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At least in Ireland we understand that if you get the wrong result in a referendum it's OK to ignore people and do it again 😉
there's the real possibility that the country won'tt start up again if we do tthat
its been live-monkey patched enough
tthat noone understands the startup sequence
Although it did work in Jurassic Park, of course
I suspect that this aint the movies
@dharrigan - I strongly urge you to think about that question again... 🙂
I'm trying to understand how to use react-select component in a rum/cittrus project
I am looking at
but I don't understtand the meaning of [:>
is it a reagent render-as-js thing?
Actually I think the problem is in css; I am gettting white text on a white background so I'd assumed that the entire component was not working
(def select-combo (.createFactory js/React js/Select))
(defonce select-val (atom {}))
[:div (select-combo. (clj->js {:value @select-val
:options [{:value :chocolate :label "'Chocolate'"},
{:value :strawberry, :label "'Strawberry'"},
{:value :vanilla, :label "'Vanilla'"}]
:onChange #(reset! select-val (aget % "value"))}))
seems to give me somethinglet me know if you work out what [:>]
is for… I don’t recognize it… [:<>]
is fragment, but that’s the only weird one I know…
@ben.hammond happy about that XLM now?
oh I'd quite forgotten about it
(I'm still suspicious)
ah cool
you can trade it for real money at any of the big exchanges coinbase,gemini, kraken
@cfeckardt where did you source that graph?