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@bmay: I think I figured out the IllegalStateException: I/O in transaction
problem from yesterday, which has a bunch of factors:
uses clojure.core/io!
(unless its transaction?
parameter is false).
2. clojure.core/require
apparently causes a Clojure transaction to occur, somewhere, which prohibits any io!
blocks from being called.
3. I was using the REPL to directly require
a namespace that directly called jdbc/db-do-commands
Apparently, you are not allowed to require
any namespace that somehow invokes io!
at the top level.
(ns (io! (println "Test"))
then (require '
will thus throw a similar IllegalStateException
The solution was to change my code to not call db-do-commands
(and thus the io!
block inside) at the top level of the namespace.
@cigitia: causing side effects of any kind when requiring a namespace is generally discouraged
can prismatic/schema be used to describe function parameters or fields? [a :- s/Int callback :- s/Fn]
Any suggestions for SaaS application performance monitoring for clojure? I'm not loving Newrelic.
angelini: yeah, with something like (s/=> s/Any s/Any)
but the schema won’t have it’s args checked unless it arises from an s/defn
Anyone using bidi and ran into an odd error where just adding it to the project causes a NRE on ring on start?
Fails when launching a repl too:
Hmm, yeah, that one was more helpful. Seems that it’s because bidi depends on ring-core 1.3.2, and I have 1.4 elsewhere on the project. Excluding 1.3.2 from bidi fixes it.
does somebody have a clue? can’t figure troubles with resource file having in project.clj
:resource-path "resources"
having file in
in code
(def service-account-key (->> "android-service-account.p12" io/resource io/file))
works when id do lein run or lein repl,
but when i build an uberjar i throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a file exception,
if i look inside a jar file is thereio/resource
when in the jar returns a URL, not a file. See (shameless plug) for more details. td;dr: use slurp
or create an io/reader
Ok, I thought you were asking why it was complaining about being "Not a file", and I think that's the explanation
As of how to workaround it? I guess there are multiple ways... one could be to copy the resource to a file and use it from there
Another could be to "hack" the url removing the "jar:file:" part and use it as a file... I don't know what are the risks of doing that
@danielcompton @bostonaholic: Finally made the fork of ring.middleware.logger and refactored it so it can be used with tools.logging (now the default), onelog or timbre. PR: There might be many rough edges, because I added just what I needed (well, I dont really need tools.logging now but added it as the default option)
if you want to give it a try, use the 0.6.0
branch from my repo, there you'll find the clojars coordinates for 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT
How do I get the current URL in compojure?
pupeno: it's parsed into pieces, but available inside the request that's passed to the routed functions. You'll be most interested in :uri
, :query-string
and [:headers "host"]
So, I have to re-construct it from the pieces. sigh
It feels like I’m re-building basic information that existed to begin with:
(GET "*" {uri :uri query-string :query-string} (render-app (str uri "?" query-string)))
At least you can add some middleware that attaches it to the request for all subsequent handlers.
Hi all, 5 years too late I’m exploring the world of web-apps with Component, Ring etc
One thing that I can’t figure out is a clean way to pass Component dependencies into Ring handlers defined with Compojure
@cfleming: One way to do it is via middleware. Just attach a :db <ref> to all requests.
Another way is to not use the defroutes macro, but just call (routes …) from within a function, and use closures.
@cfleming: also, if you are going to use compojure-api, there's wrap-components
. See:
@cfleming: The prob I have with the 2nd option is that I end up having to restart the http-runner when I change functions.
@rauh: thanks, I’ll look into it.
It’s nice to (defn whatever-handler [{:keys [db ldap]}] or what have you. At least it’s clear (ish).
So then you have a component for your app which creates the routes and adds a middleware assoc’ing in the deps?
Yes. Something like: (defn make-app [db ldap] (-> (make-routes) (afix-db fb) (afix-ldap ldap))
@zentrope: @nberger: It does look interesting, but I think that’s more deps and magic than I need to just do this right now.
Right! I keep experimenting. I’m using Aleph, not Compojure, and made my own system for routing.
I have a hash-map of handlers {:method :get :handler fn :mw etc}, then just have a single handler that takes that map and figures out how to route.
Clunky, but I love trying to be more data driven, figure out what works for a given type of app, etc.
I feel like if I understood Ring (or perhaps Compojure) better I’d be publishing the individual endpoints as components and combining them into a handler in some way.
I used it in a project to add validation of params given a schema and also generate a swagger.json and ui from the same schema
I made a component setup such that our kafka communications, websockets, and http are all routed, and then each is capable of sending messages on the others
without using top level vars to bind any of these
(well "each is capable" except http - you can't send arbitrary messages via your http server of course)
i have a bunch of services that all use lein uberjar
to build an uberjar that is capable of starting an http listener and an nrepl listener. all of them produce an uberjar that works as expected, except for one which is claiming that it can’t find the nrepl server class on the classpath. lein deps :tree
reports that the ones that work are depending on tools.nrepl 0.2.10 and also that the one that’s not working is depending on tools.nrepl 0.2.10. what could be going wrong here?
@timvisher have you tried lein with-profile uberjar deps :tree
I would expect lein deps :tree
to show you this, but the only thing that springs immediately to mind is that one of the direct dependencies of the outlier project explicity excludes tools.nrepl
and that’s affecting the runtime classpath
Humm, perhaps I'm totally wrong about lein with-profile...
. Not sure really, so please let me know :)
hmm… even more confusing though, is that the project that it doesn’t show up in is the one that works, and the one that it does show up in is the one that doesn’t work…
@chris_johnson: meaning another of the direct dependencies?
hmm… struggling to ascii diagram this but you’re saying that A → B → tools.nrepl
and A → C :exclusions tools.nrepl
will knock tools.nrepl off the classpath?
@timvisher cool :)
oh jeez. i’m realizing what might be happening. doesn’t lein inject tools.nrepl into one of the default profiles by default?
yeah. i think that’s what’s happening. i think i thought i was pulling tools.nrepl in via cider-nrepl, which doesn’t depend on tools.nrepl, but was instead pulling it in from elsewhere or getting the default tools.nrepl. didn’t lein used to warn about this?
@cigitia: I almost universally actually want clojure.string/blank?
when I’m checking empty string.
When I use Emacs+Cider and I call C-c C-x to refresh the project, for some reason I lose access to the pprint
fn. Anyone know why this is?
anyone seen this message: AssertionError Assert failed: (not (fr/NoFilter? f1)) clojure.core.typed.subtype/subtype-filter? (subtype.clj:1114) from core.typed and knows what might be wrong?
Is there a Lein command that one could run to get the project.clj version printed to stdout?
Oh ha, @timvisher. I see you asked just a few lines above
@nberger: I don’t have time to look at this in detail atm, but did you see that Timbre has a tool.logging facade?
timvisher: not quite the same, but I have a plugin designed to be used as an uberjar :prep-task which puts the current state of your git repo into an edn file in resources/ (with the idea that resources/ gets put in your jar of course)
@timvisher: with that plugin one can then use tar -t to extract deploy-info.edn from the uberjar
helps disambiguate what's running in staging for example
@danielcompton: I saw that time a while ago, but didn't thought about it for the PR... what would be the advantage of using the facade? To not provide the timbre implementation in the library but explain how to use from timbre by using the facade?
The timbre logger implementation is very short ( and it will not pull timbre as a transitive dep, so if you don't use it, you are fine
But perhaps I'm missing something @danielcompton
@nberger: there’s not an especially great advantage, but it gives one fewer codepath to go through
By the way, I can't find out how to use the tools.logging facade from timbre from the README, apart from a mention saying "tools.logging support (optional, useful when integrating with legacy logging systems)"
Also, I like it that I can use ring.logger.middleware with timbre with just (logger/wrap-with-logger app :logger-impl (ring.middleware.logger.timbre/make-timbre-logger)
instead of (logger/wrap-with-logger app)