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Haha, I was wondering why you hadn't said morning yet 🙂
How's the foot this morning?
hurts less, but still stings. Moving around seems to trigger it, I guess I instinctively am trying to move my toes when walking about, which is causing pain.
I think toes do a lot more than most people think, in terms of balancing.
morning o/
Bore da
Don’t forget ppl if you fancy a tech conference at the end of the year that isn’t Clojure eXchange - is pretty good value at £99+VAT for early bird tickets
This ad was brought to you by geordies r us (promotional board of the Tyne and Wear area)
Hullo everyone, intro time 🍉! I've been hanging out here for a little bit, time to step out of the shadow. I love the vibe here, people seem to be people--nice, friendly and knowledgable, so why not want participate 😜 Originally from Poland, last couple of years in London, representing Hackney. Studied Philosophy/Logic recently doing (sometimes creative) computering. Vim user, recent Spacemacs convert. Into music (trying to play guitar and learning about synthesis) and everything else 😉 Controversial: loving the weather in London this past month 😎 Recently in ❤️ with Clojure. Cheers!
it's controversial to say it out loud, as far as I can tell the protocol is to love it secretly but vocally complain about it
> love it secretly but vocally complain about it Of course. This is #clojure-uk. Makes perfect sense.
> This is controversial? I would argue that yes, but it's too hot for a heated argument. 😄
it’s controversial if you live or work in a building with no airflow and no aircon 😄 I’ve been running on 5h of sleep for some time now, but otherwise the weather is awesome
(I am secretly comforted by the ritual of “if you’re new in any place in the UK, just talk about weather and everyone will accept you as one of theirs”)
a colleague of mine is refusing to lower the inside temperature in the office because he is 'too cold'. it's currently set to 24.
somehow i think it's more acceptable to wear another layer of clothing than it is for me to sit topless
Oh the profile picture, no, that’s a pasteup I took a photo of. this artist 🙂
I am trying to be motivated - I arrived home last night to discover that a Kickstarter reward that I backed over 2 years ago, that I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT had been delivered and was on my sofa... I have unboxed, and now it is sitting, looking at me, saying "You want to read me and open all the things and not do any of that boring work"
tell us what the kickstarter is, maybe it’ll work like getting an earworm out of your head
I worry that trying Pomodoro out for the first time today may lead to more breaks than productive bits...
@lady3janepl - Invisible Sun from Monte Cook Games - I have a Black Cube... (i.e. the full set)
25 mins with no distractions / no slack / phone / etc leads to quite focused work ive found
I can only really manage like 8 cycles then my brains trashed, but it usually lunch by then
Oh yeah, I backed the Numenera Second Edition KS as well and that got delivered on the same day - well some of the rewards, I am waiting for a bunch more books from Numenera and Invisible Sun
OK, I am going to read up on Pomodoro ^^ and see if I can install org-pomodoro under SpaceMacs
@lady3janepl - I backed Invisible Sun just over 2 years ago, I back Numenera Second Ed about 18 months ago.
Since then I have adopted a similar rule, but there will be a bunch of books that have to be "grandfathered in" to my collection.
But I am going to make my wife's month and give away a load more of my fiction paperbacks in the next month or so.
you're going to forget about them in a couple of weeks, until next year you go search for one of them only to remember you gave it away and start hating yourself
> There’s a “brainless period”, a “concentrated period” and a “thinking/decision period” There's a famous article about that from HBR.
I stumbled onto the concept through a cheesily-named book, something something Productivity Ninja
(otoh coming back to old favourites I haven’t seen for 10 years was weird, some of them aren’t so good anymore. A case of meeting your childhood heroes?)
@bronsa - That may happen, but if it does I will buy the book in question on Kindle
Anyone got a good recommendation for "Getting Started with Org-Mode" or similar..? I need a whistle-stop, 30 minutes on how to use the m'f'er...
you can also have slack “remind me” after hour. trying to get the best tools possible isn’t worth it with these things, cos the variety is distracting.
The thing is on this computer, when doing work I do live in Emacs, so Org-Mode does make a LOT of sense...
@maleghast you can, @otfrom does
I really don't have time to try and understand it, or shift to someone else's Emacs setup right now, so I am going to pin that to "later" 😉
I should drive over to Dundee and pay Bruce for some one on one time to get myself up to speed at some point - that's probably the way to do it...
@maleghast re: org-mode
it's quite easy (with some self discipline ;p) to learn org in layers
to you just need to know that *
begins a headline and indicates level and that you can open and close with TAB
and you have a very basic but useful outliner
other than that, I've got some notes from when I was learning:
caveat: might not be very clear cause I was making notes as I was going along (not intended to be public) and there might be some spacemacs specific stuff: keybindings with "leader" spc
and local leader ,
the gist is an org file itself (export of a subtree from an org file) so you can check out the raw version as well
here is another one with keybindings (again some will be spacemacs specific):
I am using Spacemacs but in HolyMode, so I am using oldskool key bindings in a lot of places... You've definitely got me up and running - I have two Org files now, and I am playing with TODO and nesting...
@maleghast The basics of org mode don’t take long. Once you have TODO and scheduling you can add something like org-pomodoro on your TODO items
Yeah, I am afeared of the org-pomodoro; too much complication on top of already learning something new...
Also I get worried about installing new packages into my Emacs setup and then buggering something up and thereby screwing up my productivity (not that I have been very productive this morning if I am entirely honest), even though I know intellectually that all I have to do is copy my .emacs.d and move it out of the way and then if I do screw anything up all I have to do is blow away the broken one and bring back the backup... I realise that my brain and reality are not best friends very often...
I am so worried about upsetting the apple cart that I have not bothered to tweak my current setup so that I am always in Holy Mode and Paredit mode whenever I load a Clojure / ClojureScript file.
I am still putting up with the inconvenience of having to remember to set my modes when I start work...
In a similar issue to needing to learn Org-Mode I have magit and I am STILL not using it!
I even manage my emacs packages as git submodules -- it's a PITA when adding new packages as I have to resolve the transitive deps manually, but that means my emacs never breaks as everything is pinned and versione
Woah there nelly, you are not going to persuade me that doing anything with a Git Submodule is a good idea
if a library has a breaking change I rollback to the previous working revision until I feel like spending some time updating
I think (based on horrible nightmare experiences) that Git submodules are the work of Satan
I'm having a problem trying to load a local mach extension... Given the context....
bash-3.2$ ls *.edn
Machfile.edn deps.edn dockerize.mach.edn
bash-3.2$ cat Machfile.edn
mach/import [[dockerize {}]]
bash-3.2$ cat dockerize.mach.edn
hello (println "yolo")
I'd expect mach dockerize/hello
to produce "yolo". But instead mach cannot find the target.@cddr - I wish I could help you there, but all you are managing to do is make me feel even more imposter syndrome as I have no idea WTF you are talking about...
Ah sorry. It's in reference to juxt's "mach" project
Oh right, yeah, I have heard of that... In fact I think I have played with it in the past, and used it to do a walkthrough of a deployment test that Jon wanted to try out a few months ago, but it had been popped off my memory stack... 😉
I make jokes about the JavaScript ecosystem, but honestly Clojure / ClojureScript moves so bloody fast and I barely manage to keep up with any of it these days...
I am forever re-reading Github repo pages and thinking "I am sure I've read this before"
This may be directly a function of getting older, trying to do the work of four people by myself and commuting Scotland to London most weeks, or it might just be that I am not as good at any of this than I like to think I am... I'll let you work out which one keeps me awake at night and paralyses me with decision fatigue more often than not... 😉
ok, another mach problem... (or at least mis-understanding of it on my part) It seems that within the context of an extension, you can't depend on a target defined in that extension. For example, given the extension file foo.mach.edn file:foo.mach.edn
{foo (println "foo")
bar {depends [foo]
update! (println "bar")}
I'd expect to be able to run mach foo/bar
which would trigger foo/foo as a dependency but I actually get "Target dependency not found: foo"