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(final episode of The Witcher starting now... OMG, such a good series so far!)


I watched the first one at the weekend. I will watch another 🙂


I think I'm drawn to dark(ish) sci-fi/fantasy shows


Saying that, I just could not get into The Expanse, even after 2 goes at it.

Eamonn Sullivan10:12:23

The expanse got better as went along. My wife and I watched the first series and were so thoroughly unimpressed that we left it until there was a series four. One of our kids insisted we try it again. We enjoyed it the subsequent series. I think it's because we hadn't read that far in the books, so we stopped comparing.


I gave it to the second, just didn't get into it - tried that process twice


Not for me 🙂

Eamonn Sullivan10:12:34

The Witcher is on our list for over the holidays...


I liked The Expanse but my wife didn't, so I think we left it halfway through season 1. At some point I may try to watch it again from the start but my wife is home nearly all the time so I don't get much time to watch stuff on my own (and we have so much to watch together -- between Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Disney+ -- that if something doesn't grab both of us, we just tend to forget it).


Really enjoyed Love, Death and Robots


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