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Mornin' ๐:skin-tone-2:
Aside from the firestorm burning up California and the out-of-control pandemic, yeah, I guess ๐
Roll on November 3rd. Although we likely won't know the final result for days. Maybe weeks. Argh!
Oh, I'm thinking it's going to be depressing news - no matter who wins - there's a'trouble brewing methinks.
Hey folks, I started a new contract on Monday (back in Java land for a bit), but a recruiter I have been working with has just sent me a spec for a company looking to hire some Clojure permies. I hope I am not out of line mentioning it in here (I know there is a #jobs), but I do seem to remember a few people mentioning that they were currently on the lookout. Ping me with a DM if anybody wants an intro. Cheers.
I should mention, I wont be asking for or taking any referral fees for this, just thought I would ask in case it helps anybody out.
Hi all, the recording of the following event is now available online: William Parker - Logic programming with clara-rules @ LNDCLJ
Thanks again for organising it @bruno.bonacci ๐... The talk was interesting!
seems to do what I want, in a test, I can "mock" out a function that calls to an external API
Not necessarily, you will have an orchestrating function that does this:
(-> (call-external-service) a b c)
And your test will do this:
(-> some-map a b c)
Instead of writing code like this:
(defn A [] (println "A") (B))
(defn B [] (println "B"))
Write this:
(defn A [] (println "A"))
(defn B [] (println "B"))
(do (A) (B))
Finally, if you really must do the side effect thing, use a protocol to mock the external service and pass it around. It'll cause you way less headaches, promise. e.g. if you ever turn on parallel tests in eftest.
(defn filter-for-valid-agreement
[policies to app-config]
(first (filter #(ac/query-for-associations (:agreementId %) to app-config) policies)))
the ac/query-for-associations
does a API lookup and returns a map or nil if an assocation is found.
so I redef'ed ac/query-for-associations
to return data that I'm interested in during my test.
it's important to behave the way I expect, i.e., either return the first of policy (that has an associations) or a nil result
a bug was discovered today that didn't take that into account, so I wrote a test specifically for that. I remember this being more scolding, but it doesn't seem to be now. But yeah, with-redefs is hard.
I'll keep that in mind and see if I can also take into account your suggestions too ๐ scalding :D
So yeah, use protocols if you're testing stateful functions. Try to pass the results of stateful functions around though instead. Avoid with-redefs always.