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late again, šŸ˜›


But it's Saturday @dominicm. Saturday! šŸ˜‰


I was up šŸ™‚


Dog needs his tablets no matter the day.


This is true.


I also feel really tired if I shift my routine


I'm really surprised I was left to sleep until 7:45 this morning. That's pretty unusual


I also went to bed around 10pm which is really unusual for me


But I feel more tired now than when I average 5 hours of sleep. Go figure šŸ™‚


grogginess from waking up in the wrong part of your sleep cycle


@maleghast I'd be curious to know which bits of my emacs config are the particularly confusing bits as I can document them better. I know some of the templates are a bit horrid (esp the org-capture ones)


I think the biggest problem might be the things in there I don't use any more that still hang around. I'm not good elisp coder tho so I try to keep things simple where I can.


and if things are complex in there it probably still reflects on my poor elisp skills


(and I've not updated it in aaaaaages)


@otfrom - My apologies; I should have made it clear that the whole subject rather goes over my head and that Iā€™ve never met an Emacs config I did understand. Itā€™s not your config specifically I am having trouble with, though it being expressed in Org was a new one on me, but rather that I am that terrible beast, the Emacs opportunist... I know how to use Paredit Mode to my advantage when coding in Clojure and I like the whole Cider + REPL integration that lets me test my code as I go without leaving Emacs, and I like the way that Spacemacs lets me Meta-x to find anything else I might need that I canā€™t remember the shortcut for. I know__ that I need to set aside some time to really get into the ribs of Emacs, IF I want to banish imposter syndrome (about Emacs, not all things) and move with confidence through this sphere, and to not be confused and intimidated by new approaches to config or indeed adopting new tools inside Emacs (e.g. Org-Mode, which I am trying out, or magit, which Iā€™ve had access to in every Emacs config Iā€™ve ever used, but I still donā€™t know how to use it).


However Iā€™ve never really set that time aside and so I am clueless


Or as near to clueless as makes no odds


At the very least I need a really good Emacs book, but frankly I would pay good money for a 3-5 day immersion course in Emacs for Clojure and ā€œThe rest of everything you want to do in your lifeā€


@maleghast have you had a look at the book I am writing. There is still a way to go, but it would be great to understand what people learning Clojure development want to know. Happy to spend an hour or two at SkillsMatter one night guiding you through this. Or just ask me lots of questions here on slack. Feel free to direct message me if you want. Thanks.


Heya John, that would be great - I will take a look this week while I am ā€œon the roadā€, and I will definitely take you up on asking questions on Slack if not a meet-up to talk Emacs at some point... :-)


I can self-teach, but I do better with someone leading the way. Perhaps the middle ground of an Emacs Dojo...


@maleghast why learn Emacs? Serious question. I used Emacs 20+ years ago then moved into other things. When I learned Clojure I decided to come back to Emacs since it was so popular with Clojure devs. I stuck with it for two years and then switched to Atom and I'm much happier.


I've seen some annoyances with protorepl and boot, does jump to definition work for you?


@dominicm Yes with the caveat that you jump to the source in Boot's cached file tree. But I rarely use jump to definition anyway I tend to do "show source" instead.


I mean, learning Emacs "properly" is a thing all in itself. You don't "need" it for Clojure. But do you have a reason for learning it specifically?


@seancorfield - I realise that there are alternatives, such as Atom and indeed Cursive, but I like Emacs. I like the way I can have a very full featured development environment in a terminal window. I like learning things, and the bits of Emacs I have learned so far give me joy.


Fair enough. I just keep getting annoyed with Emacs and going off to other editors. When I'm editing stuff on servers via ssh I use vi/vim but I wouldn't consider myself a power user with that so I haven't even looked at Clojure integration there.


I know what you mean about getting annoyed with it (Emacs) and going off to try other things; this is how I have a working knowledge of Cursive. I donā€™t call myself a vi(m) power user, but I am capable of ā€œgetting a lot doneā€ in vi(m), but when I started with Clojure it was a LONG way behind Emacs and so I decided to become UNIX ac/dc, i.e. a Vi(m) user that also uses AND likes Emacs :-)