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you could use core.async and read the values from a channel in a loop and write to the file
Not certain, but I would assume logging libraries make all kinds of optimizations to the logging process. If a flat file log is what you need, I would seriously consider just using log4j or logback.
That being said, I believe either an agent or a core.async chan+process would do what you want.
(TBH using an agent for controlled side-effects always seemed like a bit of a hack, but I think it fits the bill for some scenarios. So take that as you will )
The main benefit of agents for side effects is that they are stm you can safely send from inside a ref txn
Because agent sends are held till when the txn completes
@meikemertsch: ah thanks, great idea!
user> (throw (ex-info "lol" {}) ... or this?)
ExceptionInfo lol clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4593)
i mean understand why this happens, but i don't understand why this is allowed to happen. throw seems like it will check
but def
is a special form and
(def fe "fi" :fo :fum)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Too many arguments to def, compiling:(/private/var/folders/sv/xytbwbxn6pg835_hkmyf8lxc0000gn/T/form-init786571130783712406.clj:1:1)
i'm not sure why throw
is allowing that to slide. it could be a repl thing but it doesn't seem likely.
looks like the patch to throw
was recently added
hey everyone, i am new to clojure and using as a starting point. i hope to gain lots of knowledge from everyone here and share my experience as i embark on this journey. cheers!
Anyone have any thoughts about how Im structuring this simple component based webapp server side (i guess system.clj is a good place to start)
to anybody using Midje autotest, is it supposed to support deleting namespaces?
After deleting/renaming some file I get a “LOAD FAILURE” and need to restart the jvm
using Midje 1.7.0
@danlebrero nope AFAIR is the closest we got to that
quickly glanced at midje, it doesn't seem to use tools.namespace and instead does some ad-hoc namespace handling
basically, this
@mishok13: thanks a lot.
@danlebrero:I didn't really help you here, did I?
@mishok13: you confirmed my suspicion
which is quite helpful
I suspect that *assert* is not being set to
false` when building my uberjar. When I start my app from the uberjar, then connect to its nrepl and evaluate *assert*
, I get true
. I can't afford to run my pre and post conditions in production. How do I ensure that they're off?
anyone know how to get comments in the interior of a function to get pulled into the documenation section with Marginalia? I’ve tried ; and ;; and they always stay in the code section
@ghadi: any idea of what the future of squee looks like? I really liked the approach and impl.
@ragge thanks. I have my attention turned towards a different library right now (stay tuned) but I'd be glad to merge in some tests
The one feature I haven't pushed up yet, is "data readers" for SQL. Rather than receiving a java.util.Date from the underlying resultset, you can receive java.time or Joda -- customizable by datatype
I'm just happy about the connection & transaction implementation. It's just simpler than
When you say "data readers" for SQL, do you mean something similar to IResultSetReadColumn
in java.jdbc?
@ghadi: would you accept contributions for tests/minor things (found a few docstring errors)?
seriously though, no, I don't think there's anything like that but it should be fairly easy to write one
@mbertheau: (comp some? get-in)
^^ doesn't work for (contains-in? {:a {:b nil}} [:a :b])
I have
(fn [m [k & ks]]
(if (contains? m k)
(if (nil? ks)
(recur (k m) ks))
now. Improvements are very welcome!I like from @mishok13
(defn contains-in? [coll key]
(not= :not-found (get-in coll key :not-found)))
hmm, just realized that (contains? {:a {:b nil}} [:a :b]) => false
they key [:a :b]
exists, just happens that the value is nil
@mbertheau: I would modify it slightly for the case when keys aren't keywords
(fn [m [k & ks]]
(if (contains? m k)
(if (nil? ks)
(recur (get m k) ks))
bostonaholic: you have a collision on (contains-in? {:a {:b :not-found}} [:a :b])
, easily fixed by using a new Object that won't be equal to anything else.
Hi everybody! I'm testing a small service to make dependency graphs for clojure projects. You feed it a github url and it gives you back a dep graph. Anybody wants to try it out?
@bensu: In other news, I need to simplify my library:
@bensu: Nice would be nice to be able to either hover over or click on a node and have the path highlighted
a def/defn creates a var that depends on the var of any referenced symbol in it's source. Almost like a call graph
@bensu: and I'll add another feature request for branches.. ala