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(BTW, this was about the only channel where I left clueless Sean Michael Murphy's messages -- he spammed a bunch of channels and sent unsolicited DMs to a lot of people, so he was deactivated and his messages deleted in most channels)
As an Admin, I feel obliged to apologize for his clueless arse... 😞
Y'all are gracious 🙂
Morning gracious people ☀️
Think I might have to go for a run today
morning morning
close to falling asleep pre-coffee as for some reason I wanted to make kafka run in travis to run integration tests 💤
what's stopping you @thomas?
maintenance is a thankless job 😬
has anybody here used or experimented with Kinesis?
I don't particular like it.... doing some new function at the moment... but still need to understand how some of it works.
@alex.lynham Once you accept how it works, how you can't tune it and how the consumer per shard allocations work, then it's good. I prefer Kafka and @otfrom knows I get angry about these things like lack of partition calculations, disk i/o tuning, broker RAM/message ratios and stuff like that. 🙂
@jasonbell but you guys are also using kafka right? What's the calculation that makes you prefer one or the other
@alex.lynham I have my own reasons. I am though happy to use what works for the delivered solution in hand.
So I'm happy with both as long as you aware of the caveats you need to keep in mind.
right, and caveats are mainly about control of the platform at a configuration level I guess
and maybe the persistent log?
@alex.lynham Either way I'd be looking to sink out all data to S3 somehow. I prefer to keep my Kafka logs not too big either. All depends on the use case. Kafka Connect has made that a lot easier, I used to write Kafka Streams to dump to S3 on a separate consumer group.
right, so you're not a fan of infinite logs then I take it? As far as I can tell, besides tunability that's the Kafka USP (maybe connect too, for legacy systems? idk)
other people I've talked to are often dumping out kafka results into s3 artifacts tho - what serialization/file format are you using?
tho other formats might work better depending on what you want to do with it and what your performance demands are
anyone here an awk guru perchance ?
@mccraigmccraig Sadly I still Google awk things
Mornin' 🙂
anyone interested in scripts to snapshot/restore cassandra keyspaces scalably with sstableloader - including between different clusters and restoring to a different keyspace ? @otfrom ?
it's here should you need it @otfrom