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I know nothing 🙂 And broad generalities are a good place to get started, but aren't often clear from wikipedia.
going for a holiday?
danish is really norwegian as spoken by a drowning person @dominicm 😬
@mccraigmccraig other than being an invader of Britain, I don't know much about Norway either. Interesting to know that they have heavy overlap though 😁
other than that i know very little of denmark
Isn't it pretty flat? 🙂
So what you're saying is you've gone home to you roots?
Hamlet came from Denmark
Denmark is a place where there are no laws or criminal offences about public nudity.
@jasonbell Is technically correct, but in my in no way humble opinion Danish bacon cannot even hold the dimmest of candles to organic bacon I get up in Scotland.
@maleghast Don't worry, I'm under no illusion.
I hear their animal welfare is atrocious
oh Danish Krone is a thing; they have not joined the Euro
I once withdrew ten ttimes more money than expected from a cash machine at Copenhagen airport because of the wierd way they quote their foreig exchange
got a funny feeling pressinng the bottom left button on the cash machine
hosts annually, should you ever get into Groovy
'Danish Open Sandwich` is that still a thing?
Danish pastries probably are
Danelaw in England, obvs
once you pay the danegelt you never get rid of the Dane
not to mention the Scooby Doo dogs
Mads Mikkelsen
Sandi Togsvig - although the Danish woman that I know up in Scotland, who is a Trustee of our local Area Trust (think Parish Council, but not tied to a church) tells me that Sandi Togsvig is NOT Danish (having been in England a LOT longer than she was ever in Denmark)
Haha my wife left the village she was born in in 1987 and is still considered a local
folk who moved there shortly afterwards are not
identity is a strange and slippery concept
My brother has llived in the US since 1993 but still considers himself british
oh there was a clojure project recruiting in Copenhagen last year wasn't there
I quoted them an expensive daily rate and they got the hump
February 2017 Big public customer in Copenhagen Clojure/Datomic/Cassandra, 1 year contract anyone know who/what that was
I didn't really fancy the commute
Re locality, isn’t this something about shared cultural/childhood memories? Like when people bind strongly to others in childhood as friends, but then as an adult it’s pretty much impossible to start deep friendships because all the social slots are taken
when i moved to norway a long time ago an american guy who worked for the same company i did (sun micro) described norwegians as "leaving university with a group of 5 close friends who they keep for life, and only having room for new close friends if one of the old ones dies"
ha yes. My country is the cartoons that I watched as a kid
In this way the “local” slots have been taken already for the older locals, but for the younger generation the new person will become a local
which work when you belong to the younger generation but not the older
makes sense
Bore da pawb A classic read the manual error 😅
can I just say that using , (comma's) as white space is such a little detail of Clojure that makes things so much easier!
what timezone are you in?
BTW Glasgow Meetup next Wednesday
@ben.hammond I'm in UGT
I've really got to sort out actually being in Scotland rather than London when those are on.
(bean (TimeZone/getTimeZone "UGT"))
{:DSTSavings 0,
:ID "GMT",
:class sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo,
:dirty false,
:displayName "Greenwich Mean Time",
:lastRuleInstance nil,
:rawOffset 0}
I never heard of itt before
but it does work
if (tz == null) {
tz = parseCustomTimeZone(ID);
if (tz == null && fallback) {
tz = new ZoneInfo(GMT_ID, 0);
@ben.hammond - I am going to be in Scotland, but sadly unable to make the Glasgow meetup as I am going to be lone-parenting during the middle of the week.
I am signed up to the Meetup on, however and I am going to make it to some of them moving forward...
I get my knowledge of the world from
so I don't feel bad about not knowing
Would a talk about hiring developers be a relavant topic for our ClojureX conference. There have been a lot of questions in this channel recently. Thoughts?
Just wondering if one tangential topic adds or detracts from the conference
How many attendees work in Clojure full time? How many would like to? How many are hiring managers?
Over 85% of the audience at last year's conference were using Clojure at work. It seemed everyone else wanted to. When you are in small teams, which most Clojure shops are, then you are (or should be) involved in hiring in a meaningful way. I would be weary of leaving such an impactful decision only to a hiring manager (even if the hiring manager was someone wonderful like @otfrom).
might be the wrong target audience...?
well, "full time" on clojure is tricky as I'm CTO, but most of the code that I write is clojure or bash. 😉
all I mean is that if most attendees are frustrated java devs who would dearly love to get hired to do clojure fulll time
a talk on 'how to hire the people in this room' might be a little meta
conducting a job interview is one of those watershed life moments
you are never the same afterwards
where did the name 'Mastodon C' come from?
is it a 'Secret Water' reference?
Over 85% of the audience at last year's conference were using Clojure at work. It seemed everyone else wanted to. When you are in small teams, which most Clojure shops are, then you are (or should be) involved in hiring in a meaningful way. I would be weary of leaving such an impactful decision only to a hiring manager (even if the hiring manager was someone wonderful like @otfrom).
then it sounds like a good talk
that could trigger some strong audience opinions
put it in the just-after-lunch everyone needs to wake up slot
It is just an idea at this stage, no guarantee we will find a good speaker on this subject, just wanted to know how well it would be received before putting all the work in.
@ben.hammond Mastodon is a hadoop pun and C stands for Carbon Cloud Computing Control Console

I'd recommend a guided conversation on hiring. I went to one at codecraft and it was ace
(I ran one/two on FP later in the day which was fun)
But that would mean it's not just one person talking at a crowd, you've instead got 15-20 people constructively engaging with the topic and sharing