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Where do I store my config for environ? I figured it was supposed to be in .lein-env, but that seems to get overwritten. Do I have to use a local project.clj file? That seems a little kludgy, there has to be a better way
chris: use lein-environ and then yeah it goes in your leiningen profiles why is that clunky
Then I have a copy of my project.clj file that isn’t getting checked into source control
heroku manages it when it’s deployed, but I feel like there is a good solution locally without copying and git ignoring
tbqh not one that I know of.. heroku uses environment variable so I'd look at a make task or something that builds the environment from an ignored vars file and then runs your program
well, it looks like it supports having a local profile that merges into the project.clj at runtime. You can then just ignore that file and not worry about duplication. There is a PR to make the readme a little clearer, which would probably help.
Hello, do you know how can I prevent a (use-fixtures :once ...) from being run when I use test-selectors in leiningen ?
what is correct, lein do clean, trampoline figwheel
or lein trampoline do clean, figwheel
if i want to get target clean and figwheel running alone in the end? ps aux | grep lein
says that both end up with single process, but to be sure, what is the way to go usually?
@chris: re leiningen profiles:
@placeboza: zach oakes talk may have been the best of the conj last year:
@martinklepsch: thanks for your help. that blogpost was exactly what I needed. I’ve got it up and running now
@chris: nice! Just published it yesterday so that was a neat coincidence
@jackjames: Cool, I did try using play-clj already, just checking if that's still the way to go
placeboza: there’s also Arcadia:
The Arcadia library is pretty good, but if you haven't done any prev game development, the learning curve is intense because you both need to learn Unity and the Arcadia bits. I also recommend getting your stuff off their develop branch, a lot's been added and I don't think master's been updated in a pretty long while. this guy's made the most Arcadia games, so his stuff's a good resource. His hard library is also full of stuff you might wanna use in Unity.
(fn [biiig-data] (fn inner [] nil))
will the inner function capture biig-data
if it doesn’t use it?
yeah, I think it won't either. Easy to just look at the bytecode for the inner fn though
@yogsototh: hmm catching throwable doesn't seem to work either
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching clause: [:reason [
is your illegal argument exception coming from somewhere else? or does the stacktrace point at instaparse?
@tcrayford: hmm ok. what should happen if you give it something it can't parse?
super easy to wrap that in a thing that throws illegal argument exception if you want
cmd-f for "parse errors" in the instaparse readme:
ok got it... Instaparse return a failure object.... and I needed to check for that. DOH
Thanks @tcrayford
Does anyone have any links to blogs / vids / papers that discuss maintaining a code base in a dynamic lang vs a (properly) statically typed one? Bonus points if it discuss how gradual typing changes things or not
andrevdm: not what you asked for, but anecdotally things like prismatic/schema and unit tests make things much easier
@andrevdm: my favorite thing on this topic is this takedown of many of the studies done on static typing:
Ooo, interesting article. That's @tcrayford
Thanks, reading now. I've really enjoyed static typing lately but want to be kept honest about the actual advantages
the real tldr is that there are no reliable/good studies of static typing vs dynamic typing, or programming languages, or any other thing measuring programmer productivity. If you ever dig even slightly into any study, it always falls apart super fast. We (as an industry) literally have no even slightly evidence-based idea of what is good or bad that holds up.
No clojure, clojurescript, datomic, simulant, or generative testing talks at this years No Fluff Just Stuff conference =(
exactly, now I'm seriously considering setting up a meeting with my boss to talk about sending me to clojure conj instead
the real fun thing about that whole situation: I was reading a book published in *1971* that bemoaned exactly the same thing
That's actually why I asked, mystery . I recently learned about Arcadia and wanna try it out
Best place to ask about any Arcadia stuff is right here:
sanity checking: what's the benefit of putting lein plugins in the dev profile? smaller uberjar?
borkdude: for a lib, that can ensure that your plugin is not pulled in to a project using the lib
which usually is the right thing
@xeqi @noisesmith me neither
yeah, you guys are probably right
@borkdude: I can't think of a good reason for putting them in :dev offhand. I have put some in their own profiles in profiles.clj and aliased commands like lein eastwood = lein with-profile +eastwood eastwood
so that they wouldn't always be active and pulling in their transative deps and messing with other plugins
borkdude: if you’re building a library, :dev deps are good for dev/test, and aren’t part of the runtime deps
do some lein plugins depend on other plugins? yeah, in the case of figwheel that's true I think
then leiningen doesn't probably load dependencies of other tasks if you call one specific right? or maybe it does, because you can call multiple at once with do
this is where I start getting unclear, but I believe all plugins in the active profile get loaded
that is correct. All plugins in the active profiles are added to the lein' process's dependencies, downloaded, and checked for hooks/middleware
hi guys. a q about the 1.8 release - are there any perf numbers for the clojure lean runtime?
As I recall, lean runtime is a feature that was more or less dropped from this release. Rich didn’t want to go with a static linking approach and the various proposed lazy loading techniques don’t perform as well as desired. lein-skummet continues work on the lazy loading stuff and I have some static linking stuff on the back burner.
ghadi has something in the oven as well for CLJ 1.8 when JDK7 gets dropped and invokeDynamic can be used
I’ll want to pick your brains on those eventually, I haven’t seen anything concrete about build profiles yet.
@arrdem: don’t we have to drop Java 6 first?
@danielcompton: I thought we already dropped 6 and invokeDynamic was new in 7
wonder about jumping straight to Java 8, as 6 and 7 are both EOL
although I guess some orgs may have support contracts to extend this