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Bore da
😢 When you crash your Emacs by C-u M-x e
valuating an s/exercise
call that inserts 10mb of syntax-highlighted EDN into your code buffer.
Must remember to set a smaller max-depth before I do that on a recursive tree spec again
@rickmoynihan - oh noes!
([{:./+ #{:Z/- :+/X :j/- :y/Q}, :f/S #{:C/W :-/i :V/n :o/C :+/T :i/G :T/f :+/t :F/p :confused:? :!/V}, :!/I {:h/q {:*/D #{:n/g :y/w :x/? :q/x :y/s :z/b :x/B :T/t :y/u :C/. :./r :-/B}, :+/X {:t/_ {:C/! #{:t/e :s/p :!/L :b/_ :?/- :_/g :-/k :+/- :l/? :v/g :F/*}, :u/w #{:D/U :+/E :f/G :F/P :g/- :?/p}, :./+ #{:F/N :X/X :F/!}, :confused:. #{:T/j :X/I}, :S/E #{:*/T :_/? :B/.}, :V/e #{:J/O :B/o :u/! :U/? :U/H :c/_ :k/T :-/x :k/U :-/- :Y/E :+/l :q/w :+/? :+/_}, :D/k #{:Z/A :l/J :N/. :p/c :W/P :o/b :G/l :t/Y :I/L :*/. :./x :L/I :t/U :_/? :O/* :B/h :./* :h/e :b/X}, :+/v #{:./+ :D/_ :+/j :*/z :!/* :_/- :A/J :O/! :S/i :-/x :i/. :V/V :d/? :v/t :I/- :I/U :I/k :+/q :?/!}, :y/Z #{:k/n :u/b :*/Z :s/E :-/X :+/a :_/D :W/K :?/? :Q/Q :_/G :g/+ :v/g :M/e :M/J}, :B/p #{:c/W :Q/V :E/- :v/_ :a/j :d/c :w/l :G/? :!/x :T/A :l/? :L/_ :*/b}, :j/H #{:S/e :e/O :Q/z :./T :*/j :r/. :g/I :*/. :U/m :a/c :k/U :*/o :U/E :?/a :e/q}, :c/x #{:./s :L/i :?/A :Z/o :j/p :z/r :A/D :*/A :+/A :d/P :!/d :./- :+/s :I/+}}, :./J {:X/w #{}, :J/+ #{:j/* :r/p :+/+ :_/Q :?/F :Z/r :t/! :w/r :k/t :N/* :a/G :!/. :+/- :V/. :./? :l/e}, :W/N #{:_/? :Z/i :-/o :E/p :N/n}, :_/c #{}, :_/h #{:n/+ :_/D :q/! :c/x}, :s/* #{:L/h :l/J :!/r :!/s :S/g :N/I :B/? :G/W :Y/* :F/- :+/v :W/s :n/o :O/F :X/v :r/? :z/.},,,,,,
:flag-gb: Cervest Ltd has another role going live today ->
The only problem I have with magit is that the speed and muscle memory you develop can sometimes lead you to making mistakes you wouldn’t otherwise if you had a slower workflow e.g. accidentally pushing code to the wrong branch
@rickmoynihan - That right there is why I context-shift out of Emacs / Vim / whatever I am using and switch to a plain terminal to do my Git stuff.
especially for the complicated stuff, rebase, autostash, make a spin off branch etc
💯 true
I meant P -f p
, not P -f u
oh shit
I think it both helps and hinders it… It helps through better feedback and generally making it much easier… but it also makes the more complicated multi-step things so quick that your autopilot accidentally does the wrong thing. So I have to consciously slow down in those situations
the flip side is, if you’re already efficient with what you are doing, it might not be worth learning it, depends on your circumstances 😄
rebase interactive is so, so, so, good in magit
probably less than that, one of the good things about magit is how good the discoverability of it's UI is
there’s a new official magit forge-mode that integrates with github issues, PRs etc… and I believe other git services
@jasonbell - Thanks, looking now...
It may not have exactly what you need, it was a long ago. But it will get most of the heavy lifting done for you. More Java interop 🙂
@maleghast: take a look at geotools… ahh I see jasonbell pointed you at more-or-less that
@maleghast JUPGGIS!
hmm. that should be JUPGIS - (as in Just Use PostGIS)
Insert the Shapefile I have as a postgis table / db and then write a re-usable SQL query and *boom*
@maleghast roughly - and PostGIS has conversion and handling functions for just about every geospatial co-ordinate system
it doesn't need particular conversions iirc - it just needs the metadata for each system and will figure out the conversion for any pair of systems it has metadata for
i don't have a PostGIS install to hand - if you look in the PostGIS tables it's pretty easy to figure out if it has a particular co-ordinate system
and unless it's a very odd one, it will have it - it's got hundreds of them