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Hi all, could someone please advise how do I configure leiningen to use specific maven profile..
I'm not sure how to describe it. Some tech is "obvious", which I think means it's designed well
It's not flashy design, it's convenient design. Comfortable. Like someone made new slippers which however feel comfy and pre-lived-in.
And I'm surprised at the amount of interactivity you can get out of them using a very simple interface (a pilot)
At the same time, knowing how bad quality code usually is in hardware, and how much people want to track you these days... I get hella suspicious. Like Alexa. if it can track you/call home and you won't be able to tell, of course it's gonna do that.
My TV is over 10 years old, although I do have an Apple TV device plugged in (I got it free from work). It's basically my Netflix box.
Actually @lady3janepl, do you actually write IF stuff?
most of the time you would use the netflix/iplayer/prime app rather than the browser on a smart tv
(I've never written a full IF game, I only do storytelling live. Funnily enough I've been thinking about it this morning, I need a simple choose your own adventure engine for a teaching project.)
Feel like I missed a reference in the conversation somewhere. What is IF in the context above?
Ah ok 🙂
@lady3janepl what do you want this engine to do?
Alternatively I wrote a really simple implementation a while back, can dig it out if you’d like…
Yea, that’s really similar to what I did, just track state, have buttons for actions and then go nuts =)…
Actually if you want to do CYOA and storytelling together there’s something for that too!
what I'd like to do is show people the highs and lows of project management / software engineering (I told you, teaching project)
probably needs more input into actual text written than the engine. and definitely needs a paragraph to even describe an option.
(which is what makes something like inform not a good option, where the fun is in figuring out commands)
You know how people say this stuff is only learned in real life, through an apprenticeship. Maybe that'd be at least a taster.
We have an LG Smart TV -- but the web browser is really awful to use. We watch KQED (local public television) via their web site with it occasionally because we like some of their shows. And very, very rarely I cast from my laptop to the TV for some stuff. Mostly we just use the apps on the TV (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon).
For example, I’ve been trying to do some testing with the ps3 browser, and for whatever reason I can’t seem to display anything other than raw html and really basic js…
It's a cartoonish app that comes with the TV -- I haven't checked the user agent to see what it's based on (good idea -- I should try to remember that).
But it renders KQED's web site just fine, including CSS popovers etc and it renders video on their web site just fine.
(If we could connect a regular mouse/keyboard to the TV, it would aid usability a lot!)
IMHO so-called smart TVs are a solution looking for a problem. A TV is a TV - if I want it to do more, I'll use my 'puter.
And given that they (being the powers-that-be) are pushing ads into smart tv's that you can't turn off, then no thank you sirrreeee
I'm like above, I have a okay tv, with an appletv hooked up to it, running plex and iplayer.
you don't have to give it your wifi password
or does it refuse to work until you do?
Our Smart TV was $400 and it's a 42" Ultra HD screen. Our computers are in another room (the office).
@dharrigan I was of that opinion, but I’m tentatively changing my mind…
Oh, I don't mind buying a smart tv, it's probably all you can buy now, but I don't connect it to my network.
I suppose there’s little point interacting with it if it doesn’t gain you something, like a built in netflix client…, apparently a coin you mine on your phone