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Hi all… I’m thinking about using lein checkout dependencies for some code that will be shared across maybe three Clojure projects and one ClojureScript project…
Just curious if anyone has done this and can give me a heads-up about things to watch out for
Specifically I’m wondering if it will mess up lein-cljsbuild or IntelliJ Cursive
…and also circleci build automation
@timgilbert: i've used checkout deps with clj and cljs projects... with cljs i did end up putting the checkouts/x/src paths onto src paths for some reason... figwheel reloading iirc
ghadi: should IReduceInit & co be considered clojure internals or do you really think it's safe to use in libraries?
Does anybody know what to do in this case? I thought the type at the top will be enough. Do I have to annotate Enlive's html/select
with :no-check
to force it?
mpenet: IReduceInit should be safe to use in libraries
although depending on use, you want to consider extending CollReduce instead
it's for a "recordset" instance and the way it's handled when used with sequence fns or reduce (lazy vs non lazy, efficiency etc)
it's similar to as well
yeah, that's fine
seems like I could have used iter-reduce, but the iter version in the lib I wrap is slighlty less efficient (some duplication between .hasNext and .next
I know about but IReduceInit is a bit lacking docs (even something minimal)
no, it's not doc'ed anywhere that I know of. maybe it's time to write a blog about it :)
someone did one related a while ago :]
That's mine :)
mpenet: thanks. I think during the 1.7 dev cycle there was a question about IReduceInit vs CollReduce, but now I'm solidly in favor of IReduceInit
It's a better interface (only one method, requires init value). The downside is no IReduceInit on clojure < 1.7.
Finally, after much deliberation, I've pushed out tools.namespace "0.3.0-alpha1"
Can someone explain to me why the (map ...) part doesn't get swap!-ed in?
(let [out (atom [])]
(swap! out conj "I appear in @out")
#(swap! out conj %)
["I don't!"])
;; ["I appear in @out"]
Try wrapping the (map) call with (doall) or (take 1). It's about lazy evaluation. You can also use mapv which is not lazy.
@directedglaph: Also, use doseq for a non-lazy iteration for side-effects