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I'm having trouble with running out of memory. Anyone got any tips for optimizing this kind of code:
(def foo-axiom [:A])
(def foo-rules {:A [:B :- :A :- :B]
:B [:A :+ :B :+ :A]})
(defn bar [rules axiom]
"Returns a lazy sequence of colls, starting with axiom, where each
subsequent coll is the result of the replacement rules applied to the
preceding coll."
(iterate #(flatten (walk/postwalk-replace rules %)) axiom)
#_(iterate #(flatten (replace rules %)) axiom)
#_(iterate #(flatten (transduce (replace rules) conj %)) axiom))
(def foo-bar (bar foo-rules foo-axiom))
I'm having this weird feeling that some kind of smarter transducer ought to be able to eliminate the need for flatten
, for one thing.
Flatten is really overkill because this thing will never be more than one level deep. Would love to be able to flatten it on-the-fly but I'm not seeing how to do that.
Add this to the list of failed attempts: (iterate #(flatten (into [] (replace rules) %)) axiom)
For this particular set of rules on my machine I can't get past (count (nth foo-bar 15))
@whacked: wait til you see what I build using this stuff - going to be very, very cool, I believe...
it's similar primarily in the "very very cool" part and doing some simple queries generates massive rule expansions
There are alternate implementation of flatten here:
((fn [rules axiom]
(iterate #(flatten (walk/postwalk-replace rules %)) axiom))
foo-rules foo-axiom)
;; "Elapsed time: 546.204442 msecs" -- flatten
;; "Elapsed time: 108.045854 msecs" -- my-flatten
indeed replacing with replace
"Elapsed time: 237.22869 msecs" -- flatten
"Elapsed time: 80.822718 msecs" -- my-flatten
still not sure i understand,
(prn (replace foo-rules foo-axiom)) ;; [[:B :- :A :- :B]]
(prn (into [] (replace foo-rules foo-axiom))) ;; [[:B :- :A :- :B]]
though FWIW, time
ing the added into
adds single digit msec to the runtimeI was doing (into [] (replace foo-rules) foo-axiom)
, not (into [] (replace foo-rules foo-axiom))
not super worried about benchmarking at this point, just bummed that I'm getting these memory errors
(count (nth foo-bar 12))
=> 1062881
(count (nth foo-bar 13))
=> 3188645
(count (nth foo-bar 14))
OutOfMemoryError Java heap space clojure.lang.ArrayChunk.dropFirst )
I'm thinking not much because of all the substitutions, except for the fact that they are all keywords
I just noticed cider now gives you an indicator for long running processes, which is nice
@whacked: it needs to return the original/unmatched value if a replacement doesn't exist
If anyone needs data to simulate a meaningful stream of input for FRP stuff, here's one way, right?
I need to see how these variations work in cljs as well, but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow
@luxbock: I do like the look of this, thanks: (iterate (fn [x] (mapcat #(or (rules %) [%]) x)) axiom)
@whacked: I'm still working out how to handle additional data to augment the basic instructions that get rewritten
Yeah, these rewrite systems are definitely limited in terms of how many iterations are reasonable, but they're still fun and powerful
@meow this was posted on the mailing list yesterday:
So the way to scale this up is to call the rewriter more than once, rather than asking it for another iteration.
I'm done for the day. Thank you so much, @whacked and @luxbock. Hope you had as much fun as I did! Really appreciate the help.
@escherize: nice one too
Not sure if this is the right forum/channel for this or not, but I am currently searching for a Clojure job in Pittsburgh or DC and I wanted to reach out to everyone and see if they are hiring, or know about an open position. I also have experience with Datomic/Datalog, and Clojurescript.
@jtackett: try #C05006WDW as well
hum, having a discussion with colleagues about using Datomic in an open source project
Datomic has so many neat things in it, but the question of keeping your data in a closed system is hard to tackle
is there any way of printing out the compojure routes? similar to Rail's rake routes? Have some nesting going on thats broken but can't spot the problem
@afhammad: not easily, because compojure routes are just nested function calls - there's no way to introspect them
I know this is probably unhelpful, but bidi has a route-seq function to return a sequence of all the routes in the structure
Good to know, thanks @malcolmsparks
@malcolmsparks: periodic ping about bidi supporting flat routes as input
(I might actually have some open source time I could push into working on that at some point this/next month, if you're interested)
Any idea why that inner-most context doesn't work:
@tcrayford: I think what would be useful is a table to tree transformation - there's a reason why you may want to further transform the tree 1. schema validation 2. tree walking to augment (e.g. security) policies on leaves 3. make use of other tools that transform the tree structure
on the issue @afhammad is having with compojure, bidi has a prismatic schema definition you can use for validating route structures - right that's enough blatant bidi promotion for one day
@afhammad: GET /api/users/1/contacts/1
don't you mean...
GET /api/users/1/contacts/1/
you must use a trailing slash otherwise your inner context will not match
@afhammad: this works for me:
also user-id can't be referenced from the inner-most context routes, gives: Unable to resolve symbol: user-id in this context
(defn foo []
"I don't do a whole lot."
(context "/api" []
(context "/users" []
(context "/:user-id" [user-id]
(context "/contacts" []
;;; routes here work
(context "/:contact-id" [contact-id]
;;; anything here gives 404
;;; GET /api/users/1/contacts/1
(GET "/" [] (fn [req] {:status 200 :body (str "user-id:" user-id)}))))))))
((foo) (request :get "/api/users/123/contacts/1/"))
it works for me - make sure your request uri is what you expect. Are you using this handler in any subcontexts?
perhaps break it up into testable units
@malcolmsparks: Is it common to structure routes like that? It feels like it would be easier to read (for me) as either:
(defn foo []
"I don't do a whole lot."
(context "/api/users/:user-id" [user-id]
(context "/contacts/:contact-id" [contact-id]
;; anything here gives 404
;; GET /api/users/1/contacts/1
(GET "/" [] (fn [req] {:status 200 :body (str "user-id:" user-id)})))))
(defn foo []
"I don't do a whole lot."
(context "/api" []
(context "/users/:user-id" [user-id]
(context "/contacts/:contact-id" [contact-id]
;; anything here gives 404
;; GET /api/users/1/contacts/1
(GET "/" [] (fn [req] {:status 200 :body (str "user-id:" user-id)}))))))
@kushalp: there are additional sub routes under each context not shown in the sample code
I'm trying to design my application to be friendly to code-reloading, as well as being inspectable such that one namespace can search for vars throughout the whole project matching a specific metadata, in this case ^:schema
or ^:route
But I'm running into problems using ( (
to find and then require
all my own application's namespaces.
@whacked: @luxbock I'm still working on it, but my take on a D0L system (deterministic context-free Lindenmayer system) is here:
Anyone here have experience using @stuartsierra's Component to make code-reloading more manageable?
@sdegutis: lots of people use it and like it. Even if you don't use it, be sure to understand the concepts. I also recommend reading this:
I always value feedback based on actually using something and gaining retrospective perspective.
(but the concept is the same and the code doesn’t take more than an hour or so to spin up)
in Haskell all the generic zippers need to be built atop datatype generics, unfolding semantics, or lenses
@sdegutis: I use Component in a lot of projects now (about a dozen), and have used it for about 18 months. The code reloading is actually from tools.namespace, also from Stuart Sierra, which component builds upon. It solves a hard problem and doesn't usually give me any bother. I've learned to workaround the odd time it doesn't work for me, and I have to say I can't imagine using a different approach for Clojure server-side work
hmm, I’m doing something wrong. If I have a type (deftype) that extends a protocol (defprotocol), and I have a function that returns an instance of that type … and I access that type in a different namespace the functions defined by the protocol should be available right?
well, you have to still require them
the protocol?
the symbols
you have to require all the functions of a protocol you want to call
requiring the protocol itself isn't enough
the only time that works is when you're extending the protocol with reify or defrecord
but to use the protocol at other times you need to require in the symbols
I've never questioned why this is, it just is
@malcolmsparks: Thanks for the excellent feedback on Component.
hmm, lame 😛
maybe I’ll look into reify
@joelkuiper: to be clear, requiring the namespace that the protocol is in is sufficient.
So the following works:
(ns foo
(:require [ns.with.protocol :as other-ns]))
(other-ns/-protocol-fn (other-ns/create-special-type))
@potem does it also work with :refer :all ?
Is it possible to make post a file with ring.mock.request? I would like to test my REST API, which should save files. Is it possible or there is another way?
All I could find:
wrap with (int ...)
or (.intValue ...)
does anyone have any good resources or examples of implementing a 'fake' mutable collection in clojure using store-passing-style?
any Cryogen gurus here?
I want to add a plugin to perform some hooks at lein startup; to enable pretty exception reporting via
The trick is that pretty has an optional dependency on; I want to know in my hook function
The first part of the hook seems to work fine (i.e., via lein repl
, and adding pretty to my profiles.clj.
Also, it seems like I'm getting different behaviors depending on whether I'm using lein repl
(without a project) and lein repl
in a project that has its own dependency on io.aviso/pretty.
BTW, I'm ok if the approach requires I create a separate artifact to do the setup, if that's what it takes to make it work in a project with an existing dependency on io.aviso/pretty. For the moment, I'm hoping I can do it all in a single artifact.
@hiship: Did you take a look to
There it shows an example where it injects a dependency into the project via merge-profiles
About detecting if a dependency is available, tools.logging uses a similar approach (try & catch), but using (Class/forName ...)
. See