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Pablo Fernandez08:09:57

My low level function to store a record in the database, requires all the fields to be present, username, email, name, date of birth, etc. On top of that I have a function that does validation and other things. Amongst this things, I need to fill up fields with sane defaults. I could just merge a hasmap, but I’m wondering if there’s some library I could use. I thought of schema, but it feels like an overkill. Does anybody else have an opinion about this?


How do I set up figwheel to auto refresh the browser on server code changes?


I understand ring's auto-refresh? does this, but not sure where to put it


👋 Hello, fellow clojure devs!


👋 hello tylerdiaz


(thank (user :adulteratedjedi))

Pablo Fernandez15:09:04

Is there a function somewhere to convert any string into a valid-for-an-URL string? Something like stringex in Ruby (

Pablo Fernandez18:09:03

Is in-ns the proper way to switch to a different namespace? I seem to lose access to clojure’s core after that.


didn’t know about in-ns

Pablo Fernandez18:09:36

I use ns normally too. This is for something different.

Pablo Fernandez18:09:04

I need to temporarily switch to another ns.


pupeno: it doesn’t refer clojure.core. You should be able to (clojure.core/use ‘clojure.core) after you’re in the new ns, but it’s not a use case I use often - there might be a better way to do it