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@gtrak I wrote cljunit to get JUnit integration with clojure.test - works nicely in Eclipse and with Maven :
@nberger: I think I'm getting to the bottom of this POST thing. The Swagger UI didn't work for completely baffling reasons that might be bugs in its own code... once I'm out of the woods, I'll try to reproduce and make a test case, but if you want to have some fun, do a +swagger
Luminus project and try out the /minus and /divide post endpoints in swagger-ui. For me, if I edited the arguments, I'd get JS errors.
I haven't used ring-logger yet -- I wanted to remove Clojure-side request generation from the equation. curl -v
and judicious logging have proven really useful, and it looks like the error is in my code to begin with (surprise surprise), but I will hook up ring-logger soon to test the mock request format against what I know to be working in curl.
In the meantime, before I can produce error-free schema-based output, it's time to read up on coercion...
I'm sure I'm going to look back at this and laugh. Hopefully I won't be in a padded cell at the time.
Haha. I've seen it working in an app but using :body
instead of :body-params
... it works with swagger-ui, but I'm using peridot instead of ring-mock for the tests. I'll see if I can give it a try with ring-mock tomorrow
Don't worry about it! I did just get a reduced version working with curl. I'll see about the full version, and a tested version with ring-mock, tomorrow. Thanks for your suggestions so far. I look back at what I'm doing, and I realize that I've really been wrestling with very elementary stuff... I would be discouraged, since I pretend to be a "senior programmer" from 10 to 6 every day. In other languages, thank goodness. But really, the only way to learn anything is to begin with the acceptance that you know nothing.
I don't know... sometimes I'm jealous of our summer interns, who know virtually everything. Clearly I forgot it all somewhere along the way.
Does anyone remember the name of the clojure library that allows to add data to a thrown exception-map?
@oily with ex-info I’d have to catch, assoc to ex-data and and rethrow. I thought I remembered a library that would make that more concise + additional benefits
@denik: This is a tangent, but when talking to Common Lisp people, they frequently complain that Clojure doesn't have a condition/restart system as described here:
However, I've been meaning to check out which is such a system implemented for Clojure.
@profil: I see you figured it out, but in the repl, you can just redefine things at will and they take effect immediately.
@beppu I see. It seems try/catch with added ex-data can work similarly to Common Lisps signal/handler. Only restart is not that easy.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to use conditions and restarts. I've come to appreciate good error handling, and if there's something better than the traditional try/catch (which isn't bad), I'd like to know.
thanks @rauh, reading:
ljosa: Yes, via #=
, but it's not "officially" documented and generally not recommended.
@stuartsierra: Out of curiosity, how do you use #=
In the highlighted function parameter list, what is idiom being used for the second parameter? (Specifically, line 148: & [callback]
Is that to allow an arbitrary number of parameters, only the first of which (which should be named callback
in the function body) is actually used?
@erik_price: It's for pulling values out of a hash-map. See the bottom of section 3.3.3 here:
beppu: I’m specifically curious about line 148, which seems to be a vector destructuring applied to the varargs parameter. It appears to be destructuring the first element of the varargs, and what I’m really wondering is… why would one do this? Is it a useful idiom in Clojure to write functions that take varargs but only use the first one?
@erik_price: I've never done it that way myself, but I guess it's a convenient way to tack on one more optional param at the end.
beppu: thanks. i sort of thought so… just wondered if that was common.
anyone know offhand if (into {} transducer m) is faster than (persistent! (reduce-kv .. (assoc! ..)?
@erik_price: I’ve found it is better to replace that style of optional argument with explicit multiple arities
@jakemcc: agree. It shows up in docstrings properly etc. Plus for callbacks, you can have your lower arity thing pass a callback that does nothing, which cleans the code up a bunch (esp if the callback is called in more than one place)
(defn remove-nil-vals1
(if-let [s (seq m)]
(persistent! (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(if (nil? v)
(assoc! acc k v)))
(transient (empty m))
(defn remove-nil-vals2
(if-let [s (seq m)]
(into (empty m) (filter (fn [entry]
(some? (val entry))))
with (def nilmap (into {} (map vector (range 1000000) (interleave (range 1000000) (repeat nil)))))
(I've seen per differences of ~ 10 thousand times in the wrong direction due to benchmarking mistakes. 10000 is probably bigger than 2)
but I'm still just learning transducers and trying to establish the new rules of thumb.
is there a coll-reduce implementation for persistenthashmap? I think it might still be creating a seq in that case.
I am translating a mathematical function into clojure code and get a function that is a lot slower than the "equivalent" python function. The python function takes about 2 seconds to run, but my clojure version takes at least 25-30 seconds. What am I doing wrong?
The function contains two nested sums, which I solve by using two nested reduce. The maths looks like this
And my clojure function looks like this,
@gtrak: I've been having a lot of fun with transducers lately here:
@meow: No reason for it to be in a big function like that, I would split it up, but wanted to know if I do something very wrong first
well, speaking from experience, when I start getting frustrated with code that isn't working its often because I've got a function that is doing too much. Lately I've worked very aggressively at keeping my functions to a bare minimum, and I'm much happier with the results.
It seems like the simplest thing, and it is. But I've had to work to break myself of bad habits from the past.
Another benefit I've recently experienced. I used to be happy when some code I was working on worked and passed some unit tests. And that's still great. But with really, really small functions, I find that many of them don't really need tests (shhh, don't tell the test-driven folks). And then the functions that use those functions, which are also small and focused, well not only do they not really need tests but even better, I can fully grasp what they do so much faster and easier. I can compose all these functions I've written in my head. And for the most part, know that they will work. Just building things up, one layer at a time, each layer as thin and focused as the previous layer.
Old hat for all the functional folks here, but for an old OO guy I'm finally feeling the payoff of the functional approach, where the clojure functions I need are coming into my mind fairly readily, my own functions are just small compositions of clojure functions, and everything just builds up nicely.
Yeah, I agree about the small function part. But in this case I am forced to create closures because the inner reduce functions still needs data outside of their "call scope", which makes it a bit ugly..
Most of the code I've been working on is early development and in such a state of flux I really don't want to invest the time in optimization until the code matures a bit and settles down.
I think unless you are working with numerics or Java interop then they don't matter as much
Haha, converting my lists into vectors made the clojure function faster than the python version :D nth
on lists is linear so
> Does anyone remember the name of the clojure library that allows to add data to a thrown exception-map? @denik: did you find it? If not, what about