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@rhinocratic is it just that smug lisp weenies have consistently bad taste?
there is a special name for the group of consumers that always choose products that fail in the wider market. I wonder if we are them? 😄
That could well be the case. I freely admit to having owned a Betamax machine and backing Mercurial over Git. 🙁
morning...and yes, I also tend to prefer niche things. Not KC fan though (I have one album and I would expect I'd like the rest as well, just never got round to it), but an FZ fan.
@rhinocratic You missed a treat with Bruford.
I reckon so. Not that I have anything against Pat Mastelotto, of course.
@thomas Depending on the album really determines how our friendship goes forward LOL
@jasonbell as in which one I have?
@jasonbell does Three of a Perfect Pair conform to your standards?
you didn't have 21st Century Schizoid Man in the car or I would have given you a rendition of that
@jasonbell I sing along w/the instrumental bits of KC. I think you'd be in a secure unit when I was done.
mostly it's print but some stuff ends up online
Has any one tried nrepl 4.5 on clojure 1.8, java 1.8 and/or clojur 1.10x and java 9/10?
I was unable to get a prompt yesterday
once upon a time there was a perfectly serviceable 2-d grid of virtual desktops built in to macos itself... i have no idea why the got rid of it - the spatial navigation is so much more useful than with a list
i am, however, very much in favour of things like SIP. but it's painful getting from here to there
you used to be able to temporarily disable SIP, install totalspaces then re-enable SIP - i was ok with that
that was my first thought too… lol
Because, to me, that acronym is
(sorry, tangentially bringing the conversation back to yesterday afternoon )
it's clear which side of the auto-currying-ftw/wrong debate you are on @alex.lynham
haha I can see some of the benefits
I'm happy with partial the same way I'm happy w/ loop/recur. I don't mind the extra typing.

loop/recur is my least favourite thing in clj probs
it feels... inelegant in some way I can't pin down rationally 😛
it is clunky and explicit, but feels a bit less like magic compared to implicit tail recursion
I guess it feels clunky compared to reduce
generally when I use loop/recur I try to see if there is a way I can use map/reduce/etc
I quite like loop
/`recur` actually… It makes perfect sense to me, and I really like that it’s explicit about being tail called. In scheme etc, you only really know it’s safe by digging into the implementation.
Obviously I’d always reach for reduce
or a higher order variant first; but it’s not always possible or practical to use anything other than loop
e.g. if you’re implementing a stateful transducer.
I do like less magic. I think I might have been burned by too many years working on salesforce and zope (which have loads of magic in the environment)
magic makes things less readable for a maintainer unfamiliar with the thing that makes magic go
Hello! Feeling a bit silly didn’t really realise that I should look for a UK channel =)…
it’s called the English Channel, but don’t worry, I’m not the strongest in geography either 😉
The group looks pretty active, I’m based in Cambridge, is it a mix of people regionally? 😃
Brits, some Europeans, and even some ex-pats overseas 🙂
Until March 2019 I suppose :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :flag-eu:
Thanks @jasonbell 😃