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btw - if you know any folks in the NW who are clojure-curious, we've got a hands on workshop in a couple of weeks
(and if you fancy RT'ing the lambdamcr account as I know otfrom has done (🙂) that would be ace)
@alex.lynham I always RT them. If it haven't it is b/c I haven't seen it. 🙂
fighting the good fight 💪
(I was once called a shameless promoter of others in addition to being a shameless selfpromoter.)
well, that's what I've learned from the music scene... s'okay to plug your band as long as you plug your mates', right?
I'd say it works for me, but you did notice that I was shameless about both so... 😉
oooohhhh... could that be a new career for you @jasonbell?
Long time since I’ve sung anything @thomas and I won’t say what it is as @otfrom will only join in.
What can I say @jasonbell. There is something about you, baby...
I think we have just established that @jasonbell needs to sing and dance for us sometime!!! (while writing Clojure code of course 😉 )
your love for Strictly of course... because I don't think you are just watching because of the data analysis you can do with that and all the ML linear regressions stuff and all that funky Jazz.
but @jasonbell you are well known in Norn Iron circles as Jason "Snake Hips" Bell. Why else do you wear those cowboy boots if not to dance?
Those in question really should change my nickname to “wrecked hips” thanks to spinal cord/disc operation, I need heels hence the cowboys though I really should go for a pair of Cuban heels and give myself an extract inch in height.
I can’t dance at all…. the other reason I took up the bass guitar in 1986 so I could stand on the stage and not dance at all 🙂
@lady3janepl data scientists almost never work with facts. They only have numbers most of the time.
There’s a very dirty joke about mathematicians vs physicists that starts with zeno’s paradox and ends with “…but I’ll be close enough to her for practical purposes!”
@maleghast you are such a hippy
@lady3janepl that joke is about the difficulty of consensual hugs over long distances right?
we can smash the heteronormative capitalist patriarchy by filling in the blanks ourselves differently. 🙂
you have so many keywords in one sentence that I can imagine a zillion blockers triggered
on that topic, some of you guys might have seen it already, but if not, excellent entertainment value:
@lady3janepl if people are going to start blocking me for being a lefty, then they are doing me a favour. 🙂
is it weird that I want my emacs theme to be basically glowing bright insane colours
I'm not sure I can get it to actually make the screen kind of glow with the level of brightness so it might be another of my pointless quests
Just smear your screen with a thin layer of Vaseline and it will glow :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: (although this could also damage your screen or at least make it very sticky).