with all my answers wiped out. 😞
I made one question change on pg 1 - maybe that messed up people in progress
if so, my apologies!!
@alexmiller: no problem, just wanted you to know
I hit the back button, it recovered my answers, then when I hit next it went to page two.
@alexmiller: missed page 2 as well
Oooh, nice, first state of Clojure I can actually fill in having finally done real Clojure work this year : D
@dnolen: I've been trying to apply core.logic to output of tools.analyzer, but the copying walk* in ground checking is really a big roadblock for the kind of massively interlinked data, the analyzer produces ...
@alexmiller: how do you "store" the answers a page. When I ready to learn web development Im also thinking of using these wizards/multipage forms ?
I suppose "How long have you been using Clojure, ClojureScript, or ClojureCLR?" means seriously using the language not just "hey, I can write quicksort in that", right?
whatever makes sense for you
I guess, I'll go with 1 year then; I've been following Clojure since 1.3, but didn't do anything more than simple algorithms until this year.
Hi I am trying out schema...but, one thing that bugs me is that the names of the defs are so long like "defschema" and "required-keys" and so on. Is there a way to shorten them? I tried a simple (def ds s/defschema) but it fails with a compiler exception: CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: #'schema.core/defschema
@sveri: You'd have to do that as a macro: (defmacro ds [& body] `(s/defschema ~@body))
@alex.hall: Thanks, should have thought of them^^. They just take up so much space, especially defschema and required-key...they take most of the lines without providing anything useful
Fair enough. I just think that such abbreviations lead to unmaintainable code, especially in a team environment.
You don't have to use defschema
thought. I do (def SchemaName {:key s/Int})
and it just works. gives an excellent overview
I agree. My plan is to keep them in one namespace, make them private, so they don't leak out of my schema definitions namespace
Similarly for required-keys
- you don't have to use it for :keyword
keys, they are required by default. Unless you have string keys, then tough luck.
Actually it's somewhat annoying to do the reverse - make optional keyword keys. For some reason schema doesn't accept any option to validate
to flip the behaviour.
And not just any postwalk, since that won't understand most of schema's wrappers around values.
@sveri: here's the code for making all keys optional:
(ns scrabble.common.utils.schema
(:require [schema-tools.core :as st]
[schema-tools.walk :as st-walk]))
(defn with-optional-keys [schema]
(st-walk/walk schema
(fn [x]
(let [y (with-optional-keys x)]
(if (and (map? y) (not (record? y)))
(st/optional-keys y)
Were the talks recorded perchance? Though looking at ClojureTV I guess the answer is "no".
ClojureX is put on by Skills Matter and they usually host talks somewhere other than the ClojureTV channel
I think they usually are recorded though - you might want to ask on #C075TNSSC
@alexmiller: thanks for the channel pointer, someone linked to Skills Matter channel with the talks yesterday. it says I have to login, but hopefully an account is free.
About the Survey ... question 17 is a bit odd; it's asking us to evaluate the priority of improvements, but does not provide any idea of what those improvements might be. "Startup time" and "Runtime performance" are obvious ... but what improvements are being considered for "Namespaces" or "More compiler control"?
nothing specific, just general areas
Nicola suggested the latter one, really in regards to more control over how var linking, inlining, etc is done
we have no specific plans to do that, but that was the idea
re namespaces, there have been ideas floated about immutable namespaces and things of that nature in the past
Hah, I think that depends on how you interpret things. For namespaces I compared what Dunaj project did to current state of art in Clojure, which made me rate it low. And I took "more compiler control" to being able to tune optimisations for example.
@jaen those both seem like reasonable interpretations
@hlship: in the past there has been some free form question about adding features to Clojure. the intent here is to replace that with something that gives better and more actionable data (by both not listing things we have no intent of doing and listing specific priority areas)
Incidentally, Dunaj's modularisation and restructuring on API seemed a fairly interesting idea, what does core think of that?
@jaen the stuff in Dunaj are interesting ideas but we tend to work starting from a specific problem
so the question is what problem needs to be fixed?
if the problem is startup time, then namespace reorganization might be one solution
but so might lazy vars or using invokedynamic for var invocation or parallelization or something else
if the problem is related to organization, that's a different set of possible solutions
of which restructuring the api is one answer
I noticed that the function classes still create references to Vars as static fields, even if those are Vars for functions that will be statically invoked.
Probably minor, but this is memory and execution time that could be shaved. Are these public fields being left around intentionally?
Rich plans to work on cleaning that up in 1.9
@alexmiller: gotcha. I've read the Dunaj's docs and I think the arguments re: API organisation make sense. I do understand though there might be different solutions to the startup time part other than modularisation, I don't know enough of how Clojure works to have an opinion, since I've been doing it more seriously only for a year.
which channel should we ask general questions about Clojure web development? not clojurescript related, more on backend
Hi. using prismatic schema I have a map in a def like this: (def foo {:name "init-aval" :bar "bar"}). Now I want to define a schema for this. Can I define schemas for defs?
Anyone have examples of client libraries (i.e. libraries that wrap a web API) that they love? I'm wondering about best practices.
@dmitrig01: Does it validate at runtime too?
I have a list ({:employee/name Timmy})
, why is it that, when I peek at this list I get an java.lang.ClassCastException
I enjoyed the Clojure community survey. I was surprised to see no mention of "debugging tools" in the survey though ("error messages" was the closest fit). I mentioned this in my final comments.