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Hey guys. We’re running a ring server (on jetty) and we’re running into a “too many open files” exception. Doing `lsof |grep our-uberjar|wc -l\ shows *16207
162075 open handles on its own jar.
I can’t find if this is a known problem somewhere in our stack or that we messed something up.
This is on 3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 8 19:35:06 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
with ring-jetty-adapter 1.3.0 / org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server "7.6.13.v20130916"
Any ideas what may be going on? My first guess is that response streams for bundled resources aren’t being closed properly.
@joost-diepenmaat: have you tried lsof -p {pid}
to see which fds it's owning?
watch -n 1 "lsof -p 8662|grep $our-jar.jar|wc -l"
shows an increasing number
going quickly from ~ 100 to 811 right now
and then at some point it drops again.
doesn’t look like the ridiculously high numbers of beffore
now it’s back to 303
and climbing
lsof |grep $pid|grep $jar shows a lot higher numbers than lsof -p $pid|grep $jar
maybe it’s opening and closing many FDs quickly and you’d get overlapping sets in lsof without the -p
@ragge < 3000 open FDs seems a lot more reasonable than > 160000
but what are the actual fds it's holding onto? lots of regular files? which ones? sockets?
bunch of sockets and lots of open handles on the running uberjar
~ 580 TCP connections, 930 jars, 90 other
which FDs are changing? let me see..
oh, just saw your first message, ~160k open file handles on it's *own* jar sounds suspicious
yeah but I don’t acutally get 160K open handles using lsof -p
that’s when I do lsof|grep $pid
the lsof -p option lists a varying number of FDs on the uberjar - between 100 and 2500
and the number seems to be increasing quickly and then drops back to 100 after reaching 3000
I’m not sure what that is about. Looks like it’s only closing the FDs when it’s running out of handles.
most of the static assets in the site - stylesheets, js, css, are served using ring-resource middleware
we do serve all the “large” assets from a separate server, but the basic styling assets and frontend code is served from the jar
Right now, I’m not sure if there’s a large problem; we’ve been running like this for over a year and this is the first time I’ve seen this exception.
Occurred about an hour ago, and it’s not been back since.
I’m assuming the 160K open FDs is an artifact of running lsof without the -p option with a process that opens and closes FDs continuusly
i think lsof -p will exclude child proceeses too, could also be the reason you're seeing different numbers
but sometimes, during some circumstances (lot's of requests for instance) you could leak more than you have fds
i fixed a bug in boot recently that had a similar issue:
I think I’ll give strace a shot.
thanks @ragge! I’ll take a closer look
is there something more compact than this to get the values for a set of keys from a map? either in core or in another library?
user=> (vals (select-keys {:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h} [:a :c :g]))
(:h :d :b)
using map
and get
, not that much more compact, but avoids building intermediate map just to get vals:
boot.user=> (def m {:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h})
boot.user=> m
{:a :b, :c :d, :e :f, :g :h}
boot.user=> (map (partial get m) [:a :c :g])
(:b :d :h)
@timvisher: juxt is your friend user> ((juxt :a :c :e) m) [:b :d :f]`
anybody with experience with riemann here? I'm trying to receive events through graphite transport and get errors like that - WARN [2015-09-16 14:56:35,174] nioEventLoopGroup-3-1 - riemann.transport.graphite - Graphite server received malformed message (java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence): #<DatagramPacket DatagramPacket(/ => /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2003, SimpleLeakAwareByteBuf(UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 105, cap: 2048)))>
@timvisher @ordnungswidrig nice with juxt, can simplify my example to also just (map m [:a :c :g])
, works where keys are not functions too
@joost-diepenmaat: not much to add, but we are seeing the same problem occassionally, I'd be curious to know if you find anything
@ordnungswidrig: man! that’s awesome
@profil: There is not. In general if a transducer would have to wait until the sequence ends to actually output anything, then there is no transducer for it since it makes limited sense.
I am transforming a big list with transduce
using drop
and map second
, then using conj
as the reducing function. After this I want it sorted then calculate the mean and some quantiles, it feels kinda ugly not doing it in a sequence
@crankyadmin: that is clj-refactor telling you you have a broken namespace
Is there a Clojure library that supports XML element namespaces? This is a requirement for interfacing with an external service and data.xml does not support this feature (although there’s a seemingly dead proposal to fix this:
@profil: you should benchmark using eduction instead of transduce in this scenario - (sort (eduction (drop 1) (map second) coll))
it might be faster
there are several competing effects going on here so it's hard for me to predict which is better
eduction is going to effectively build an iterator and sort will build a chunked seq over that iterator
if you're doing transduce with conj you should really just do into (which automatically uses transients) - (sort (into [] (comp (drop 1) (map second)) coll))
that will conj into a vector with transients, then use a seq that traverses the vector directly (which is not chunked, but vector seqs are using the underlying data structure, so generally very fast)
if you do benchmark those, I'd be curious to know the input size and timing results :)
kind of an interesting reducing function would be one that inserted results into a sorted collection as they arrived
for example (into (sorted-set) (comp (drop 1) (map second)) coll)) - if data has no dupes
then you traverse the input exactly once, extract the right data, and drop it directly into a sorted output collection
Ahh, cool. The data can contain duplicates, but thats not very likely. I need to get this assignment done, I will try to bench it in the weekend 😄 The data sets is a simple neural network consisting of 1000 neurons, 500 patterns, and this will be sampled for 50000 time steps, so its not huge, but it still takes a few hours
@alexmiller: How would I bench it? using time
or something more sophisticated?
well if it takes hours, then time should be sufficient :)
Anyone got a nice alternative to this without flatten? (reduce + (flatten [[1 2] [3 4]]))
reduce into has the nice property of almost looking like english words that mean what it's doing
@mocker: if your needs are light, a Java library may be a better option
@danielcompton: Agreed, it might also be a good opportunity for me to learn how to write a clojure library that wraps around the java library.